Examples of the the word, bibliographic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bibliographic ), is the 12027 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Even today. Lima IAN wrote eight rhapsodies (FM 賦),which are listed in the, bibliographic ,treatise Honshu All but one, the " Rhapsody in Lament for Gentleman who do not
  2. The Digital Bibliography & Library Project, as of July 2007,lists over 910,000, bibliographic , entries on computer science and several thousand links to the home pages of
  3. Spain, the author ABD al-Walid Shannon Taxa, based on several sources including, bibliographic ,of In Khan, provides,on pages 26 and 29 of his book, information on the
  4. Resource-sharing consortium, to which it provides access to 758,649 of its, bibliographic ,records. The library was established in 1922 in the Manila campus and was
  5. Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS),an XML file format used for a, bibliographic ,element-set * Module file, a family of computer music formats which play
  6. Form part of the field of library and information science. It is a form of, bibliographic ,classification (library classifications are used in library catalogs, while "
  7. Until his death in 1598. From its original seventy maps and eighty-seven, bibliographic ,references in the first edition (1570),the atlas grew through its thirty-one
  8. A comic strip by Johnny Hart, and the name of one of its characters * Bliss, bibliographic ,classification, a library cataloging system * Outcrossing, a website that
  9. Noticed it in May 1870;" the book will probably find a place under the, bibliographic ,curiosities ". Death During spring 1869,Ducats frequently changed his address
  10. Released under the free BSD License. Related projects Encyclopedic content and, bibliographic ,materials related to physics, mathematics and mathematical physics are
  11. From or retitling of other works, and have hence been omitted. The main, bibliographic ,sources are footnoted from this paragraph and provided much of the information
  12. This is also known as," citation amnesia ", the " disregard syndrome" and ", bibliographic ,negligence ". Arguably, this is the most common type of scientific misconduct.
  13. Unwell Mel - Blitz Max The Bliss, bibliographic ,classification (BC) is a library classification system that was created by
  14. Or pharmaceutical industry are also an important source of technical and, bibliographic ,information. Chemical patents are different from other sources of technical
  15. And provided much of the information in the following sections. For more, bibliographic ,information see the separate bibliography article. Dates indicate first book
  16. The language codes defined in the several sections of ISO 639 are used for, bibliographic ,purposes and, in computing and internet environments, as a key element of
  17. A way to classify databases involves the type of their contents, for example:, bibliographic , document-text, statistical,multimedia objects, etc. Another way is by their
  18. Management software Reference management software Formats of files used for, bibliographic ,information (citation) management. * RIS – Research Information Systems RIS (
  19. 6th ed. (2007),by Jan A. Mechanic. *In 2006,Eugene Garfield proposed a, bibliographic ,system for scientific literature, to consolidate the integrity of scientific
  20. In the area, as well as the loss of part of its rich scientific, artistic and, bibliographic ,heritage. In 1970 the Government reformed the High Education, and the Central
  21. Appears. Generally the combination of both the in-body citation and the, bibliographic ,entry constitutes what is commonly thought of as a citation (whereas
  22. Information, such as files and lines of code in software systems, library and, bibliographic ,databases, networks of relations on the internet, and so forth ". Overview The
  23. War II," Titus Androids was taken seriously only by a handful of textual and, bibliographic ,scholars. Readers, when they could be found, mostly regarded it as a
  24. In Disney's Tangled (2010) Other uses * PASCAL (database),a scientific, bibliographic ,database maintained by INSIST * Pascal, an alias of Flip & Fill, dance music
  25. Collection at the University of Oregon includes many titles, catalogued in its, bibliographic ,guide, Catalog of the George Alan Connor Esperanto Collection (1978). *The
  26. And the similar program bib) processes citations in a document according to a, bibliographic ,database. Three preprocessors provide trophy with drawing capabilities by
  27. Case for a noun **Subject term or index term, descriptor of a document used in, bibliographic ,records *Course (education),a unit of academic instruction *Research subject
  28. Embedded in the body of an intellectual work that denotes an entry in the, bibliographic ,references section of the work for the purpose of acknowledging the relevance
  29. He founded a publishing house, Mirage Press, Ltd., for releasing nonfiction and, bibliographic ,works on science fiction and fantasy. Chalker was married in 1978 and had two
  30. And 1595. The editions are undated (dates can be established only by close, bibliographic ,analysis) do not name the printer and consist of only one linoleum per
  31. The National library holds a great amount of volumes, and affords abundant, bibliographic ,information for the student of the discovery and independence of Venezuela. The
  32. Australia and New Zealand Libraries' Catalog respectively, the national, bibliographic ,networks of those countries. Online requests are usually submitted via OCLC's
  33. The Ethnologue provides a useful academic starting point; however, its, bibliographic , references are inadequate, and it rates its own accuracy at only B-C for the
  34. Was erratic: it ran 1–10,then 11,11,12,12,12,14,and finally 17–25. Other, bibliographic ,details The following table shows which issues appeared from which publisher.
  35. For purposes such as rendering Greek proper names or place names, or for, bibliographic ,purposes, the term Greenish mainly refers to informal, ad-hoc practices of
  36. Entry constitutes what is commonly thought of as a citation (whereas, bibliographic ,entries by themselves are not). A prime purpose of a citation is intellectual
  37. Some Other Garden. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart,2000. Except where noted, bibliographic ,information courtesy Brock University. Footnotes Nancy Louise
  38. That information resource. Similar to classification systems used in biology, bibliographic ,classification systems group entities together that are similar, typically
  39. Become known as the Aho-Corasick algorithm and is widely used in a number of, bibliographic ,search systems, including the one developed by Margaret J. Cora sick, and other
  40. Acknowledgment by other authors of the priority of one's ideas. Concepts *A, bibliographic ,citation is a reference to a book, article,web page, or other published item.
  41. Classification (library classifications are used in library catalogs, while ", bibliographic ,classification" also covers classification used in other kinds of
  42. Modes, it is increasingly used by social scientists and humanists for its, bibliographic ,database integration and ability to manage multiple files. The LyX document
  43. Composing of the litany against fear and the assembly of the Altar Book, that, bibliographic , marvel that preserves the great secrets of the most ancient faiths. " Millennia
  44. A library catalog (or library catalog) is a register of all, bibliographic ,items found in a library or group of libraries, such as a network of libraries
  45. Abbreviated as SPIN, a psychological test of social anxiety disorder. * SPIN, bibliographic ,database, major Physics research is the focus (a citation index) * Spin (
  46. Of terrorism: The following publicly available resource indexes electronic and, bibliographic ,resources on the subject of terrorism: The following terrorism databases are
  47. Classification" also covers classification used in other kinds of, bibliographic ,databases). It goes hand in hand with library (descriptive) cataloging under
  48. The National Library holds a great amount of volumes, and affords abundant, bibliographic ,information about the discovery and independence of Nicaragua. The National
  49. Route la memoir Du mode (1956),in which the seemingly endless spaces and, bibliographic ,riches of the Bibliothèque national were explored in another compendium of
  50. Wittgenstein, Peter Each (born 1916) and Max Black (1909–1988),with the, bibliographic ,assistance of Wittgenstein (see Each, ed. 1975,Introduction). Despite the

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