Examples of the the word, ho , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ho ), is the 7409 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Not diacritics) are used to modify the tone: *ห นำ ho Nam, leading, ho , A silent, high-class ห" leads" low-class nasal consonants (ง, ญ,น and ม)
  2. Maiṃ chart hum, tū chart HAI, vah chart HAI, ham Harte him, tum Harte, ho , ve Harte him (masculine forms). *German is not directly descended from
  3. When the copulative Kai connects two nouns of the same case, if the article, ho , or any of its cases, precedes the first of the said nouns or participles, and
  4. That the number 39 is cursed or a badge of shame. Zeno of Cilium (, Zēnōn, ho ,Cities; c. 334 BC – c. 262 BC) was a philosopher from Cilium (), a Greek
  5. The prepositions (all" to" ), conjunctions (key" and" ), interjections (, ho ," oh" ), numerals (Du" two" ), and pronouns (me" I"—The final -I found on
  6. And asked them where the" Anointed One" ( the Messiah, Greek: Ο Χριστός (, ho ,Christos) ) was to be born. They answered, in Bethlehem, citing Micah 5:2.
  7. Greek κροκόδιλος (crocodiles)," lizard," used in the phrase ho crocodiles, ho ,potato," the lizard of the (Nile) river. " There are several variant Greeks
  8. Reports that in antiquity, the Black Sea was often just called" the Sea" (, ho ,pintos). For the most part, Graeco-Roman tradition refers to the Black Sea as
  9. Of duo, k'UO, and duo, which already have the counterparts of KO, k'o, and, ho , that represent pinyin GE, ke, and he. Punctuation In addition to the
  10. Amar + he) < Amar" to love" + he" I have ". * Italian: Amer (Amar +, ho ,) < Amar" to love" + ho " I have ". An innovative conditional (distinct
  11. Is established per an agreement signed on June 14, 1962. * March 21 – Non, ho ,l'ETA by Gigolo Conquest (music by Nicola Salerno, text by Mario Panzer)
  12. JaCoCo Vittorelli) #Nell'error DI note occur (Carlo Angling) #Perduta, ho ,la pace (trans. By Luigi Palestra from Goethe's Faust) #Deh, pietoso, o
  13. The word" dame ", meaning " lady ", are then made to go around the letters ", ho ," to form Da ho mey. Odd/Even Clues An odd/even clue is one in which the odd or
  14. De sol, e·l Beirut Dona'NS en lo cap ab lo carrel, prop del front. E Zeus Que, ho ,vouch, no trespass lo test, e ex'NS be à la Maytag de la test la junta de la
  15. Neoplatonists, as he considered the Platonic texts to be divinely inspired (, ho ,chaos Platoon -- The divine Plato, inspired by God) and therefore that they
  16. Two consonant characters (not diacritics) are used to modify the tone: *ห นำ, ho ,Nam, leading ho . A silent, high-class ห" leads" low-class nasal consonants (
  17. In art as a long-haired youth rather than a mature adult, and hymned as, ho ,Vegas ho urs" the great youth ". Ivory statuettes of the" Divine Boy" were
  18. Here, we take the first letters of only the words" Head Office" (, ho ,) and we take the" end" of the word" day" ( y). The letters of the word "
  19. All his work is done by moonlight, and his mocking, ec ho ing laugh is" Ho, ho , ho ! " Robin Good fellow is the main speaker in Jonson's 1612 masque Love
  20. Io" ( pronounced" renew" ) being a Latin interjection related to ", ho ," (as in" Ho, praise to Saturn" ). Buddhist religious festivals See
  21. Prayer: Hon Tad, : c'hi hag a ZO en Nev, : Ra VO antedate ho c'h ANO.: Ra zero, ho ,Rouantelezh.: Ra VO great ho you war a dour even en Nev.: Root dump Vizio
  22. The name is from a word meaning" a mountain standing up shapely as an ear (, ho ,) of a rice plant ". A British missionary Bob Chiggleson (1854–1944) argued
  23. The victims or their families could prosecute, while for public suits anyone (, ho ,boulomenos,'w ho ever wants to' i.e. any citizen with full citizen rights)
  24. The latter as an alternative pronunciation. * The letter ‹ h › distinguishes, ho , HAI, ha,Hanna (present indicative of avail" to have" ) from o (" or" )
  25. From his arrogance in attacking a well-defended Seljuk position. Called, ho ,Vegas (, translated as" the Great" ) by the Greeks, Manuel is known to have
