Examples of the the word, eighteen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( eighteen ), is the 7416 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In thirty-three of those cases, and served as amicus in the remaining, eighteen , They listed forty-four volunteer attorneys who assisted them in those cases.
  2. Depending on the sources) and the lunar wheel, whose fire was less intense, eighteen ,(or nineteen) times. Its hole could change shape, thus explaining lunar
  3. The composition of Obadiah must be held tentatively. Contrast to Amos In verse, eighteen , it says that once judgment has been carried out,“ There will be no survivors
  4. Nazi Germany. It sold 2.5 million copies in twenty-five languages in its first, eighteen ,months in print. In 1930,the book was adapted as an Oscar-winning film of the
  5. The result was the January Uprising of 1863–1864 that was suppressed after, eighteen ,months of fighting. Hundreds of Poles were executed, and thousands were
  6. Current technical staff: As of 23 October 2009. Managers There have been, eighteen ,permanent and five caretaker managers of Arsenal since the appointment of the
  7. Passes through Thun, and then flows through the city of Bern, passing beneath, eighteen ,bridges and around the steeply-flanked peninsula on which the Old City is
  8. Laid the foundation for two decades of on-field success. This period included, eighteen ,consecutive winning seasons (1968–1985) -- an unprecedented run of success
  9. 24 federal judges: six Justices to the Supreme Court of the United States and, eighteen ,judges to the United States district courts. Supreme Court appointments Major
  10. From an early age. She was educated by private governesses until she was, eighteen , Her study of languages, literature,science and history was broad, and she was
  11. He was taken to Salem for trial. Brown was tried in June 1799. And sentenced to, eighteen ,months in prison, the most severe sentence ever imposed under the Sedition Act.
  12. Argues that the original was actually thirty-six books, which would mean that, eighteen ,books had been lost). The surviving eighteen books cover the period from 353
  13. And growth. Local governments The Adelaide metropolitan area is divided between, eighteen ,local government areas, including,at its center, the City of Adelaide, which
  14. Of Hurricane Ike, forcing the Ravens to play for what would eventually be, eighteen ,straight weeks. With its record at 2–3 after consecutive losses to Pittsburgh
  15. Armies and marched on Paris. This lack of unity in France would allow Henry, eighteen ,months to prepare militarily and politically for a renewed campaign. When that
  16. Court are appointed by the president. Administrative divisions Angola has, eighteen ,provinces (provincial, singular - provincial); Bingo, Benguela,Be, Cabinda
  17. Career in the sewers of Paris. His role as tutor lasted until the Duke became, eighteen ,years old, in September 1838. Cauchy did hardly any research during those five
  18. Professor of mathematics at the University of Lyon. Ampere claimed that" at, eighteen ,years he found three culminating points in his life, his First Communion, the
  19. Returns as a beggar and meets the wife and child in a poignant mood Caves, eighteen ,and nineteen Cave 18: Princess looking in mirror: The Santa masters have shown
  20. He gathered a force of about 900 Portuguese,200 Hindu mercenaries and about, eighteen ,ships. He then set sail from Goa to Malacca, against the orders of the kingdom
  21. The UDR, and in uniform at the time, and the killing by the Provisional of, eighteen ,members of the Parachute Regiment in the Warren point Ambush-seen by some as
  22. Take the world by storm. We are fleeing from ourselves, from our life. We were, eighteen ,and had begun to love life and the world; and we had to shoot it to pieces. "
  23. 2006 awards in Dubai. Par afield Airport,Adelaide's second airport, located, eighteen , kilometres (11.2 mi) north of the CBD, is used for small aircraft, pilot
  24. To the Hebrew Scriptures" appears at 1:12. (Actually there were more than, eighteen , ) According to the professional Jewish scribes, the Sphere, the text of 1:12
  25. Was trained and educated as a member of the aristocracy. At about the age of, eighteen , he went to Athens to continue his education at Plato's Academy. Aristotle
