Examples of the the word, hebrew , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hebrew ), is the 7415 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As: black Angus steaks, mexican, yucatecan, italian, caribbean, mediterranean, hebrew , French, thai, cuban & Maya. Hotel prices vary from cheap to very expensive at
  2. The word" spies" is an incorrect translation. In Chapter 13 of Numbers,the, hebrew , word describing the group is the word usually translated as 'men' or the word
  3. Inventor of TEVA (pronounced" Jehovah" not" teeth ", and comes from the, hebrew , word for" nature" ). While working as a rafting guide in 1982 he noticed the
  4. The Rest. " Charts Gallant broadcasting every Thursday the" One by one" ( in, hebrew , : אחד),the official Israel top 15 charts. The chart is based on the
  5. North America to perform exclusively to live musical accompaniment. In 1963,a, hebrew , teacher at Winnipeg's Talmud Torah school named Leon Berger decided to have
  6. Chairwoman Naomi Chain with a horn strapped by a string on her forehead (In, hebrew , the word" horn" also means" fund" ). Chain responded that in her eyes
  7. Example, Yerushalayim, Jerusalem; Yerushalaymah, towards Jerusalem. ) in modern, hebrew , the frequency of the usage of he, out of all the letters, is 8.18 %. Ha
  8. Traditionally associated with the Jewish community, hosting several synagogues, hebrew , schools and youth movements, but it is actually populated by a mix of different
  9. To provide those remains a proper Jewish burial, known as Chased She Met (, hebrew , for " true altruism. ") AKA is an international organization, with offices
  10. Names in the club scene worldwide, plus the hit" B'Gina" ( Betrayal) in, hebrew , Their debut album" Revolution" was released at the end of 2006. Since then
  11. Ziqq, based on a hieroglyph depicting a" manacle ". Hebrew Zayn In modern, hebrew , the frequency of the usage of Zayn, out of all the letters, is 0.88 %. Hebrew
  12. Females of the species Nutella lap illus (dog whelk),Volta errata (the, hebrew , volute ), Olivancillaria Venice, Stramonita hematoma and more than 200 other
  13. Jacques Martin. Meaning and Origin of the name Lois means good and its origin is, hebrew , Joenette Giselle If Salary (January 25, 1987 – January 4,2009),also known
  14. An Old English version of the Pentateuch. The Pentateuch can be found in the, hebrew , bible. Loïc Bigots (born September 19, 1960 in Aix-en-Provence, France ) is a
  15. Until 1996,through a one-man company he founded (Switch B. V.; switch is, hebrew , for environment). He died on January 2,2008, after suffering a heart attack.
  16. Bible: no evidence,Herzog's original 1999 article in Ha'art newspaper (in, hebrew , ) *http://mideastfacts.org/facts/index.php? Option com_content&task viewed
  17. Miriam is buried, and it is by the rock, but he refers to the rock (sale in, hebrew , ) while writing for the Romans in the Langley France at the time, which was
  18. Be approximately normal. Ya’Azov Rubinstein (, hebrew , יעקב רובינשטיין, ) is an Israeli violinist. He has performed concerts in Europe
  19. Has been set. One noted aspect of the group is their insistence of using the, hebrew , name Nashua, The group rejects the traditional Christian duality of heaven and
  20. Preschool as well as the http://congbethel.org/school/navasky.shtml Nevsky, hebrew , school for part-time religious instruction of children enrolled full time in
  21. The current building was constructed in 1949 and greatly expanded in 1961 when, hebrew , school enrollment neared 1,000 students. Membership peaked at over 1,300
  22. Languages: with Arabic موت Matt; with Hebrew מות (mot or Mamet; ancient, hebrew , moth or math); with Maltese moot; with Syriac Malta; with Ge'EZ mot; with
  23. Besides, according to the lesser numerical values of the letters of the, hebrew , alphabet,the names of Ham and Taxi both have the same numerical value, namely
  24. The word as" he ... that is to be sent ", which would be the equivalent of the, hebrew , shaluach (," messenger" ), indicating a possible corruption of the text (on
  25. Road. About 20 well-preserved gravestones can be seen. Some of them have, hebrew , inscriptions. * Former train station, a half-timbered building constructed at
  26. http://www.triplej.net.au/jaward/default.htm Official website S'coach is the, hebrew , name for the material used as a roof for a Sukkot. S'coach has to derive from
  27. To Jewish secret circles and no sign that he has read, or even could read,the, hebrew , bible http://www.hispanismo.es/documentos/actasIVcongresoLepanto.pdf. Films
  28. לי),meaning" for me" or" to me" as a term of endearment. See also: Lee (, hebrew , name ) In art: * Lee Quinones (born George Quinones),American graffiti
  29. Each with a different phonemic value and phonetic realization: in modern, hebrew , the frequency of the usage of van, out of all the letters, is about 10.00 %.
