Examples of the the word, freezing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( freezing ), is the 7406 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Do; this has been somewhat controversial. The richer provinces often favor, freezing ,transfer payments, or rebalancing the system in their favor, based on the
  2. Humid air eastwards over Bermuda, helping to keep winter temperatures above, freezing , The climate is humid and, as a result, the summer heat index can be high
  3. S lack of a 'master plan '. " Warner Bros. presented Struck with warming or, freezing ,Gotham City (later to be used in Batman & Robin). Struck gained inspiration
  4. As snow, and the average temperatures for these two winter months is near the, freezing ,point. During winter, the weather is dependent on which latitude the Atlantic
  5. There is an average of 34.3 days with minimum temperatures at or below the, freezing ,mark. The record high temperature was on July 1,1942. The record low
  6. Can be expected over 45 days, but high temperatures that do not climb above the, freezing ,mark are rare. True blizzards are rare but possible; one hit in March 1993. Ice
  7. Settle to the bottom of the tank. At this stage, the beer is cooled to around, freezing , which encourages settling of the yeast, and causes proteins to coagulate and
  8. On clear nights, even in tropical areas, sky facing radiators can cool below, freezing , If a circular building is aerodynamically smooth, and cooler than the ground
  9. Stout. Each of these beers are made using the aback method of fractional, freezing , in which a strong ale is partially frozen, and the ice is repeatedly removed
  10. Only region in Alaska in which the average daytime high temperature is above, freezing ,during the winter months. The climate of Anchorage and south central Alaska is
  11. Winters are mild on the plains with the temperature never falling below the, freezing ,point. The desert climate is characterized by hot and very arid conditions.
  12. Snow in the winter. This insulation of snow often keeps the water from, freezing ,in and around the food pile, providing a location where beavers can breathe
  13. Allow the excavation to take place below. Construction crews also used Ground, freezing ,to help stabilize surrounding ground as they excavated the tunnel. This was the
  14. Forty below zero can be followed by unseasonable warmth with temperatures above, freezing ,due to Chinook wind effects. Summers can be warm and dry for extended periods
  15. Temperatures (25 °C; 70 °F),even when the outside air is below the, freezing ,point of water (0 °C; 32 °F). Cylinder unloaders are a method of load control
  16. Allowing polar winds to cover the area, and the temperature dips to below, freezing ,(rarely below during the day and during the night). If the European continent
  17. And ether could be used to drive down the temperature of an object past the, freezing ,point of water. They conducted their experiment with the bulb of a mercury
  18. The Dog's Dave, a 29 % ABV barley wine made in 1994,used the same fractional, freezing ,method. A 60 % ABV blend of beer with whiskey was jokingly claimed as the
  19. United States; winters are mild for Astoria's latitude, generally above, freezing , even at night, and wet. Summers are cool, although short heat waves can occur.
  20. Driven by masses of polar air, temperatures on the coast frequently drop below, freezing ,and makes it feel bitterly cold. Winter snow storms do occur, but are rare and
  21. Wet, but rainfall is rarely excessive, and the temperature usually stays above, freezing , Spring and autumn feel quite similar, and the temperatures tend to stay above —
  22. Dense as the water molecules begin to form the hexagonal crystals of ice as the, freezing ,point is reached. This is due to hydrogen bonding dominating the intermolecular
  23. Concrete is an established product in warm climates, and in development for, freezing ,climates. In freezing climates, the elimination of storm drains can often still
  24. On the type of beer. Additionally, lagers, at this point, are aged at near, freezing ,temperatures for 1–6 months depending on style. This cold aging serves to
  25. During the night cause the temperature in the Sahara to fall occasionally to, freezing ,point. ) Farther south, the heat is to some extent modified by the moisture
  26. Such as the expansion of corrosion products of the steel reinforcement bars, freezing ,of trapped water, fire or radiant heat, aggregate expansion,seawater effects
  27. Their leaves. By the end of November, temperatures usually range around the, freezing ,point. The coldest temperature ever measured was in Litvínovice near CESE
  28. Product in warm climates, and in development for freezing climates. In, freezing ,climates, the elimination of storm drains can often still pay for enough land
  29. Field theory. Like a metastable phase in statistical mechanics—water below the, freezing ,temperature or above the boiling point—a quantum field would need to nucleate a
  30. Project undertaken beneath railway lines anywhere in the world. The ground, freezing ,enabled safer, more efficient excavation, and also assisted in environmental
  31. Where the surface dries out prematurely. Care must also be taken to avoid, freezing , or overheating due to the exothermic setting of cement. Improper curing can
  32. That in parts of the United States and Europe, and temperatures can fall below, freezing ,in winter. Precipitation levels vary widely. Most of Brazil has moderate
  33. Franklin concluded," From this experiment, one may see the possibility of, freezing ,a man to death on a warm summer's day ". In 1820,British scientist and
  34. Of a surface of 1 / 600 000 square meter of a black body at the temperature of, freezing ,platinum under a pressure of 101 325 newtons per square meter. In 1979,because
  35. Is. Temperatures at or above occur more than 40 days per year; overnight, freezing ,can be expected over 45 days, but high temperatures that do not climb above the
  36. Factoring in the wind chill, the felt air temperature in winter can fall below, freezing , 0 °C (32 °F),even though the actual temperature rarely drops below 10 °C (
  37. Mean temperature to 0 °C,based on the assumption that temperatures at or below, freezing ,all have the same effect on plants, and delineating between -10 °C and -30 °C
  38. On the luminance of a Planck radiator (a black body) at the temperature of, freezing ,platinum. The value of the new unit was chosen to make it similar to the
  39. Pacific, but on occasion (and not every winter) heavy snowfalls and below, freezing ,temperatures arrive when modified arctic air reaches coastal areas for
  40. Averages 88 days below and 18 days when the minimum temperature falls below, freezing , The lowest recorded temperature was on January 31, 1949. Snowfall is rare in
  41. Celsius' scale was inverted compared to today, the boiling point at 0 °C and, freezing ,point at 100 °C. In 1745,Linnaeus inverted the scale to its present standard.
  42. Of the candela definition, specifying the atmospheric pressure applied to the, freezing ,platinum: The candela is the luminous intensity, in the perpendicular direction
  43. Rock gets less snow, and is more apt to see ice storms, however,sleet and, freezing ,rain are expected throughout the state during the winter months, and can
  44. Calibrated with a value of 0° for the boiling point of water and 100° for the, freezing ,point. In 1745,a year after his death, the scale was reversed by Carl Linnaeus
  45. And maltier version; and aback, a much stronger version made by partially, freezing ,the beer and removing the water ice that forms. Originally a dark beer, a
  46. Soviet winter that precipitated massive German fatalities due to starvation and, freezing , have been immortalized in several films of German, Russian,British and
  47. Temperatures of. It is then stored for 30 days or longer close to the, freezing ,point, and during this storage sulfur components developed during fermentation
  48. Cooling by Evaporation, Franklin noted that" one may see the possibility of, freezing ,a man to death on a warm summer’s day. " Temperature's effect on electrical
  49. Or alpine grasslands, at altitudes of. Above, where temperatures are below, freezing , is the" Terra held ", a zone of permanent snow and ice. Vegetation also
  50. The ambient temperature was. Franklin noted that soon after they passed the, freezing ,point of water () a thin film of ice formed on the surface of the thermometer

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