  26. Police officers in urban areas. Administrative divisions Angola is divided into, eighteen ,provinces (provincial) and 163 municipalities. The provinces are: Bingo
  27. The Lesser Sundas. In 1603,an average quality sarong-sized cloth traded for, eighteen ,kilograms of nutmeg. Some of these textiles were then on-sold, ending up in
  28. In them, onions,garlic, celery,lettuces, poppy,carrots, cabbages,etc., eighteen ,in all. In the same way the physic garden presents the names of the medicinal
  29. Figures from the Negro Leagues were chosen in that election, in addition to the, eighteen ,previously selected. Following the 2010 changes, Negro Leagues figures will
  30. Himself played the character Jerry Waters. Where he appeared in a further, eighteen ,plays. He left the Stoke company in 1964,officially to commit his time to the
  31. Alexander king of Serbia under a regency until he should attain his majority at, eighteen ,years of age. His mother Natalia Obrenović became his regent. In 1893,King
  32. Triumph in the 1941–42 season by winning their first ever students title. The, eighteen ,goals scored by local player Amadeo Amadeo were essential to the Alfred
  33. In his autobiography, there was nothing that he had not learned when he reached, eighteen , A number of different theories have been proposed regarding Avicenna's Madras
  34. Transmission. Aside from the loss of the first thirteen books, the remaining, eighteen ,are in many places corrupt and lactose. The sole surviving manuscript from
  35. And 2005 under Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. All candidates must be at least, eighteen ,years old; there are no term limits. The election uses the MMP electoral system
  36. Idea of capital punishment disgusted him. After he left home before the age of, eighteen , his main interest in life was his opposition to the death penalty, which he
  37. Books, which would mean that eighteen books had been lost). The surviving, eighteen ,books cover the period from 353 to 378. As a whole it has been considered
  38. The sudden death of his father. He was barely of age according to Egyptian law;, eighteen ,in cases of succession to the throne. For some time he did not cooperate very
  39. Prepared by M. L. Bislichis, contains: (1) Preface; (2) a treatise of, eighteen ,chapters on the in corporeality of God; (3) correspondence; (4) a treatise
  40. India appeared to give him much pleasure. From the end of 1888,the Amir spent, eighteen ,months in his northern provinces bordering upon the Oxus, where he was engaged
  41. 1471,third child and second son of his parents, who had between fourteen and, eighteen ,children. His father was a successful goldsmith, originally named Autos, who
  42. Opponent of Octavian if not appeased, also required land. There were as many as, eighteen ,Roman towns affected by the new settlements, with entire populations driven out
  43. Omissions, were recited at Matins, twelve each day from Monday to Saturday, and, eighteen , on Sunday. The omissions were said at Lauds, Prime and Compline. Psalms
  44. Mission to Prussia and death In the autumn or at the end of 1008 Bruno and, eighteen ,companions set out to found a mission among the Prussians; they succeeded in
  45. Was born and brought up in Abergavenny until she moved to London at the age of, eighteen , * Malcolm Nash the cricketer famous for bowling to Gary Sobers who hit six
  46. Stewardship of their properties and of her literary and artistic work for the, eighteen ,months he survived her. His estate left the remainder to the National Trust.
  47. Ampere claimed that he knew as much about mathematics and science when he was, eighteen ,as ever he knew; but, a polymath, his reading embraced history, travels,poetry
  48. 17th century, practical alchemy started to evolve into modern chemistry, In the, eighteen ,century," alchemy" was considered to be restricted to the realm of" gold
  49. A poll conducted of the American people in December 1999,Clinton was among, eighteen ,included in Gallup's List of Widely Admired People of the 20th century. He has
  50. Respond to Biruni's criticisms in writing. Abu RayBan began by asking Avicenna, eighteen ,questions, ten of which were criticisms of Aristotle's On the Heavens.

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