Examples of the the word, souvenir , in a Sentence Context
The word ( souvenir ), is the 12099 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Together. By age two, Wayne was trying to score goals against Mary using a, souvenir ,stick. The farm was where Wayne skated on ice for the first time, aged two
- In other cases they are issued more or less than a joke or for novelty, souvenir ,purposes, such as those sold as" Conch Republic" passports. International
- S wild film antics; some were given away as gifts and some were snatched by, souvenir ,hunters. Keaton said he was lucky if he used only six hats in making a film.
- The dying was Chief Carbon, who was scalped as he lay dying by a New Mexican, souvenir ,hunter. This massacre prompted the warlike Navajo leaders such as Manuelito to
- Then providing authentication for a document, the autograph is given as a, souvenir ,which acknowledges the recipient's access to the autographed. In the United
- Medium for container plants. The shell of the coconut fruit is used to make, souvenir ,heads, cups,bowls, musical instruments and bird houses. Fruit is often used as
- Cats in a rooftop cattery, which also served as an attraction, and there was a, souvenir ,shop and postal outlet. Rentoul's lease expired in 1971,and the pylon and its
- Currency or for commemoration. This includes elongated coins, encased coins, souvenir ,medallions, tags,badges, counterstamped coins, wooden nickels, credit cards
- To run his management agency. As an example of their level of activity, an 1881, souvenir , programme commemorating the 250th performance of Patience in London and its
- Been filled in with gravel, although even that did not initially deter many, souvenir ,hunters who measured the position of open hatches and dug down to them to allow
- In a celebratory atmosphere. Over the next few weeks, a euphoric public and, souvenir ,hunters chipped away parts of the wall; the governments later used industrial
- West side of the stadium to accommodate restrooms, food and drink stands, and, souvenir , shops. McFarlin Library At the top of The U sits one of the campus' most
- And the modernistic Federal Building. These were also printed in separate, souvenir ,sheets as imperf orated blocks of 25 (catalog listings 728–31). In 1935 the
- Vacante and subsequent election of a new Pope. Signet rings are also used as, souvenir ,or membership attribute,e.g. class ring (typically bear the coat of arms or
- Stratocaster that Hendrix burnt at the Astoria in 1967,and that he kept as a, souvenir , was given to Frank Zappa by a Hendrix roadie at the 1968 Miami Pop Festival;
- Connect the different neighborhoods of the city. On street level, numerous, souvenir , shops and mini-markets can be found with old-Era are still preserved and are
- A World War II veteran, kills thirteen neighbors in Camden, New Jersey with a, souvenir ,Luger to become America's first single-episode mass murderer. ** Allied
- In World War II, Howard Uncut kills 13 neighbors in Camden, New Jersey, with a, souvenir ,Luger to become the first U. S. single-episode mass murderer. *1952 – Canada's
- Sightseeing, ranging from china plates to postcards. The production of stick-on, souvenir ,badges seems to have started in mainland Europe during the early 20th-century
- That although the coat was too handsome for him, he would cherish it as a, souvenir , His staff insisted that he wear it to dinner, which caused scores of soldiers
- For his third goal. This meant he had not attempted to get the match ball as a, souvenir , which hat-trick scorers traditionally do. Haller, scorer of the Germans '
- In the 19th century of travel for ordinary people saw a huge increase in the, souvenir ,industry, as these new secular pilgrims - like their medieval counterparts -
- 50,000 more than were registered) took part in the event. Bright yellow, souvenir ,caps were distributed to walkers. A series of speakers placed at intervals
- Fragments are now a staple on the online auction service eBay as well as German, souvenir ,shops. Today, the eastern side is covered in graffiti that did not exist while
- Official source. See http://www.stampprof.com/sp/sp72-00a.gif picture of first, souvenir ,page in the US. * Cinderella stamps - stamp-like labels that are not valid for
- With 10 stamps in one picture. (Souvenir sheets should be distinguished from, souvenir ,cards, which are souvenir s of a philatelic meeting or exhibition but are not
- Of State); there are tourist complexes, Algerian and other restaurants, souvenir ,shops, supervised beaches, and other amenities. The city is also equipped with
- A Lego Windstorms NXT GPS sensor. Souvenirs In mid-2010,Ground speak added the, souvenir ,feature to the website. By finding certain caches or finding caches on a
- Little shield, and Greek Chilean meaning to love) is the hobby of collecting, souvenir ,patches or badges. Souvenir patches are usually shield-shaped
- Germany even prior to 1914. Pickelhauben were popular targets for British, souvenir ,hunters in the trenches, which prompted German soldiers to leave booby trapped
- Of post-war single-storey shops in Potsdamer Straße now sold a wide variety of, souvenir ,goods, many of which were purchased by coach-loads of curious visitors brought
- Deterioration over the years, and items began to disappear from the ship as, souvenir ,hunters picked away at the more portable objects. In 1940,President Franklin
- Mythology. In modern times, these paintings have become a much sought after, souvenir ,during festive occasions in South India. The process of making a Tagore
- Small-scale tourism, both based outside Antarctica. The Antarctica dollar,a, souvenir ,item sold in the United States and Canada, is not legal tender. Fisheries
- Part of the stamp design or theme. ** Miniature sheet - is very similar to a, souvenir ,sheet, being in a sheet let with a single or a number of stamps embedded in it.
- Ice-frosted silver julep cup but most Churchill Downs patrons sip theirs from, souvenir ,glasses (first offered in 1939 and available in revised form each year since)
- So far (those containing both" e" and a vowel other than" e" ). W of LE, souvenir ’d'enhance, ( W, or the Memory of Childhood,1975) is a semi-autobiographical
- Fair exhibit. As part of the celebration both a United States postage stamp and, souvenir ,sheet (containing 25 of the stamps) were issued showing the fort. In 1939
- Rodolfo presents her with the pink bonnet he bought her, which he has kept as a, souvenir ,of their love. The others return, with a gift of a muff to warm Mimì's hands
- Remarried to other people. " Here there are two families, and I am the only bad, souvenir ,of something that doesn't work," he said in the International Herald Tribune.
- Is the main shopping area in the city center, with a wide range of stores from, souvenir ,shops, from chains such as Boots and H&M and institutions like Jenner's. George
- Control over a city. It is also possible that this sword was preserved as a, souvenir ,of past victories venerated by Coleslaw the Brave's successors. According to
- General Jubilation T. Corn pone) has been heavily stripped by vandals and, souvenir ,hunters, and is today slowly being reclaimed by the surrounding Arkansas
- Annual" Jell-O Week. " During the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City,the, souvenir ,pins included one depicting green Jell-O., there are more than 158 products
- Occupied the shops; the present tenants are jewelers, art dealers and, souvenir ,sellers. The Ponte Vecchio's two neighboring bridges are the Monte Santa
- Represents the Wall's original appearance. They are badly damaged by, souvenir ,seekers. Fragments of the Wall were taken and some were sold around the world.
- Stamps were issued for 20 Ola Hazard, including Bet-Zouri and Hakim, in a, souvenir ,sheet called" Martyrs of the struggle for Israel's independence. " British
- Gained much popularity, especially after the release of various apparel and, souvenir ,options for the fans. Foam claws and helmets with deer antlers became quite
- Includes photographs, guidebooks,brochures, maps,architectural drawings, and, souvenir , items. Gallery Image: Mural Beria Chicago 1933. JPG|Mural General Exhibit 3rd
- And went on to become (and still is) the largest British manufacturer of, souvenir ,badges. The biggest American manufacturer is Voyager Emblems of San born, New
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