Examples of the the word, moose , in a Sentence Context

The word ( moose ), is the 12029 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By the early 20th century the very last strongholds of the European, moose ,appeared to be in Scandinavian countries and patchy tracts of Russia. The USSR
  2. 1,000 with great potential to grow. In Northeastern North America, the Eastern, moose ,'s history is very well documented: moose meat was often a staple in the diet
  3. Of camels, dolphins,elephants, giraffes,hippopotamuses, larger deer (such as, moose , elk (wapiti) and red deer),rhinoceroses, whales and larger seals. Claude
  4. Northern New England have resulted in a growing population of roughly 1,000, moose , in Massachusetts (where it has been absent since the early 18th century) plus
  5. Name Alces is known in Britain as the elk, and in North America as the, moose , The British English word elk has cognates in other Indo-European languages
  6. Part of the park, including the adjacent waters. In the 2006-2007 winter,385, moose , were counted, as well as 21 wolves, in three packs. In spring 2008,23 wolves
  7. Moose predators are wolves, bears,and humans. Unlike most other deer species, moose ,are solitary animals and do not form herds. Although generally slow-moving and
  8. As Odin, then Germ and Free are shown taking part in hunting an elk or, moose , Theories Free is also a name applied to the monstrous wolf Henri in the
  9. Powerful forearms, which can break the necks and backs of large prey, such as, moose , They also feed on carrion, and use their size to intimidate other predators
  10. Bears also occasionally prey on large mammals, such as deer (including elk, moose ,and caribou),bighorn sheep, mountain goats, bison and muskoxen. When brown
  11. Also has a variation on the species called an Altar, which is part man, part, moose , Gallery File: Centaur lengths Met 51.163. JPG|Dishes Painter, white-ground
  12. Up if they fell over. This belief may relate to the ancient custom of trapping, moose ,in steep-sided pits. In 1255,Louis IX of France gave an elephant to Henry III
  13. Habitat for four of the six subspecies. In western portions of the continent, moose ,populations extend well north into Canada (British Columbia and Alberta) and
  14. Successfully on Antipasti Island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Europe In Europe, moose ,are currently found in large numbers throughout Norway, Sweden,Finland, Poland
  15. A bull moose , a mature female moose is called a cow moose , and an immature, moose ,of either sex is called a ( moose ) calf. Habitat, range,and distribution
  16. Do not possess. History Julius Caesar and Pliny record a belief that European, moose ,had no knee joints and could not get up if they fell over. This belief may
  17. In usage. A mature male moose is called a bull moose , a mature female, moose ,is called a cow moose , and an immature moose of either sex is called a ( moose
  18. Cod were all caught and dried, smoked or roasted. Caribou, musk oxen, deer, moose , whale and other types of game were eaten roasted or preserved. Berries were
  19. A few breeding pairs were reintroduced in western Colorado, and the state's, moose ,population is now more than 1,000 with great potential to grow. In Northeastern
  20. The state is a popular destination for sport hunting (particularly deer, moose ,and bear),sport fishing, snowmobiling,skiing, boating,camping and hiking
  21. Wolves outside Alaska, and supports healthy populations of black bear and, moose , Located on the Mississippi Flyway, Minnesota hosts migratory waterfowl such as
  22. Moose rifle),of which 500 were made in 1948-49 and the M/1951 Eligible (, moose ,rifle),of which 1000 were made in 1950-51. The Drag as a civilian target
  23. Mature male moose is called a bull moose , a mature female moose is called a cow, moose , and an immature moose of either sex is called a ( moose ) calf. Habitat, range
  24. Caucasus. It is listed under Appendix III of the Bern Convention. In 2008,two, moose ,were reintroduced into the Scottish Highlands in Allerdale Wilderness Reserve.
  25. Maine has the most of the population with a current headcount of about 30,000, moose , and dispersal from Maine over the years have resulted in healthy, growing
  26. The Without Borders tag, inspired by the Doctors without Borders name. The, moose ,(North America) or Eurasian elk (Europe) (Alces) is the largest
  27. Whales have also been observed preying on terrestrial mammals, such as deer and, moose ,swimming between islands off the northwest coast of North America. One killer
  28. Or spirit bear—only found in British Columbia) live here, as do deer, elk, moose , caribou, big-horn sheep, mountain goats, marmots,beavers, muskrat,coyotes
  29. Biodiversity Common species of wildlife in Latvia include deer, wild boar, moose , lynx, bear,fox, beaver and wolves. Non-marine mollusks of Latvia include 159
  30. American languages. Examples of such names are opossum, raccoon,squash and, moose ,(from Algonquian). Other Native American loanwords, such as wigwam or
  31. Deer its distinctive name in American English. The Native Americans often used, moose ,hides for leather and its meat as an ingredient in pemmican, a type of dried
  32. Design. The last Krag-Jørgensen rifles in production were the M/1948 Eligible (, moose ,rifle),of which 500 were made in 1948-49 and the M/1951 Eligible ( moose
  33. Animals and do not form herds. Although generally slow-moving and sedentary, moose ,can become aggressive and move surprisingly fast if angered or startled. Their
  34. Possible mutual reinforcement in usage. A mature male moose is called a bull, moose , a mature female moose is called a cow moose , and an immature moose of either
  35. Referred to as the" Polar Bear Capital ". Other large animals, such as, moose , deer, and wolves, are common throughout the province, especially in the
  36. As 21 wolves, in three packs. In spring 2008,23 wolves and approximately 650, moose , were counted Geology Isle Royale greenstone (chlorastrolite, a form of
  37. North America, the Eastern moose 's history is very well documented:, moose ,meat was often a staple in the diet of Native Americans going back centuries
  38. Their diet consists of both terrestrial and aquatic vegetation. The most common, moose ,predators are wolves, bears,and humans. Unlike most other deer species, moose
  39. Where the latter was nowhere present in the 17th and 18th century. The word, moose ,is a borrowing from an Algonquian language, probably Narragansett, and
  40. Sea otters can exceed. The wolverine can crush bones as thick as the femur of a, moose ,to get at the marrow, and has been seen attempting to drive bears away from its
  41. And stretching far away eastwards to the Yenisei River in Siberia. The European, moose ,was native to most temperate areas that it could physically inhabit on the
  42. Smith's 'Moos ', with possible mutual reinforcement in usage. A mature male, moose ,is called a bull moose , a mature female moose is called a cow moose , and an
  43. Calf. Habitat, range,and distribution North America In North America,the, moose ,range includes almost all of Canada (excluding the arctic),most of Alaska
  44. Moose is called a cow moose , and an immature moose of either sex is called a (, moose ,) calf. Habitat, range,and distribution North America In North America, the
  45. In temperate broadleaf and mixed forests. Fauna included aurochs, wisent, moose , and red deer that moved along with. The Mongoose culture became dominant in
  46. In Allerdale Wilderness Reserve. New Zealand In 1900 an attempt to introduce, moose ,into the Dominika area failed and ten moose , four bulls and six cows, were
  47. Sustenance in winter or on long journeys from home. Eastern tribes also valued, moose ,leather as a source to make moccasins and other decorations. The historical
  48. Fish taken by hook, net or wheel. Hunting for subsistence, primarily caribou, moose , and All sheep is still common in the state, particularly in remote Bush
  49. Finland is the brown bear (the national animal),gray wolf, wolverine,elk (, moose ,) and reindeer. Three of the more striking birds are the Whooper Swan, a large
  50. In the north of the country, supporting animal species which include, moose ,and the Asiatic black bear, along with over 120 bird species. Moist conifer

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