Examples of the the word, villein , in a Sentence Context

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  1. king's person, his issue, and the purifying of the nobility and to expulse all, villein ,blood and evil counselors against the common wealth of the same. And that ye
  2. Person causing the king to lose an eye would pay the same as if he had caused a, villein ,to lose an eye. However, he would also have to pay spread, and this would be far
  3. Area in demesne tended to be greater in smaller manors, while the share of, villein ,land was greater in large manors, providing the lord of the latter with a
  4. Land: typically, demesne accounted for roughly a third of the arable area, and, villein , holdings rather more; but some manors consisted solely of demesne, others
  5. Domesday Book and Beyond. In masterly fashion Vinogradoff here shows that the, villein ,of Norman times was the direct descendant of the Anglo-Saxon freeman, and that
  6. The Hermit of Eaton Forest a prosperous woodman's daughter marries a runaway, villein , The Aristocracy A passage in The Confession of Brother Saloon introduces a
  7. Pron., plural Croatian) Essentially similar positions have been the medieval, villein ,and the Swedish tor pare and Norwegian Hussein. Legislation The Scottish croft
  8. To have said:" as soon as a negro comes to England he is free; one may be a, villein ,in England, but not a slave. " Significance Precedent Legal academics have
  9. Of a rural community was meant. An unfree inhabitant of a will was called a, villein , Notes Christian Antique was head homelier of La Tour d'Argent
  10. Gives the surname deriving from the Old French copier" cottager" ( see:, villein ,). Early bearers of the English surname are Robert le Copier in 1198;
  11. Estate buildings, plus strips dispersed through the manor alongside free and, villein ,ones: in addition, the lord might lease free tenements belonging to
  12. Charges which were an additional source of manorial income. Sub-letting of, villein ,holdings was common, and labor on the demesne might be commuted into an
  13. Against slavery, since the kind of proof that was required to establish, villein ,status was not available in claiming slaves. After arguments closed it still
  14. Existed in Saxon times, but Eric held a coruscate and a half of land, with 1, villein , 1 border,1 serf,1 ploughteam,2 acres of meadow,1 Rodney,4 beasts,16 hogs
  15. Gives the surname deriving from the Old French copier" cottager" ( see:, villein ,). Early bearers of the English surname are Robert le Copier in 1198;
  16. In particular being less labor-intensive and therefore less demanding of, villein ,services); on the other hand, some upland areas of Europe showed some of the
  17. The exact point at which the tenant—by-copy-of-court-roll, the successor of the, villein , who, in his turn, represented the freeman reduced to villein age by the growth
  18. Rumour mongers and adulterers, and to deal with disputes concerning enclosures, villein ,service, and manorial questions; it heard appeals from the common law courts;
  19. And used for the benefit of his household and dependents; # Dependent (serf or, villein ,) holdings carrying the obligation that the peasant household supply the lord
  20. King, the bear or bonheddig, who were the free landowners, and the TAEG or, villein , A fourth class was the allied, a person from outside Wales who had settled
  21. Ecclesiastical manors tended to be larger, with a significantly greater, villein ,area than neighboring lay manors. The effect of circumstances on manorial
  22. He worked on. An alternative term is serf (from Latin serves =" slave" ). A, villein ,could not leave the land without the landowner's consent. Villeins thus
  23. Then. Rafael reveals to Mark the details of his childhood in Trefoil, among a, villein ,community such as those they are passing, and the restlessness and curiosity
  24. The kitchen, bears a grudge as Bone deprived him of free status and made him a, villein , The maid, Aldith, has no apparent motive. Richards herself was never alone
  25. Then and now assessed at one hide. The land is one coruscate, and there are one, villein , two borders, a mill at 35 Denali, and half an acre of pasturage. Worth ten
  26. The apothecary, the priest and Robert of Babestoche. Helping her are the, villein ,Gothic, who is in love with Janna, and also the handsome nobleman, Hugh,who is
  27. The feudal order congealed during the 12th century, the reduced status of the, villein ,rendered outright slavery largely obsolete; the last form of this enforced
  28. Between 14th a 15th century mining retreated farming and crafts. Despite, villein ,ratio to Liptovský Radon, Hybe was become important farming and culture center
  29. Expenses, perhaps a reason why smaller manors tended to rely less on, villein ,tenure. Dependent holdings were held nominally by arrangement of lord and
  30. A vagabond, a slave, or an unhanded laborer. In many medieval countries,a, villein ,could gain freedom by escaping from a manor to a city or borough and living
  31. Men of respect may distinguish a gentleman from a yeoman and a yeoman from a, villein , (Modernized) Equipment The weapons used for hunting would mostly be the same
  32. And 1361 the parish was largely depopulated by pestilence, so that many of the, villein ,tenements, which had hitherto accounted for almost the whole population, came
  33. Now it was assessed at half a hide. There is one coruscate in demesne with one, villein , Was and is worth iOS. " There is no mention of a church as Merton lies
  34. Population, and in the rest of Europe their numbers were small. Villeins A, villein ,was the most common type of serf in the Middle Ages. Villeins had more rights
  35. Way of living; and a merchant in the same way, saving his stock-in-trade; and a, villein ,shall be amerced in the same way, saving his means of livelihood--if they have
  36. Evidence of a landing place at La Dell. A rent list, dated 1432,records a, villein ,whose duties included" to cart from La Dell to Colchester ". Exports in the
  37. Ages, land within a lord's manor provided sustenance and survival, and being a, villein ,guaranteed access to land, and crops secure from theft by marauding robbers.
  38. In England:" as soon as a negro comes to England he is free; one may be a, villein ,in England, but not a slave. " However, this comment was construed as more of
  39. Certainly villein age continued in England, slowly decaying, until the last, villein ,died in the early 17th century. In later common law cases, none of the
  40. Acres under rye, with 12 acres of woodland and pasture and rents from free and, villein ,tenants. This sounds like large scale farming for the market by the landowner
  41. Vaynorweyno 1402,mayor wino c. 1566 W (else) manor later meant 'group of, villein ,townships' and 'division of a commute' and was later confused with E (
  42. In the centuries just around the Norman Conquest. The status of the, villein ,and the conditions of the manor in the 12th and 13th centuries are set forth
  43. A Saxon named Dunning. It has land for two plows, and home to five serfs, one, villein , and three borders. It also mentioned one and a half fisheries, four hays for
  44. The social base of the nobility by promulgating decrees stating that any, villein ,of Castrojeriz who equipped a knight for battle would enter the ranks of the
  45. In 1390 Hyde was got into property of Lipton District Administrator and become, villein ,small town of domination in Liptovský Radon. Between 14th a 15th century
  46. Things * An individual not tied to land under medieval serfdom, unlike a, villein ,or serf * A person who has been awarded Freedom of the City or" Freedom of the

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