Examples of the the word, ant , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ant ), is the 7407 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Its claws enable it to dig through the extremely hard crust of a termite or, ant ,mound quickly, avoiding the dust by sealing the nostrils. When successful, the
- Which are viewed as examples of convergent evolution. A Malaysian species of, ant ,in the Camp Nou cylindrical group has enlarged mandibular glands that extend
- Ants into an attack frenzy and attracts more ant s from further away. Several, ant ,species even use" propaganda pheromones" to confuse enemy ant s and make them
- Biology of social insects. Development and reproduction The life of an, ant ,starts from an egg. If the egg is fertilized, the progeny will be female (
- These inquiries can bear a close resemblance to ant s. The nature of this, ant ,mimicry (myrmecomorphy) varies, with some cases involving Batesian mimicry
- The colony will have single or multiple queens. The Australian jack jumper, ant ,(Armenia Missoula) has only a single pair of chromosomes (males have just
- To resolve the classification and systematic of ant s. Online databases of, ant ,species, including Airbase and the Hymenoptera Name Server, help to keep track
- By walking. Some species are capable of leaping. For example,Jerdon's jumping, ant ,(Harpegnathos Salvador) is able to jump by synchronizing the action of its
- The caterpillar is then taken into the ant s' nest where it feeds on the, ant ,larvae. Fungus-growing ant s that make up the tribe Acting, including leaf cutter
- Ant that enters a colony without a matching scent will be attacked. Parasitic, ant ,species enter the colonies of host ant s and establish themselves as social
- Species are completely blind. Some ant s such as Australia's bulldog, ant , however, have exceptional vision. Two ant ennae (" feelers" ) are attached to
- The best path. Ants use pheromones for more than just making trails. A crushed, ant ,emits an alarm pheromone that sends nearby ant s into an attack frenzy and
- Castes of" workers "," soldiers ", or other specialized groups. Nearly all, ant ,colonies also have some fertile males called" drones" and one or more fertile
- Comes from hydrocarbon-laced secretions that coat their exoskeletons. If an, ant ,is separated from its original colony, it will eventually lose the colony scent
- e. g., foraging or nest maintenance) other colony members belong to. In, ant ,species with queen castes, workers begin to raise new queens in the colony when
- To its host. A variety of methods are employed to enter the nest of the host, ant , A parasitic queen can enter the host nest before the first brood has hatched
- Available and use other olfactory and tactile cues to navigate. Some species of, ant ,are able to use the Earth's magnetic field for navigation. Ants' compound
- By workers. Food is given to the larvae by prophylaxis, a process in which an, ant ,regurgitates liquid food held in its crop. This is also how adults share food
- pl ant 's leaves with their jaws and ultimately killing it. Other associated, ant ,species appear to do nothing to benefit their hosts. Similar mutualisms with
- That best suits the fungus. Strepsipteran parasites also manipulate their, ant ,host to climb grass stems, to help the parasite find mates. A nematode (
- A role in allowing ant s to colonize islands. Polyrhythms Monclova, a species of, ant ,found in Australian mangrove swamps, can swim and live in underwater nests.
- Insects. They have an edible elaiosome-like structure and are taken into the, ant ,nest where the young hatch. Most ant s are predatory and some prey on and obtain
- Ants form symbiotic associations with a range of species, including other, ant ,species, other insects, pl ant s,and fungi. They are preyed on by many animals
- From its original colony, it will eventually lose the colony scent. Any, ant ,that enters a colony without a matching scent will be attacked. Parasitic ant
- This ant -fungus mutualism, both species depend on each other for survival. The, ant ,Allotments decemarticulatus has evolved a three-way association with the host
- And branches along the way reaching into the extremities of the appendages. An, ant ,'s head contains many sensory organs. Like most insects, ant s have compound
- On pl ant sap. The sugars in honeydew are a high-energy food source, which many, ant ,species collect. In some cases the aphids secrete the honeydew in response to
- This form of parasitism is seen across many ant genera, but the parasitic, ant ,is usually a species that is closely related to its host. A variety of methods
- From the main column can sometimes turn back on themselves and form a circular, ant ,mill. The workers may then run around continuously until they die of exhaustion
- Complex problems. The family name Homicide is derived from the Latin (", ant ,") from which the words in other Romance languages such as the Portuguese
- Are sensitive in the ultraviolet region of the light spectrum. In some army, ant ,species, a group of foragers that get separated from the main column can
- And even certain fungi. Some arthropod species spend part of their lives within, ant ,nests, either preying on ant s, their larvae and eggs, consuming the ant s' food
- And new estimates suggest that nearly 9 % of all pl ant species may have such, ant ,associations. Some pl ant s in fire-prone grassland systems are particularly
- In honeybees. A wide range of reproductive strategies have been noted in, ant ,species. Females of many species are known to be capable of reproducing
- By an obstacle, the foragers leave the path to explore new routes. If an, ant ,is successful, it leaves a new trail marking the shortest route on its return.
- And breeding females have the ability to mate. Contrary to popular belief, some, ant , nests have multiple queens while others can exist without queens. Workers with
- By the acacia as part of a symbiotic relationship with certain species of, ant , which also eat them. Acacia is listed as an ingredient in Sun Drop, Fresca, a
- As agricultural science. Agriculture is also observed in certain species of, ant ,and termite, but generally speaking refers to human activities. The history of
- Action of its mid and hind pairs of legs. There are several species of gliding, ant ,including Deflates stratus; this may be a common trait among most arboreal
- Killing surrounding pl ant s with their stings and leaving a pure patch of lemon, ant ,trees (Aurora hirsute). This modification of the forest provides the ant s
- Only for ant s that are older and are likely to die soon of natural causes. Most, ant ,species have a system in which only the queen and breeding females have the
- Nest (bivouac) from their own bodies, by holding each other together. Weaver, ant ,(Mesophyll SPP. ) workers build nests in trees by attaching leaves together
- Subsequently dies. Suicidal defenses by workers are also noted in a Brazilian, ant ,Cornelius pus illus where a small group of ant s leaves the security of the nest
- Risk. Diurnal desert ant s of the genus Catalysis such as the Sahara desert, ant ,navigate by keeping track of direction as well as distance travelled. Distances
- Known (with upper estimates of about 22,000) (see the article List of, ant ,genera),with the greatest diversity in the tropics. Taxonomic studies
- As Greenland, Iceland,parts of Polynesia and the Hawaiian Islands lack native, ant ,species. Ants occupy a wide range of ecological niches, and are able to exploit
- Their Strumigenys perplex hosts. This form of parasitism is seen across many, ant ,genera, but the parasitic ant is usually a species that is closely related to
- Species (such as Terrarium cesium) attack and take over neighboring, ant ,colonies. Others are less expansionist but just as aggressive; they invade
- Is its tough skin. The aardvark has been known to sleep in a recently excavated, ant ,nest, which also serves as protection from its predators. One of the most
- In 1966,E. O. Wilson and his colleagues identified the fossil remains of an, ant ,(Sphecomyrma Fran) that lived in the Cretaceous period. The specimen
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