Examples of the the word, keynote , in a Sentence Context
The word ( keynote ), is the 6507 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- For him. The group travels to Barbados in the finale to hear Ross give a, keynote ,speech at a paleontology conference. Joey and his girlfriend Charlie (Aisha
- Audio recordings from HOPE Number Six, featuring Jello Biafra's, keynote ,address *http://nardwuar.com/vs/jello_biafra/ Audio interviews of Jello Bianca
- Characters Ivan Karamazov and Alysha Karamazov. In 1877,Dostoevsky gave the, keynote ,eulogy at the funeral of his friend, the poet Nekrasovka, to much controversy. On
- Christ in the full realization of the word; his life, not his death, was the, keynote ,of their doctrine and their practice. " James Morgan Prose was an esoteric
- Between Yahweh and Baal on Mount Carmel, as told in 1 Kings 18,form the, keynote ,to a period which culminated in the accession of JHU, an event in which Elijah
- A manual of midwifery in the local language of Uganda. Reverence for life The, keynote ,of Schweitzer's personal philosophy (which he considered to be his greatest
- Legacy. Entertainment Weekly, ( 597),11. * Don't panic! Douglas Adams to, keynote ,Embedded show. (2001). Embedded Systems Programming,14 (3),10. * Sherman
- Movement. The first Cistercian abbey was founded in 1098,at Chateaux Abbey. The, keynote ,of Cistercian life was a return to a literal observance of the Benedictine rule
- January 20, 2006,Prime Minister Juninho Koizumi devoted part of his annual, keynote ,speech to the controversy, pledging to submit a bill allowing women to ascend
- iMac. 2005–2007: The Intel transition At the Worldwide Developers Conference, keynote ,address on June 6,2005,Steve Jobs announced that Apple would begin producing
- Peter Green away who served as a juror for the Machining category and gave a, keynote ,speech during the event. Character and camera control Welland, Morris,and
- In Italy and testimony to the Culture Committee of the Chamber of Deputies; a, keynote ,speech at the foundation of Norway's Open Source Center, following Norway's
- Of desktops and laptops in the U. S. 2007–2011: iPhone and iPad Delivering his, keynote ,speech at the Mac world Expo on January 9,2007,Jobs announced that Apple
- Of Technology, Stockholm,Sweden, in 2002; invited in 2003 to deliver the, keynote ,address of the Golden Jubilee of the Indian Institute of Technology, held in
- In May 1995 as part of Live from Death Row. In 1999,he was invited to record a, keynote ,address for the graduating class at The Evergreen State College. The event was
- Order of the Golden Dawn) as well as others. And in January 2006 was the, keynote ,speaker at the Conference On Current Pagan Studies at the Claremont Graduate
- Presidency of the United States in a number of ways, most notably delivering a, keynote ,address at the 2000 Republican National Convention, which gained her national
- The unity of the church, especially between Jew and Gentile believers, is the, keynote ,of the book. This is shown by the recurrence of such words and phrases as:
- Around long. The length is directly related to the 1/2 sound wavelength of the, keynote , Generally, the longer the instrument, the lower the pitch or key of the
- 8 would be released in 2 years. Also, during the pre-Consumer Electronics Show, keynote , Microsoft's CEO announced that Windows 8 will also run on ARM CPUs. This
- Investment. On August 4th 2011,John Carmack revealed during his Quaker 2011, keynote , that they will be releasing the source code of Doom3 (ID Tech 4) during the
- Resnicoff's on-site report of the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing as his, keynote ,address. When Benioff later served as Special Assistant for Values and Vision
- At the university's annual Commencement exercises that year, where he gave the, keynote ,speech. In recognition of his contributions to underwater filming and remote
- Supreme Convention each year. In 1971,U. S. President Richard Nixon gave the, keynote ,address at the States Dinner; Secretary of Transportation and Knight John Vole
- On June 6,2005,Steve Jobs confirmed these rumors when he announced in his, keynote ,address at the annual Apple Worldwide Developers Conference that Apple would be
- Of the Emancipation Memorial in Washington's Lincoln Park, Douglass was the, keynote ,speaker. In his speech, Douglass spoke frankly about Lincoln, noting what he
- Of the earthquake. In 2010,Clinton announced support of, and delivered the, keynote ,address for, the inauguration of NTR,Ireland's first environmental foundation
- Audio recordings of Biafra's, keynote ,speech at the Fifth HOPE *http://www.hopenumbersix.net/speakers.html Audio
- Set up a message forum on his own website to avoid the issue. Adams was also a, keynote ,speaker for the April 2001 Embedded Systems Conference in San Francisco, one of
- And prearranged charade ", Diefenbaker attended the nominating convention as, keynote ,speaker, but withdrew when his name was proposed, stating a local man should be
- By the local government, and David Berlin ski of the Discovery Institute was the, keynote ,speaker at a meeting in May 2007. Australia The status of intelligent design in
- Wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway. Keynote talks Tenenbaum has been, keynote ,speaker at numerous conferences, most recently *
- Eisenhower was a Life Member of the National Rifle Association and gave the, keynote ,speech at the Association's 75th annual meeting in 1946. President at Columbia
- Emergency services for neglected or abused children. In July, she delivered a, keynote ,address to the delegates at the 2000 Republican National Convention, which put
- In Etruria, about twelve miles (19 km) from Rome, on 7 March 161,giving the, keynote ,to his life in the last word that he uttered when the tribune of the
- Sarah caused surprise by taking to the stage to introduce her husband for his, keynote ,address. Since then her public profile has increased. Gordon Brown has two
- Input on the revision of the European Interoperability Framework; and he was, keynote ,speaker at a European Commission conference on Digital Business Ecosystems at
- Sent to Kerr was defused by authorities. Instead of making a policy speech to, keynote ,his campaign, Whitlam made a speech attacking his opponents and calling 11
- 3 was publicly announced on 24 October 2005 by Andrew Tenenbaum during his, keynote ,speech on top of the ACM Symposium Operating Systems Principles conference.
- http://www.h2k.net/post/panels.html# keynote Audio recordings of Biafra's, keynote ,speech at H2K *http://www.h2k2.net/panels.html#jello Audio recordings of Bianca
- One of the major technical conferences on embedded system engineering. In his, keynote ,speech, he shared his vision of technology and how it should contribute in
- September 13, 2011,and a European ship date of September 15, 2011. During the, keynote , I'd also demonstrated a Rage spin-off title running on the iPhone. This
- Twice. Zappa was invited by conference organizer Thomas Wells to be the, keynote ,speaker at the American Society of University Composers at the Ohio State
- Also helped to organize the first all-Russian conference on the theater, whose, keynote , speaker,Yevtikhiy Karol, urged the creation of a" Russian people's theater.
- As the" Pranksters Jam ". In June 2001,Mesa was invited and accepted as the, keynote ,speaker at the annual commencement of The Evergreen State College. His last
- Speak for themselves or can barely be heard. " In the same month she was the, keynote ,speaker at The Future of International Criminal Justice Symposium hosted by the
- Be attending the Mac world Expo, and that Phil Schiller would deliver the 2009, keynote , in lieu of the expected Jobs. Almost exactly one month later, on January 14
- Nightly builds of the KDE Software Compilation. Closing the conference was, keynote ,speaker and old-time KDE developer Sitar. Did KDE (KDE Day) is an Argentinian
- Opening, keynote ,speech at Become 2006 conference, Orange County, California. Bruce's speech
- Stray Italian Greyhound" that was inspired by Barack Obama's 2004 DNC, keynote ,address. *YouTube. Com star Jenna Marbles features her Italian Greyhound,"
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