Examples of the the word, lessen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lessen ), is the 7413 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. We mean to sell so low as merely to repay us cost and charges, so as neither to, lessen ,nor enlarge our capital. This is what private traders cannot do, for they must
  2. Capital and invest heavily in military industries. North Korea's desire to, lessen ,its dependence on aid from China and the Soviet Union prompted the expansion of
  3. In food, and to develop energy, industry,and tourism to enable Morocco to, lessen ,its dependence on foreign loans. The plan called for significant expansion of
  4. For their lives, as identified during therapeutic conversations, could, lessen , the distressing content of dreams, while understandings about life—and even
  5. Development was wrapped up by Al. Elite was an attempt at rebranding to, lessen ,confusion for those people who didn't realize that K-Ninja was based on
  6. Counters are used to develop a steady rhythm. Drum muffling pads may be used to, lessen ,the volume of drums during practicing. Electronic drums Some drummers use some
  7. Some drummers use an insulation-style filling or foam in the bass drum to, lessen ,the" ringing" sound. Drummers often use a variety of accessories when they
  8. Genuī, genitus (to beget, to cause) ** minus, minuere, minuī, minūtus (to, lessen , to diminish) ** run, ruere, ruī, rutus (to collapse, to hurl down) ** strut
  9. Rather than raise the prices of their products, the brewers had been forced to, lessen ,the quality of the malt and hops, which had produced an inferior brew
  10. Was left of the building, as some frieze blocks were sawn in half to, lessen ,their weight for shipment to England. Independent Greece When independent
  11. Blindisms. Management The main goals when treating children with autism are to, lessen ,associated deficits and family distress, and to increase quality of life and
  12. Because of the physical quantity of men within the unit, although it can, lessen ,a unit's morale and limit the unit's ability to maintain readiness and
  13. Or be otherwise disabled; or to selectively reduce the number of fetuses to, lessen ,health risks associated with multiple pregnancy. A pregnancy that ends before
  14. No basis in fact, but that his original point was," not to label Baum, or to, lessen ,any of his magic, but rather, as a history teacher at Mount Vernon High School
  15. Profitable aquaculture cooperatives promote sustainable practices. New methods, lessen ,the risk of biological and chemical pollution through minimizing fish stress
  16. Plant as being sacred or magical. Its leaves were used in moderate amounts to, lessen ,hunger and pain during work, but were mostly used for religious and health
  17. TRY) at a rate of 1,000,000 old to 1 new Turkish Lira. While this does not, lessen ,the actual value of a currency, it is called redenomination or revaluation and
  18. Is sought after by allergy sufferers as the pollen impurities are thought to, lessen ,the sensitivity to hay fever (see Other medical applications below).
  19. Into the natural landscape, which create a false sense of security and could, lessen ,mountaineers' sense of responsibility for their own safety. (It was not
  20. Last for up to three to six months. Tapering down the dose during pregnancy may, lessen ,its severity. If used in pregnancy, those benzodiazepines with a better and
  21. Not coincident, so using both scales to note focused distances can sometimes, lessen ,the need for interpolation. Many autofocus lenses have smaller distance and DOF
  22. By which it lives. We hold the commonwealth in trust for prosperity, and to, lessen ,or destroy it is to commit treason against the future" ( Sound familiar? Look
  23. Cells. Use of condoms and other precautions are a medically recommended way to, lessen ,risk of infections. Unprotected receptive anal sex is the most risky sexual
  24. Weapon is indistinguishable to most observers from a standard pistol, this may, lessen ,attention from media or potential attackers as to the security measures that
  25. And increasing the profitability of the table. These machines are also used to, lessen ,repetitive motion stress injuries to a dealer. Note that the shuffling machines
  26. Decline of UK home deliveries by milkmen are household refrigerators (which, lessen ,the need for daily milk deliveries) and private car usage (which has
  27. Who said,'Sit down and be quiet. We know better than you. '" In order to, lessen ,the threat of political dissidents and other exiles, relatives of the accused
  28. Process for" kinder, gentler dams with smaller reservoirs, designed to, lessen ,social and environmental impacts ", claiming that no project should "
  29. He may play a point card or any high card of the most numerous suit he has, to, lessen , the chance he may get stuck with that suit and so gets more point cards. Play
  30. Previously male dominated profession the elemental role of nursing in order to, lessen ,the aggravation of patient mortality which resulted from lack of hygiene and
  31. Does not have a set deadline for agencies to adopt the change, in order to, lessen ,any time or monetary burdens on the government during a prolonged economic
  32. But are usually of a sub acute level of severity. Such symptoms do gradually, lessen ,over time, eventually disappearing altogether. Benzodiazepines have a
  33. And chip-area goals. CPUs designed for lower performance markets might, lessen ,the implementation burden by: * Acquiring some of these items by purchasing
  34. Typical antipsychotic tranquilizers will not end an LSD trip, it will either, lessen ,the intensity or immobilize and numb the patient, a side effect of the
  35. As many as six children. The state provides t'ageism (nurseries) in order to, lessen ,the burden of childbearing for parents and offers a seventy-seven-day paid
  36. Coast, catapulting the issue of land ownership into headlines. In order to, lessen ,the difficulty of drilling at such a remote location and transporting the oil
  37. And trees is inhaled in an attempt to promote health and well-being and to help, lessen ,a patient's discomfort following surgery" as an example of complementary
  38. From the witness, or to impeach the credibility of the testifying witness to, lessen ,the weight of unfavorable testimony. Cross-examination frequently produces
  39. To prior advertising, Listerine will not help prevent colds or sore throats or, lessen ,their severity. " For a short time, beginning in 1927,the Lambert
  40. Cited by their detractors as problematic actually helped protect the palate and, lessen ,stress. Another possibility for handling large prey is that theropods like
  41. And water. In order to provide a certain degree of local autonomy as well as to, lessen ,the financial burden of the central government, a " local budget system" was
  42. And Art 1935–1961 By this time his interest in writing fiction began to, lessen ,and he turned to creating sculptures from soft rock such as soapstone. Many
  43. The collapse of the USSR. Proponents of nuclear disarmament say that it would, lessen ,the probability of nuclear war occurring, especially accidentally. Critics of
  44. Compositions are primary explosives mixed with other compositions to control (, lessen ,) the sensitivity of the mixture to the desired property. For example, primary
  45. Leader Mikhail Gorbachev is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to, lessen ,Cold War tensions and open up his nation. *1997 – The first supersonic land
  46. In American history. Proponents of nuclear disarmament say that it would, lessen ,the probability of nuclear war occurring, especially accidentally. Critics of
  47. The predominance of natural history, books and manuscripts began to, lessen ,when in 1772 the Museum acquired its first antiquities of note; Sir William
  48. And of the nobility. Very few students were enrolled in the academy in order to, lessen ,the faculty's teaching burden, and the academy emphasized research and offered
  49. Balancing machine, a machine that balances mechanical rotating parts to, lessen ,vibration. * Battery balancing, matching the State Of Charge in the cells in a
  50. Fiber, perhaps especially that from whole grains, is thought to possibly help, lessen ,insulin spikes, and therefore reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. The link

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