  26. To love" + he" I have ". * Italian: Amer (Amar + ho ) < Amar" to love" +, ho ," I have ". An innovative conditional (distinct from the subjunctive) also
  27. Article all-" the" and" deity, god " to meaning" the sole deity, God " (, ho ,thees monks). Cognates of the name" Allah" exist in other Semitic languages
  28. Is doing penance is changed from" Franz" (" I have eaten. ") to" Fame non, ho ," (" I am not hungry. "),which William Ash brook states, in his study of
  29. Demosthenes. In 5th-century building accounts, the structure is simply called, ho ,Laos (" the temple" ). The architects Missiles and Calibrates are said to
  30. Principal streams: the teachings of Korean Master Kim, Kim Houshang, ( Chin, ho ,Shang) 金和尚 transmitted by Sang Shi in ca. 750 AD; the lineage of Master Wu Chu
  31. Zo en Nev, : Ra VO antedate ho c'h ANO.: Ra zero ho Rouantelezh.: Ra VO great, ho ,you war a dour even en Nev.: Root dump Vizio bar for Evans.: Distant
  32. The hypocrisy of the Jew. ' No one in the first century would have identified, ho ,Amazon with Judaism. That popular interpretation depends upon anachronistically
  33. Ariel from The Tempest. Puck's trademark laugh in the early ballads is" Ho ho , ho , " In Rudyard Kipling's Puck of Pook's Hill (1906),Puck, the last of the
  34. Ariel from The Tempest. Puck's trademark laugh in the early ballads is" Ho, ho , ho . " In Rudyard Kipling's Puck of Pook's Hill (1906),Puck, the last of
  35. An uninformed Egg or Bean::« " Beau Wigeon? " Said the Egg, impressed. " What, ho , " A Crumpet s ho ok his head. " You won't catch Freddie joining any Foreign
  36. First recorded use of the plural" Nazarene's" ( the plural form of the Jesus, ho ,Calories" Jesus of Nazareth" ) to refer to Christians, t ho ugh the use of the
  37. 17 April 485 AD),called" The Successor" or" Diadoc ho s" ( Greek Promos, ho ,Diádok ho s),was a Greek Neoplatonist philosopher, one of the last major
  38. Episode Mother's Day, as several robots are seen s ho uting 'Hey, hey! Hey, ho , 100110! ' In protest, one of them burns a punch-card in a manner reminiscent
  39. Contrast, Nynorsk and most dialects use the same set of pronouns (Han (m. ), ho ,(f. ) and DET (n. )) for both personal and impersonal references. DET also
  40. Moy male Schwartz panicked – also recorded as Oh o ho Moi mile sent Annie, O, ho , hu Ma mile swathe panino, O mus miles Schwartz Panic (" Oh my dear ho ly
  41. The Ancient Greek κροκόδιλος (crocodiles)," lizard," used in the phrase, ho ,crocodiles ho potato," the lizard of the (Nile) river. " There are several
  42. IL Lauro DI bombing, Lamerica, Le chili DI Casey by Gianni Amelia, Io non, ho ,Laura by Gabriele Salvatore's, Le fate ignorant, La finest DI front by
  43. Lesser, ; Rotterdam,“ I Will Become whatsoever I please. ” Greek, Ego am, ho ,on (ἐγώ εἰμι ὁ ὤν)," I am The Being" in the or,“ I am The Existing One ”;
  44. Year" ). In the spoken language, the letter is always silent. The ‹ h › in, ho ,additionally marks the contrasting open pronunciation of the ‹ o ›. The letter
  45. Conquest wins the ninth Eurovision Song Contest for Italy singing" Non, ho ,l'ETA" (" I'm not old enough" ). *1965 – Ranger program: NASA launches
  46. And continuous aspects, among others *Passage crossing (recent past): Io, ho ,Mankato (" I ate "," I have eaten" ) - merges effective and perfect
  47. Appear in a strict order within a single word): *Czech: Bechtel SME VAM, ho ,DAT. (" NOT-wanted 1PL to-you it gives" =" We didn't want to give it to you.
  48. In antiquity on the strength of a false etymology which derived his name from, ho ,me ho rn (ὁ μὴ ὁρῶν:" he w ho does not see" ). Critics have long taken as
  49. And Typewriter Company) he accompanied the tenor Fernando De Lucia in L'anima, ho ,stance from Adriana Lecturer and in the song Luntananza, an effort which
  50. All his work is done by moonlight, and his mocking, ec ho ing laugh is" Ho ho , ho , " Robin Good fellow is the main speaker in Jonson's 1612 masque Love Restored.

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