Examples of the the word, pulmonary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pulmonary ), is the 7418 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Their family in 1810,and his mother died a year later from consumption (, pulmonary ,tuberculosis). Poe was then taken into the home of John Allan, a successful
  2. That yearand Man of Two Worlds was published in 1986). He died of a massive, pulmonary ,embolism while recovering from surgery for pancreatic cancer on February 11
  3. Pass through the pulmonary circulation. Angiotensin I also disappears in the, pulmonary ,circulation due to its conversion to angiotensin II. Furthermore, angiotensin
  4. Investigation showed rapid conversion occurs during its passage through the, pulmonary ,circulation. Bradykinin is rapidly inactivated in the circulating blood, and it
  5. Deficiency of the pulmonary valve that permits regurgitation from the, pulmonary ,artery into the right ventricle.:; Pulmonic stenosis: Narrowing of the
  6. Can be a symptom of an underlying health issue such as chronic obstructive, pulmonary ,disease (COPD),heart failure, or heart arrhythmia. Abnormal and pathological
  7. The body — called the systemic circulation — through the lungs — called the, pulmonary ,circulation — and then back out to the body. This means that the heart is
  8. To the artist Judith Libyan, widow of B. Libyan, a cartoonist who had died of a, pulmonary ,embolism. Bixby married Judith in late 1993,just six weeks before he collapsed
  9. In the vascular system carry oxygen-rich blood, except in the case of the, pulmonary ,artery. Structurally, arteries divide and subdivide repeatedly, eventually
  10. Dysplasia, anuria/Liguria, oligohydramnios,intrauterine growth retardation, pulmonary ,hyperplasia, patent ducts arterioles, and incomplete ossification of the skull.
  11. Crystals, lightning,cauliflower or broccoli, and systems of blood vessels and, pulmonary ,vessels, and ocean waves. DNA and heartbeat can be analyzed as fractals. Even
  12. By cells, to the lungs to be exhaled. However, one exception includes, pulmonary ,arteries, which contain the most deoxygenated blood in the body, while the
  13. Of the beating of the heart **Angina sectors or severe chest pain, as well as, pulmonary ,hypertension (PH) **Cardiac arrhythmia or abnormal electrical activity of the
  14. Tachycardia, arrhythmia,anxiety, headache,tremor, hypertension,and acute, pulmonary ,edema. Use is contraindicated in people on nonselective blockers, because
  15. Of this vessel forms the ascending aorta in tetrapods (the remainder forms the, pulmonary ,artery). A second, dorsal aorta carries oxygenated blood from the gills to the
  16. Of Vienna from 1851 to 1853. Doppler died on 17 March 1853 at age 49 from a, pulmonary ,disease in Venice (also at that time part of the Austrian Empire). His tomb
  17. Protected against military TB and other noncontagious forms of TB, and not, pulmonary ,TB which was a disease of adults, and that mass immunization campaigns with BCG
  18. Bronchospasm, pruritus, fever,diffuse alveolar infiltrates without effusions, pulmonary ,and systemic eosinophilic, chest pain, lung trauma, sore throat, asthma,hoarse
  19. And other reasons, BCG was therefore given to time with the peak incidence of, pulmonary ,disease. Routine immunization with BCG was withdrawn in 2005 because of falling
  20. Arrangement of the great vessels (superior vent cave, inferior vent cave, pulmonary ,arteries, pulmonary veins, and aorta).; Ventricular septal defect: Defect in
  21. Valve: Disorders of the pulmonary valve that separates the right ventricle and, pulmonary ,artery.:; Pulmonary regurgitation / pulmonary insufficiency: Deficiency of the
  22. Other cardiovascular diseases,Parkinson's disease, and chronic obstructive, pulmonary ,disease. Causes The biopsychosocial model proposes that biological
  23. Separates the right ventricle and pulmonary artery.:; Pulmonary regurgitation /, pulmonary ,insufficiency: Deficiency of the pulmonary valve that permits regurgitation
  24. The great vessels (superior vent cave, inferior vent cave, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary ,veins, and aorta).; Ventricular septal defect: Defect in the ventricular
  25. Of cells that form the aortico pulmonary septum that separates the aorta and, pulmonary ,artery is derived from cardiac neural crest. This contribution of the neural
