Examples of the the word, caput , in a Sentence Context

The word ( caput ), is the 6229 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are the sins that are seen as the origin (" capital" comes from the Latin, caput , head) of the other sins. A" deadly sin" can be either venial or mortal
  2. Part of Lancashire,Salford's early history is marked by its status as a Royal, caput , and the judicial seat of the ancient hundred of Staffordshire, to which it lent
  3. Was not consistent either: women, for instance, were often valued at half a, caput , and sometimes at other values. Diocletian's reforms also increased the number
  4. Starts with the recovery of a human skull (the word for head in Latin is, caput , ) when foundation trenches were being dug for the Temple of Jupiter at Tarquin
  5. Also served. Main course Often, an intermediate dish was served before the real, caput , cenae which was the dinner. The decoration of this dish could be more important
  6. Offence "," capital crime "," capital punishment," derive from the Latin, caput ," head ", referring to the punishment for serious offenses involving the
  7. With" cape ", other suggestions suggest it to be connected to the Latin word, caput , ( " head" ), and thus explain it as meaning" chief" or" big head ".
  8. Of Dennis Hopper. Filmography In architecture the capital (from the Latin, caput , 'head' ) forms the topmost member of a column (or pilaster). It mediates
  9. Hence, to be registered in the census was the same thing as" having a head" (, caput , habere). Census beyond Rome A census was sometimes taken in the provinces
  10. Deny the pre-existence of Christ in his Breves explication in primum Johannes, caput ,- a commentary on the meaning of the Logos in John Chapter 1:1-15 (1562).
  11. Deae.: Si protest ill mini tantrum pretender rectus: quit ego non possum, caput , illae ranger fuse?: Whoever loves, go to hell. I want to break Venus's ribs
  12. 1560),On the sacrament. Four parts *Breves explication in primum Ioannis, caput , Short explanation of John 1. Published posthumously by Fer enc David in De false
  13. Pertaining to the hair" ) < cap illus (" the hair, prop. Of the head" ) <, caput , ( " head" ). In medicine and biology, it usually refers to the smallest blood
  14. Rather than political authority. Princes, comes from the Latin phrase primum, caput ," the first head ", originally meaning the oldest or most distinguished
  15. Beneath the controlling head (with 'capital' coming from the Latin, caput , meaning 'head' ). So colonies are not independently self-controlled, but
  16. Those of chronic liver disease: ascites, esophageal varices, spider nevi, caput , medusae,and Palmer erythema. Pylephlebitis is infection of the
  17. Case, meaning " by, by means of" ) and capital (accusative plural of the noun, caput ," head" ). The phrase thus means" by heads" or" for each head ",i.e. per
  18. And also often a specialized city. The word capital is derived from the Latin, caput , meaning " head" and, in the United States, the related term capitol refers to
  19. And made a number of notable charitable gifts and donations. However, his,Capet, remained in his home territory in central Contact (County Galway). Ireland
  20. Capital evolved from capital, a late Latin word based on Proto-Indo-European, caput , meaning" head" — also the origin of chattel and cattle in the sense of
  21. The Bible::" ( It) calls man the reason, the head, the power of woman: VIR, caput , est rulers (the man is head of the woman) says St. Paul. It calls woman the
  22. After Lake Itasca, which is in turn a shortened version the Latin words merits, caput , meaning 'truth' and 'head ', a reference to the source of the Mississippi
  23. Palings loses his life, one on behalf of many ('UNM pro multi Abitur, caput ,' according to Vergil's" Neptune" ( Aeneid 5.815). Songs causes Palings
  24. Book as Credence). The village has a long history. " Brendon" was the, caput , of the feudal honor held by Walter Gifford (died 1102),created Earl of
  25. For truth (merits) and the first two letters of the Latin word for head (, caput , ). However, the lake is in turn fed by a number of smaller streams, of which
  26. Did with the aid of his nephew Armature. In 474, he received the rank of, caput , senatus," first among the senators ". At the Abdomen palace, by the palace
  27. Type of land and crop, and the amount of labor necessary for sustenance. The, caput , was not consistent either: women, for instance, were often valued at half a
  28. Often confused with the similarly titled Breves explication in primum Ioannis, caput , Amsterdam 1565 The President of Iceland () is Iceland's elected head of state
  29. Canine tooth - acanthus - capillary - capitate - capital - Capet -, caput , medusae - carapace - cardiac - Cardiac skeleton - cardiogenic angle -
  30. Head man ", which is also the etymological root of" captain" ( from Latin, caput , head ). It equates to Captain in the British and US Armies, and is rated OF-2
  31. PNG, coined from a combination of the Latin words merits (" truth" ) and, caput , ( " head" ). It is one of several examples of pseudo-Indian place names
  32. The pelvis at the hip joint. The almost spherical end of the femur head (the, caput , or Capet oasis memoirs) fits into the acetabulum (a concave socket located
  33. The portal venous system from high pressure which can cause esophageal varices, caput , medusae,and hemorrhoids. Whey or Milk Serum is the liquid remaining after milk
  34. Side of the Calder but was abandoned. Wakefield and its environs formed the, caput , of an extensive baronial holding by the Warner that extended to Cheshire and
  35. Following the emergence of the United Kingdom of England, Salford became a, caput , or central manor within a broad rural area in part held by the Kings of England
  36. I de Cantaloupe (d.1239),steward of King John (1199-1216). Eaton became the, caput , of the Cantaloupe feudal barony known by modern historians as" Eaton Bray ".
  37. IN, Phthalocyanine Green G, verdigris,meridian *Iron oxide pigments: sanguine, caput , mortuum, oxide red, red ocher, Venetian red, Prussian blue *Clay earth pigments
  38. Other castles, such as Trim and Carrickfergus, were built in stone as the, caput , centres for major barons. Analysis of these stone castles suggests that
  39. Cancellous - canine tooth - acanthus - capillary - capitate - capital -, caput ,- Capet medusae - carapace - cardiac - Cardiac skeleton - cardiogenic angle -
  40. Britain' associated with the legendary King Arthur, and may also have been the, caput , of the sub-Roman Brythonic kingdom of Ranged. Rerigonium's exact position is
  41. As a central element Yuri as an additional element} Decapitation (from Latin, caput , wapitis, meaning head) is the separation of the head from the body. Beheading
  42. As a small town early in the 13th century. In 1228,Henry III granted the, caput , of Salford the right to hold a market and an annual fair. The fairs were
  43. During the 19th century. The Earls of Chester aided the development of the, caput , and in 1230 Raoul de Blondeville,6th Earl of Chester made Salford a burg age
  44. At the time of Roger's appeal, the date of his father's death is fixed 'ante, caput , jejunii ', ( i.e. before March 9). If, then,he died in Palestine, his death
  45. Castles were of varying size and sophistication; some were classed as a, caput , or the key stronghold of a given lord, and were usually larger and better
  46. Morgan was split after it was conquered; the kingdom of Glamorgan had as its, caput , the town of Cardiff and took in the lands from the River Take to the River
  47. Philip Melanchthon, a writer during the Reformation, suggested that Romans was, caput , et summat universal doctrine Christiana (" a summary of all Christian
  48. Portal hypertension, often resulting in hemorrhoids, esophageal varices, or,Capet, medusae. Biology Evolution In evolution, anastomosis is a recombination of
  49. Cuisine, the director or head of a kitchen. (The French word comes from Latin, caput , and is cognate with English" chief ". ) In English, the title" chef" in the
  50. The late 11th century or around 1100,similar to the founding of Bigod's, caput , at nearby Eye. A second possibility is that Roger's son, Hugh Bigot, built it

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