Examples of the the word, been , in a Sentence Context

The word ( been ), is the 12031 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Originated the idea that the meaning was" Here We Rest. " The meaning may have, been ," careers of the thicket" which may refer to clearing of land for cultivation
  2. The nymph Thesis and Pele us, the king of the Myrmidons. Zeus and Poseidon had, been ,rivals for the hand of Thesis until Prometheus, the fore-thinker, warned Zeus
  3. To make a new armor for him, in place of the armor that Patrols had, been ,wearing which was taken by Hector. The new armor included the Shield of
  4. With impaired perception of people versus objects. Causes It has long, been ,presumed that there is a common cause at the genetic, cognitive,and neural
  5. For example, U. S. President McKinley's assassin Leon Czolgosz claimed to have, been ,influenced by anarchist and feminist Emma Goldman. Bombings were associated in
  6. Public Service Commission. Only two Republican Lieutenant Governors have, been ,elected since Reconstruction, Steve Window and Kay Ivey, the current Lieutenant
  7. And schools of thought emerged. Although feminist tendencies have always, been ,a part of the anarchist movement in the form of anarcha-feminism, they returned
  8. Novel centers on his relationship with Pollen. Film The role of Achilles has, been ,played by: * Derek Jacobi voice in Achilles (Channel Four Television) by
  9. That are sometimes in conflict. In 1793,William Godwin, who has often, been ,cited as the first anarchist, wrote Political Justice, which some consider to
  10. Of some forms of ASD. Although some abnormalities in the immune system have, been ,found in specific subgroups of autistic individuals, it is not known whether
  11. Especially in Presidential elections. By contrast, Democratic candidates have, been ,elected to many state-level offices and until 2010 comprised a longstanding
  12. The urban areas that had developed, as well as all in the population who had, been ,underrepresented for more than 60 years. Geography Alabama is the
  13. Function is hard to measure, and that executive function deficits have not, been ,found in young autistic children. A related theory—enhanced perceptual
  14. For services equivalent in cost, without profit or discount. " Mutualism has, been ,retrospectively characterized as ideologically situated between individualist
  15. To demand Barret's payment. The decision by the Illinois Supreme Court has, been ,cited by numerous other courts in the nation. From 1853 to 1860,another of
  16. To vote and elected the Republican challenger Guy Hunt as Governor. Hunt had, been ,nominated in a statewide Republican primary that had 28,000 participants
  17. Workers killed as a result of the Haymarket affair. Although it had initially, been ,conceived as a once-off event, by the following year the celebration of
  18. His heel. Extant fragments of the Achilles and other Aeschylus fragments have, been ,assembled to produce a workable modern play. The first part of the Achilles
  19. Also disfranchised poor whites, however. By 1941 more whites than blacks had, been ,disfranchised: 600,000 to 520,000,although the impact was greater on the
  20. His notetaker, Mathesius, contains the story of a 12-year-old boy who may have, been ,severely autistic. Luther reportedly thought the boy was a soulless mass of
  21. Possible that regressive autism is a specific subtype, Research into causes has, been ,hampered by the inability to identify biologically meaningful subpopulations
  22. Inconclusive. Neuropsychology Two major categories of cognitive theories have, been ,proposed about the links between autistic brains and behavior. The first
  23. Lincoln worked diligently in their home, assuming household duties which had, been ,performed for her in her own family. She also made efficient use of the limited
  24. Retardants, alcohol,smoking, illicit drugs, vaccines,although no links have, been ,found, and some have been completely disproven. Parents may first become aware
  25. Lincoln demanded that Polk show Congress the exact spot on which blood had, been ,shed and prove that the spot was on American soil. Lincoln later regretted some
  26. A while, when Athena lifted his madness and Ajax realized that he had actually, been ,killing sheep, Ajax was left so ashamed that he committed suicide. Odysseus
  27. Remain active. Anarchist schools of thought Anarchist schools of thought had, been ,generally grouped in two main historical traditions, individualist anarchism
  28. C. His death marked the first assassination of a U. S. president. Lincoln has, been ,consistently ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U. S. presidents. Early
  29. Making up today's northern and central Alabama, known as the Yahoo lands, had, been , claimed by the Province of Georgia after 1763. Following the Revolutionary War
  30. The methodological quality of systematic reviews of these studies has generally, been ,poor, their clinical results are mostly tentative, and there is little evidence
  31. 32 %),good (17 %),and very good (4 %); 56 % of these young adults had, been ,employed at some point during their lives, mostly in volunteer, sheltered or
  32. Americans identify simply as having American ethnicity because their roots have, been ,in North America as long as the early 1600s. Demographers estimate that roughly
  33. Illicit drugs, vaccines,although no links have been found, and some have, been ,completely disproven. Parents may first become aware of autistic symptoms in
  34. Fourth collection of poetry by Louise Luck Namesakes *The name of Achilles has, been ,used for at least nine Royal Navy warships since 1744. A 60-gun ship of that
  35. Roman miles from Peace by the Danube Delta, and the temple there. Ananias has, been ,told that the island is" covered with forests and full of animals, some wild
  36. In the miniseries The Odyssey (TV,1997) Music Achilles has frequently, been ,mentioned in music: *"Achilles" is an oratorio by German composer Max Bruce (
  37. By the 1850s,slavery was still legal in the southern United States but had, been ,generally outlawed in the northern states, such as Illinois. Lincoln
  38. brain's processing of auditory signals. In the genetic area, relations have, been ,found between autism and schizophrenia based on duplications and deletions of
  39. View of Achilles as the hero of Leos (glory, usually glory in war). Laos has, been ,construed by Gregory Nagy, following Leonard Palmer, to mean a corps of
  40. Numbers may underestimate ASD's true prevalence. PDD-NOS's prevalence has, been ,estimated at 3.7 per 1,000,Asperger syndrome at roughly 0.6 per 1,000,and
  41. Of autistic individuals who also meet criteria for mental retardation has, been ,reported as anywhere from 25 % to 70 %, a wide variation illustrating the
  42. Along with an excess of low-level processes. Evidence for this theory has, been ,found in functional neuroimaging studies on autistic individuals and by a
  43. In popularity. The central tendency of anarchism as a mass social movement has, been ,represented by anarcho-communist and anarcho-syndicalism, with individualist
  44. Relationship with Patrols is a key aspect of his myth. Its exact nature has, been ,a subject of dispute in both the classical period and modern times. In the
  45. Relationship of neurochemicals to autism is not well understood; several have, been ,investigated, with the most evidence for the role of serotonin and of genetic
  46. Although evidence for other environmental causes is anecdotal and has not, been ,confirmed by reliable studies, Environmental factors that have been claimed to
  47. To Achilles, were discovered by Captain Kritzikly in 1823,but there has, been ,no modern archeological work done on the island. Pompous Meal tells that
  48. For Lyman Trumbull, who defeated opponent Joel Aldrich Matheson. The Whigs had, been ,irreparably split by the Kansas–Nebraska Act. Lincoln wrote," I think I am a
  49. Lived to adulthood, the First Vatican Lithographer claimed Troy would have, been ,invincible. Achilles in the Iliad Homer's Iliad is the most famous narrative
  50. And has not been confirmed by reliable studies, Environmental factors that have, been ,claimed to contribute to or exacerbate autism, or may be important in future

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