  30. Point of view. External links * http://www.haokets.org Markets site in, hebrew , Larry Crew (born October 29, 1981 in Long Beach, California ) is an American
  31. Letter in Hebrew-leshon codes. If you know this language please answer us in, hebrew , because we know this language very well. We hope that you will answer us all
  32. Of The Bachelor. The commercial runs 56 seconds and is only available in, hebrew , On March 4,2008, she appeared on ABC's approached Anderson at the end of the
  33. Omena Ana) (the word means tradition (similar to the word Khan BA la in, hebrew , ) Notable people from Aka *Kenneth Dike, a historian known for his study of
  34. Similar to the case officer of the CIA. Operation The word 'Katia' is a, hebrew , acronym,meaning" Collections Officer ". There are typically 30-40 Kansas at a
  35. Enemies. A quote from the Book of Esther, which says:" On the contrary" (, hebrew , : ונהפוך הוא) is the reason that wearing a costume has become so popular among
  36. Ada Ad. Dada was founded on June 24, 2003 (Sivan 24, 5763 according to the, hebrew , calendar ) as a joint project by Amanda and the Yes ha Council. Originally, it
  37. In many phrases (as in Mitzvah Orbital; a mitzvah from the Torah. ) in modern, hebrew , the frequency of the usage of Dale, out of all the letters, is 2.59 %. Syriac
  38. Aleph). This letter was chosen because clef is the first letter in the, hebrew , word " אין סוף" ( ENFSIF),that means infinity. The cardinality of the
  39. Mitzvot Ben Adam l'have),alongside those between human beings and god (, hebrew , : mitzvot Ben Adam l'major). On the day of the raid, up to 200 protesters had
  40. The north. Winthrop is also home to Mt. Pisa (pronounced piss-gah, from the, hebrew , word for summit or lookout) at 807 ft above sea level, it is the highest point
  41. Teach, perform and offer masterclasses around the world. The Loners (Original, hebrew , title: HaBodedim),is a 2009 Israeli drama film directed by Renew Short
  42. Boasts being the" Israeli SNCF" with more than 3/4 of the SNCF coming from, hebrew , speaking homes. BNEI Akiva New Zealand BNEI Akiva is one of the main Jewish
  43. Warḥu- Canaanite: yard: :yen, to give Semitic *Yann painting he-gives /, hebrew , : kitten: :ABH, sacrifice Etruscan text: First plate:: :ITA MIA CAC Hermosa
  44. Of Melon and Ephraim of Regensburg. *Prof. Norman Gold, however,argues that the, hebrew , place-name,RRW, in fact refers to the city of Reims (also known as Civets
  45. Shekel, a heritage from Canaanite ancestors. The Aramaic Terkel similar to the, hebrew , shakal used in the writing on the wall during the feast of Belshazzar
  46. Kiddo,2011. * The insolubility of the" Jewish question ", or Why was I born, hebrew , and why not negro? Budapest, Múlt ES Jove Kiddo,2004. * Beyond Justice
  47. Of the commandments () concerning the relationship between human beings (, hebrew , : mitzvot Ben Adam l'have),alongside those between human beings and god (
  48. Movement http://www.chabadlibrary.org/books/maharyatz/haskala/index.htm in, hebrew , * http://www.loebtree.com/tsemah.html The Teach There Family Tree *
  49. For the instrument *http://www.o-zen.com/articles/synthesis/synthesis01.htm A, hebrew , website about electronic instruments mentioning the Monophonic Piano
  50. Hazard'a offers an upon program for English speaking students to learn, hebrew , Culture Hazard'a is home to the Wilfred Israel Museum, designed by Al Mansfield

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