Examples of the the word, assassination , in a Sentence Context

The word ( assassination ), is the 7405 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hardin Barbarossa to expel the Spaniards. RUC came to Algiers, ordered the, assassination ,of Selim, and seized the town and ousted the Spanish in the Capture of Algiers
  2. China, in 1909; and Time quest (2002),in which a time traveler prevents the, assassination ,of John F. Kennedy, resulting in an altered subsequent history. A few movies
  3. On context. The young Octavius came into his inheritance after Caesar's, assassination ,in 44 BC. In 43 BC, Octavian joined forces with Mark Antony and Marcus Arminius
  4. Was the 16th President of the United States, serving from March 1861 until his, assassination ,in 1865. He led the country through a great constitutional, military and moral
  5. Era as" one of the unhappiest chapters in American history. " Attack and, assassination ,attempt The first presidential attack was against Jackson. Jackson ordered the
  6. Statesman (b. 1920) * 1975 – Clay Shaw, American lawyer and John F. Kennedy, assassination ,investigator (b. 1913) *1982 – Hugo Theorem, Swedish scientist, Nobel Prize
  7. 1875) was the 17th President of the United States (1865–1869). Following the, assassination ,of President Abraham Lincoln, Johnson presided over the Reconstruction era of
  8. 1747 when he was assassinated by his own guards. The guards involved in the, assassination ,did so secretly to prevent the Alkalis from coming to their King's
  9. Further suppression of personal freedom for the Russian people. Finally,the, assassination ,inspired anarchists to advocate" 'propaganda by deed'—the use of a spectacular
  10. Of a post-Hitler government drawn up by the conspirators behind the July 1944, assassination , plot to kill Hitler. The list had a question mark and the annotation" to be
  11. Plan did not apply to all states under Reconstruction. Shortly before his, assassination ,Lincoln announced he had a new plan for southern Reconstruction. Discussions
  12. Usurpation vary somewhat in minor points. Diodorus Siculus tells us that on the, assassination ,of his father, the tyrant Jason of Pherae, in 370 BC, his brother Polydorus
  13. Previously fallen in love with one of her husband's servants, and after the, assassination ,tried to escape with him, but they were captured and killed. However
  14. Alfonso XIII and ENA were returning from the wedding, they narrowly escaped an, assassination ,attempted in Paris by the anarchist Mate Moral; instead, the bomb explosion
  15. Third Gallic Legion. It was the rumor of Alexander's death that triggered the, assassination ,of Elagabalus. As emperor,Alexander's peace time reign was prosperous. In
  16. In front of the District of Columbia City Hall in 1868,three years after his, assassination , Lincoln's name and image appear in numerous other places, such as the Lincoln
  17. Johnson was the first vice president to succeed to the presidency upon the, assassination ,of a president and the third vice president to become a president upon the
  18. That Hitler intended to take the German people down with him. Speer's supposed, assassination ,plan subsequently met with some skepticism, with Speer's architectural rival
  19. Of the Several dynasty. He succeeded his cousin Elagabalus upon the latter's, assassination ,in 222,and was ultimately assassinated himself, marking the epoch event for
  20. Proposals to intervene by force of arms. With encouragement from the successful, assassination ,of his father, Alexander II, in 1881,the Peoples Will planned the murder of
  21. Upon the death of a sitting president. Reconstruction Northern anger over the, assassination ,of Lincoln and the immense human cost of the war led to demands for harsh
  22. A generally liberal course. Despite this he was a target for numerous, assassination ,attempts (1866,1879,1880). On members of the Narodnaya Volga (People's
  23. Caligula ends up admitting his absurd logic was wrong and is killed by an, assassination ,he has deliberately brought about. However, while Camus possibly suggests that
  24. With the resistance of most of the warriors, who were opposed to the king's, assassination , As a result, the Lombard garrison in Minimum proclaimed Duke Clef the new
  25. Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre in Washington’D. C. His death marked the first, assassination ,of a U. S. president. Lincoln has been consistently ranked by scholars as one