  26. Fails to divide.; Tetralogy of Ballot: Set of four anatomical abnormalities:, pulmonary ,stenosis, overriding aorta, ventricular septal defect, and right ventricular
  27. Who created the world-famous Adirondack Cottage Sanatorium for the treatment of, pulmonary ,tuberculosis at Saran ac Lake, New York State. Edward was succeeded by his son
  28. Artery or the root of the internal carotid, and the six arch contributes to the, pulmonary ,arteries. The smooth muscle of the great arteries and the population of cells
  29. La Fave, Register of Deeds,901 N. 9th St). It indicates the cause of death as, pulmonary ,tuberculosis. Arthur Blake's grave is listed as Evergreen Cemetery (now Glen
  30. His retirement in 1987. Delete, a heavy smoker, suffered from a debilitating, pulmonary ,ailment throughout the final 25 years of his life. In his last decade this
  31. Arteries, which contain the most deoxygenated blood in the body, while the, pulmonary ,veins contain oxygenated blood. Additional return flow may be generated by the
  32. Enzyme (ACE),which removes a further two residues, and is found in the, pulmonary ,circulation, as well as in the endothelium of many blood vessels. The system in
  33. Opium eater ", ( i.e. a laudanum addict). Emily and Anne both died of, pulmonary ,tuberculosis in December 1848 and May 1849,respectively. Charlotte and her
  34. Circulating blood, and it disappears completely in a single pass through the, pulmonary ,circulation. Angiotensin I also disappears in the pulmonary circulation due to
  35. Of Wild fell Hall appeared in 1848. Anne's life was cut short with her death of, pulmonary ,tuberculosis when she was 29 years old. Anne Bronte is somewhat overshadowed by
  36. They are carcinogenic to animals (including humans). Chronic berylliosis is a, pulmonary ,and systemic granulators disease caused by exposure to beryllium. Acute
  37. Using a balloon catheter to force it open.; Pulmonary valve: Disorders of the, pulmonary ,valve that separates the right ventricle and pulmonary artery.:; Pulmonary
  38. The Gaelic theory of humorism, while In alkalis' discovery of the, pulmonary ,circulation contradicted the Gaelic theory on the heart. Reintroduction to the
  39. Of chronic coronary ischemia, including symptoms of angina at rest and flash, pulmonary ,edema. A distinction should be made between myocardial ischemia and myocardial
  40. Through veins. It then enters the right ventricle and is pumped through the, pulmonary ,artery to the lungs and returns to the left atrium through the pulmonary veins.
  41. From person to person, and thus rarely if ever causes secondary infections. A, pulmonary ,anthrax infection starts with ordinary influenza-like symptoms and progresses
  42. Although medical and literary scholars have speculated that longstanding, pulmonary ,problems, combined with palliative opiates, contributed to her decline.
  43. Tuberculous meningitis in the pediatric age group, but its efficacy against, pulmonary ,tuberculosis appears to be variable. As of 2006,only a few countries do not
  44. Pulmonale: Untreated cor pulmonale can cause right heart failure from chronic, pulmonary ,hypertrophy.; Ventricular hypertrophy: Hypertrophy of the ventricle.:; Left
  45. Artery.:; Pulmonary regurgitation / pulmonary insufficiency: Deficiency of the, pulmonary ,valve that permits regurgitation from the pulmonary artery into the right
  46. The pulmonary artery to the lungs and returns to the left atrium through the, pulmonary ,veins. Blood then enters the left ventricle to be circulated again. Arterial
  47. Artery into the right ventricle.:; Pulmonic stenosis: Narrowing of the, pulmonary ,valve opening that reduces blood flow through the valve.; Tricuspid valve:
  48. Given the contextual facts, it is much more likely that Chopin suffered from, pulmonary ,tuberculosis. Many people who had not been present at Chopin's death would
  49. Ferreira, showed the conversion is inhibited during its passage through the, pulmonary ,circulation. Bps are members of a family of peptides whose potentiating action
  50. Reason, it is still extensively used even in countries where efficacy against, pulmonary ,tuberculosis is negligible. Reasons for variable efficacy The reasons for the

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