Examples of the the word, blush , in a Sentence Context
The word ( blush ), is the 12933 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Flavor, late ripening *Flavor Grenade: large size, oblong shape with red, blush ,on green background, yellow juicy flesh, moderately late ripening *Flavor Heart
- Summer and the early fall to a bright red, or occasionally yellow with a rosy, blush , They are an important food source for dozens of species of birds, which then
- Pornographic things to you--sometimes to violate your niceness. The more you, blush , the more people want to do it. " Sexual harassment policy and legislation have
- Consecrates ";" call'd" had been" deemed ";" But rosy-red, — as if the, blush ,of dawn" had been" But rose-red as if the blush of dawn ", and so on. There
- Ts'itself- (" red" ), the verb gas'ilea (the infinite form of both" to, blush ," and" to make one blush " ) is derived. This kind of derivation can be done
- S head, then again an animal half horse, half goat ... Surely if we do not, blush ,for such absurdities, we should at least regret what we have spent on them.
- Profile was subtitled" She uses words that would make a construction worker, blush , but from her, they sound refined ". A profile in Women's Wear was titled" The
- Fane: That crowns the hill, or sanctifies the plain:: But rosy-red, — as if the, blush ,of dawn, : Which first beheld them were not yet withdrawn:: The hues of youth
- Enemy, Which with the heart there cools and ne'er returned To, blush ,and beautify the cheek again. But see, his face is black and full of
- Will be available in MAC stores in the spring of 2011. The collection includes, blush , eye shadow, eyeliner,lip gloss, lipstick,mascara, mineral powder and nail
- Found in certain behavior. For example," shame loops" occur in persons who, blush ,easily. When they realize that they are blush ing, they become even more
- To your eyes in slush -: Using the kind of language, : That makes the sergeant, blush ,;: Who wouldn't join the army?: That's what we all inquire, : Don't we pity
- Reddening of the face. In some people, the ears, neck and upper chest may also, blush , As well as causing redness, blush ing can sometimes make the affected area feel
- And telling him" Hi, sexy! " In front of everyone in the mansion, making him, blush ,), he was too reserved and shy to follow through. However, during an incident
- Is a notable trait of Caucasians who throughout history have been known to, blush ,or have rosy cheeks. Red hair is most frequent in northern and Western Europe
- Being filtered through the cortex. At an interval of 3 minutes, the renal, blush ,is still evident (to a lesser extent) but the calyxes and renal pelvis are
- Second is that a specific form of vasodilation takes place exclusively in the, blush ,region. It is likely, that a combination of these two factors accounts for
- Asian florist Tan Jun Yong, where he was quoted saying," The light delicate, blush ,of the petals reminds me of a beating heart, while the size could only match
- After the contrast is administered, it appears on an x-ray as a 'renal, blush ,'. This is the contrast being filtered through the cortex. At an interval of 3
- Resembled Dionysus, with his forehead glistening with graces and a delicate, blush ,on his cheeks:" ... though it was bronze, it blush ed; and though it was hard
- Up to fear or dislike sharing a room with a person of the opposite sex, or, blush , at the prospect of catching a glimpse of an unwelcome body part when a robe
- Weeping. Similar to: (, using an A expresses an open-mouthed frown; OAO. A:" >, blush ,can be expressed as:" u blush ing for you or a surprised blush , o///o. Others
- See fit to smear some on their cheeks for a very vibrant and water-resistant, blush , Underwater speakers ensure that swimmers can hear the music at all times and
- Contra! At thy name; And folks in office at the mention fret, And fain would, blush , if blush they could, for shame. How will posterity the deed proclaim! Will not
- Skin over the body; white or cream-colored hair over the body; and eyes of a, blush ,cast. White markings on the face and legs may not exceed certain limits. Leg
- From the soles of old shoes. They run and leap throughout the church, without a, blush ,of their own shame. Finally, they drive about the town and its theaters in
- The meaning of" be X" or" become X" ( e.g. Form IX" be red, become red, blush ,", Form XI with the same meaning). Although the structure that a given root
- When she commented that German engineering is so sexy, she caused the Beetle to, blush ,and turn red. She has been a part of several commercials for Volkswagen and
- A slant-eyed chick" and the line" I got a sugar rush that'd make a nigger, blush , " The song initially appears completely at odds with the liberal-minded
- For assessing blush ing, since young subjects are more likely to blush and, blush ,more intensively. The subjects underwent several procedures, one of which was
- Zinfandel, often abbreviated as White In, is an off-dry to sweet, pink-colored, blush , wine. White Zinfandel is made from the Zinfandel wine grape, which would
- The verb gas'ilea (the infinite form of both" to blush " and" to make one, blush ,") is derived. This kind of derivation can be done with many adjectives in
- And from this conclude that only Caucasians or people with light white skin can, blush ,or turn rosy in the face (because hemoglobin only appears under pale skin).
- Chuckle!, sob!, gasp!, shudder!, smack!, drool!, cackle!, snort!, gulp!, blush ,!, ugh!, etc.) as asides—to bolster the effect of the printed speech balloons.
- Inattentive and insensible to the feelings of one I thought below me; of one, I, blush , to say it, that I knew was obliged to me; of one whom presumption and folly
- At thy name; And folks in office at the mention fret, And fain would blush , if, blush , they could, for shame. How will posterity the deed proclaim! Will not our own
- OAO. A:" > blush can be expressed as:" u blush ing for you or a surprised, blush , o///o. Others include wink;) a grin: D which can also be reversed for an
- Favorable for assessing blush ing, since young subjects are more likely to, blush ,and blush more intensively. The subjects underwent several procedures, one of
- But rosy-red, — as if the blush of dawn" had been" But rose-red as if the, blush ,of dawn ", and so on. There was also an 1885 book containing the poem. ) Burton
- Emotional blush ing is only visible or apparent in a specific area called the, blush ,region. The area is restricted to the face, ears,neck, and in some rare cases
- Most widely recognized motifs of conventional anime) or produce a visibly red, blush ,or set of parallel (sometimes squiggly) lines beneath the eyes, especially as
- Therefore, a flat hierarchy is often not viewed as a hierarchy at all at first, blush , For example, diamonds and graphite is a flat hierarchy of numerous carbon
- Plan of God. They swiftly gave forth their yield: there flowered in first, blush ,the glories of preaching the True Faith to the nations, of martyrdom, and of
- Can bring on intense blush ing, and it may take one or two minutes for the, blush ,to disappear. Severe blush ing can make it difficult for the person to feel
- Him as far north as Saratoga, where he told her" You shall never have cause to, blush ,for your Montgomery. " Through July and early August, Montgomery and Schuyler
- He or she is a replica. It measures bodily functions such as respiration,", blush ,response ", heart rate, and eye movement in response to emotionally provocative
- Words derived from the root *BAEL- include bleach, bleak,blind, blink,blank, blush , blaze, flame,fulminate, flagrant and phlegm). In the English language, blue
- Takes place throughout the entire skin of the body but is only visible in the, blush ,region due to special anatomical structure of that region. The second is that a
- That night with a tankard of ale, as the glowing blue Orb mysteriously seems to, blush ,pink as Marion and Ce'Near enter the royal bed chamber. Universe Book of Adorn
- The dark, unfathomed caves of ocean bear;: Full many a flower is born to, blush ,unseen: And waste its sweetness on the desert air. What this means, as the
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