  26. Intellectualism is dead. " Einstein also learned that his name was on a list of, assassination ,targets, with a" $5,000 bounty on his head. " One German magazine included him
  27. Malaria, ( 502 – 531) was king of the Visigoths from 526 until his, assassination ,in 531. He was a son of king Alaric II and his first wife Theodegotho, daughter
  28. S personal flag) of Alexander II was lowered for the last time. Aftermath The, assassination ,caused a great setback for the reform movement. One of Alexander II's last
  29. 11 other people were killed and 30 wounded. Assassination After the last, assassination ,attempt in February 1880,Count Loris-Melikov was appointed the head of the
  30. Banned racial segregation in interstate travel. *1948 – Jorge Eliezer Gaitán's, assassination ,provokes a violent riot in Bogotá (the Bogota),and a further ten years of
  31. On March 4,1865. Johnson succeeded to the presidency upon Lincoln's, assassination ,on April 15, 1865. As president, he took charge of Presidential Reconstruction
  32. In 1882 that imposed conditions on the Jews as a people for their role in the, assassination ,of Alexander II. Anti-reforms During the campaign in Bulgaria he had found by
  33. A man who killed a late-term abortion doctor; the storyline was inspired by the, assassination ,of abortion provider George Tiller. In other animals Spontaneous abortion
  34. On 13 March (1 March Old Style Date),1881,Alexander fell victim to an, assassination ,plot in Saint Petersburg. As he was known to do every Sunday for many years
  35. Vice President Johnson was sworn in as President at 10:00 am the day after the, assassination , Lincoln lay in state in the East Room, and then in the Capitol Rotunda from
  36. Robert Cochran, who was elected President in March 1998. Following the, assassination ,in Parliament of Prime Minister Vaughn Saroyan and parliament Speaker Karen
  37. While legal scholars placed him second after Washington. President Lincoln's, assassination ,made him a national martyr and endowed him with a recognition of mythic
  38. Of allies loyal to Lucius; on 15 March, the anniversary of Julius Caesar's, assassination , he had 300 Roman senators and equestrians executed for allying with Lucius.
  39. Kidnapping. *2010 – Widespread rioting erupts in Karachi, Pakistan,after the, assassination ,of a local politician, leaving at least 85 dead and at least 17 billion
  40. Was the Emperor of the Russian Empire from 3 March 1855 until his, assassination ,in 1881. He was also the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Finland. Early
  41. Was anti-Jewish pogroms and legislation. A third consequence of the, assassination ,was that suppression of civil liberties in Russia and police brutality burst
  42. Drifts without her crew and crash-lands in Daly City, California. *1945 – An, assassination ,attempt is made on Japan's prime minister, Kantaro Suzuki. * 1945 – Pay, the
  43. Pa vane, which takes place in a technologically backward world after a Spanish, assassination ,of Elizabeth I allowed the Spanish Armada to conquer England, the possibility
  44. He died, aged 69,at 5:20 pm on 22 November 1963,several hours after the, assassination ,of John F. Kennedy. Huxley's ashes were interred in the family grave at the
  45. 1974 – Yuk Byung-soo, First Lady of South Korea, is killed during an apparent, assassination ,attempt upon President of South Korea, Park Chung-hee. *1975 – Bangladesh's
  46. As a result of the Russian Revolution of 1905. A second consequence of the, assassination ,was anti-Jewish pogroms and legislation. A third consequence of the
  47. Returned and slew Abner at the gate of Hebron. The ostensible motive for the, assassination ,was a desire to avenge Sahel, and this would be a sufficient justification for
  48. His illness, an alternate fate for James Wolfe at Quebec City, no Julius Caesar, assassination , a different outcome of Aaron Burr's duel amongst other stories. All episodes
  49. Surrey, England. Media coverage of Huxley's passing was overshadowed by the, assassination ,of President John F. Kennedy, on the same day, and the death of the British
  50. Under direct control of Massed for the period from October 1996 until the, assassination ,of Massed in September 2001. In total, estimates range up to one million

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