Examples of the the word, engender , in a Sentence Context

The word ( engender ), is the 12028 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sympathises with the exercises of the powers of others. Fear itself can never, engender ,the sublime. Knight’s emphasis on the roles of sensation and of emotion were
  2. Appearing together). In Bart's first episode," Hostage! ", in order to, engender ,audience sympathy for the new character, the script called for him to be tied
  3. Of understanding and of every form of manifestation of the factors which, engender ,in their individuality all kinds of ideals, there is acquired the tendency
  4. First international plow race in 1946,a light-hearted competition intended to, engender ,a spirit of peace in the wake of World War II. Geography Winner is located at (
  5. Earners driven to desperation and suppresses the recital of the crimes which, engender ,these conditions, though they may be a matter of public knowledge and judicial
  6. Principle, was quick to suggest that the ultimate aim of NU would be to, engender ,the quickest and least painful method of killing the entirety of humanity, as
  7. Poor' – and the empty sloganeering of the program was mainly used instead to, engender ,populist support for Gandhi's re-election. Corruption charges and verdict of
  8. Mainstream. The butch and lemme identities or roles among some lesbians also, engender ,their own subculture with stereotypical attire, for instance drag kings. A late
  9. Was seen as portentous; however only the full rebuilding of the Temple will, engender ,enough reason to cease observing the day as one of mourning. Some have always
  10. All the added impetus that comprehension of the written sources was able to, engender , Egyptology became more professional via work of William Matthew Flinders
  11. Pieces of a Man and Winter in America in the early 1970s,influenced and helped, engender ,later African-American music genres such as hip hop and Neo soul. Scott-Heron
  12. The hardware developments of the '80s,nor the size of the industry they would, engender , To make things worse,IBM's choice of the Intel 8088 for the CPU introduced
  13. Citing the need for a" contemporary theme song that can be used to, engender ,a sense of pride and community, and in the enhancement of tourism and economic
  14. Of the costs, he wanted his own institutions which would develop airman ship and, engender ,the air spirit. Having convinced Churchill of his case, Trenchard oversaw the
  15. On the principle that each nation is entitled to its own sovereignty and to, engender , protect, and preserve its own unique culture and history. Unity, under this
  16. That the Western legal principle of separation of church and state tends to, engender ,a new, more inclusive civil religion. Religion and science Religious knowledge
  17. Different miracles (including resurrecting Lazarus),given as signs meant to, engender ,faith. Synoptic elements such as parables and exorcisms are not found in John.
  18. Suggest adoptive ties are weaker than blood ties,3) together, these factors, engender , in some adopters, a sense of social exclusion, and 4) these adopters react by
  19. The Mass of the Angels). The purpose of singing these two texts in Latin is to, engender ,a sense of unity in the faithful, all of whom thus sing the prayer of Jesus and
  20. And possessing only an intellectual involvement in his causes. He failed to, engender ,much emotional response in the public and became only a reluctant and
  21. The bounds of acceptance for an individual and group, most techniques will, engender ,psychological reactance (simply hearing the argument will make the message
  22. The film, however. Ample said he believed it was because they feared it" might, engender ,pretrial sympathy for Graham. The FBI, United Airlines and the district
  23. For their reform, because he fears, and with reason, that this reform will, engender ,infinitely more abuses than it will do away with; things are left as they are.
  24. 3500 MYA, but the question of when oxygenic photosynthesis evolved continues to, engender ,debate and research. A clear paleontological window on cyanobacterial evolution
  25. On the lines pioneered by Ram Moran Roy. Müller believed that the Brahms would, engender ,an Indian form of Christianity, and that they were in practice" Christians
  26. Problem for engineers who recognize the problem and seek to overcome and, engender ,an opposite environment (end-users, developers and tools). First, there is
  27. Indicate that simple masses passing through time travel wormholes could never, engender ,paradoxes—there are no initial conditions that lead to paradox once time travel
  28. The music of Scott-Heron's work during the 1970s influenced and helped, engender ,later African-American music genres such as hip hop and Neo soul. He has been
  29. The government realized the massive interest in the sisters and proceeded to, engender ,a tourist industry around them. The girls were made wards of the provincial
  30. Described in the rule books was to run away. A well-run COC campaign should, engender ,a sense of foreboding and inevitable doom in its players. The style and setting
  31. Product testing as conformance to a standard does not necessarily, engender ,interoperability with another product which is also tested for conformance. #
  32. Style, so that a boss who talks to his staff as a controlling parent will often, engender ,self-abasement or other childlike responses. Those employees who resist may get
  33. Depending on the situation; but" they are called 'capital' because they, engender ,other sins, other vices. " Beginning in the early 14th century, the popularity
  34. Following their wedding in 1953. He expected her public appearances to, engender ,publicity for the airline, and her decision to forgo the limelight did not sit
  35. Who often draw fire for their high damage output. All these qualities may help, engender ,as a sense of trust in a well-known and well-armored warrior, who can usually
  36. Caps, and socks. s. Marketing Adidas, like other sports brands, is believed to, engender ,high consumer brand loyalty. Brand loyalty towards Adidas, Nike,Inc., Puma AG
  37. Likely remain unresolved because of the extreme confusion that change could, engender ,among the medical and agricultural communities. The remaining species in the
  38. Οξυς (Oxus) meaning" acid" or" sharp" and γεινομαι (Gandhi) meaning ", engender ,"). The Lavoisier definition was held as absolute truth for over 30 years
  39. Liturgical actions of the Christian religion. These most certainly can truly, engender ,a life of grace in ways that vary according to the condition of each Church or
  40. Demands on verisimilitude; a typically descriptive narrative form may not, engender ,in the reader the necessary sense of wonder and danger. For this reason, false
  41. Vapor which organizes the embryo; the other, that efforts and desires may, engender ,organs. A system established on such foundations may amuse the imagination of a
  42. Of evolution through fire, of sowing the seeds of conflict in order to, engender ,progress. The question the Shadows ask is" What do you want? " In contrast to
  43. They asserted that it was natural and desirable for critical thought to, engender ,commensurate action, the principle on which the Libertarian Society was
  44. Without excluding other scientific and classical studies. " This phrase would, engender ,controversy over the University's initial academic philosophies, polarizing
  45. Of rites, materials,social roles and relationships to accomplish aims and, engender ,belief. They both operate on similar principles, in particular those of
  46. Creators of Deep Space Nine wanted a strong-willed Bajan character who would, engender ,interpersonal conflict with the station's commander, Benjamin Sicko. However
  47. Traditionally fewer psychological connotations. The psychological mechanism to, engender ,visionary perception and trance phenomena is focused intention and attention.
  48. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. " In its most profound sense, beauty may, engender ,a salient experience of positive reflection about the meaning of one's own
  49. May reduce output per worker, repress levels of living for the masses and, engender ,strife. " Confucius also observed that," mortality increases when food supply
  50. It is possible, however,that the agreement with Louis was only designed to, engender ,support for Bernard's subkingship in Thuringia. In June or July Hangar

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