Examples of the the word, arrogant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( arrogant ), is the 9403 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To perform the first heart transplant. Often considered a spoiled and, arrogant ,personality, he was also regarded as kind and considerate by others. Because of
  2. Then 30 votes in New South Wales or Victoria. ) Alongside what was cited as an, arrogant ,approach adopted by then Chief Minister Shane Stone, it is believed that most
  3. To the point of arrogance (Lake is actually a Japanese name meaning ", arrogant ,") her relationship with her new lover causes her to become more contemplative
  4. To power, these powerful men could try to claim the crown. The autocratic and, arrogant ,methods of Richard II only served to alienate the nobility more, and his
  5. Created a military base to train the young men to fight against the vicious, arrogant , brutal, terrorizing Soviet empire ... So this place was called" The Base" "
  6. Exercised on his minister C. D. Howe, who was widely perceived as extremely, arrogant , Western Canadians felt particularly alienated by the government, believing
  7. Problem ", Xavier counters him in a televised debate, however,he appears, arrogant ,and Track sends his mutant-hunting robot Sentinels to terrorize mutants. The
  8. To appoint his son-in-law Hans Georg von Mackenzie to that office. The vain, arrogant , and tactless Ribbentrop was not the man for such a mission, but it is doubtful
  9. Stated aim was to" concentrate on very basic music: loud, fast,city, raucous, arrogant , paranoid, speedfreak rock n roll ... it will be so loud that if we move in
  10. With Marina, while merely tolerating Oswald who they regarded as rude and, arrogant , Although the Russian émigrés eventually abandoned Marina when she made no sign
  11. The point where he forges one of gold. Lemminkäinen is a handsome, arrogant ,and reckless ladies-man, he is the son of Semi (English: lust or favorite).
  12. To the X-Men, like Stacy X, Juggernaut and North star, he comes across as rather, arrogant , denouncing their status as team members, as they have not been around as long
  13. Executed on November 17,303. Diocletian believed that Romanus of Caesar was, arrogant , and he left the city for Comedian in the winter, accompanied by Galleries.
  14. In southern Japan, as well as the active and what was perceived as the, arrogant ,role the Jesuits were playing in the Japanese political arena, Hideyoshi
  15. Was named after Narcissus, and was described as being incredibly vain and, arrogant , Her sister, Bellatrix Estrange and cousin Sirius Black were described as
  16. Amble, angrily,annex, annoyance,approaching, arbitration,armless, army, arrogant , arsenic, arc,artillery and aspect are just some of the many English words
  17. That he divorced her before and that remarrying Patina would make her more, arrogant , Callisto suggested Lillian Paulina,Caligula's third wife and Agrippina's
  18. The Berbers as barbarians, while the Berbers often saw the Arabs as only an, arrogant ,and brutal soldiery bent on collecting taxes. In the 740,spurred by
  19. Starred in Indra Kumar's romantic-drama DIL. She played the role of a rich and, arrogant ,girl who falls in love with a poorer boy and later leaves her house to marry
  20. Church. Thus while among his own colleagues he seemed merely a hypocritical and, arrogant ,priest, in his relations with his brother humanists, such as Costco de' Medici
  21. In much the way he portrays management consultants in the comic strip, with an, arrogant ,manner and bizarre suggestions, such as comparing mission statements to
  22. Being called" the Just ". Perhaps merely the sense that someone had become too, arrogant ,or prominent was enough to get someone's name onto an strain. Fall into
  23. With; he was in continuous conflict with his Dutch superiors, who felt he was, arrogant , This threat of conflict resulted in his recall in July 1827 back to Batavia.
  24. The Collier County Sheriff's Department for" their incredibly discourteous, arrogant ,and aggressive behavior of which I had never experienced in thirty years of
  25. Create a new guild of craftsmen, without the class distinctions which raise an, arrogant ,barrier between craftsman and artist. " Gropius' neologism Bauhaus references
  26. Dissension was rife. Though often involved in controversy, Ainsworth was not, arrogant , but was a steadfast and cultured champion of the principles represented by the
  27. A scientific field from a" white" institution, some faculty members perceived him as, arrogant ,when a young man. Unmarried faculty members normally had to share rooms, with
  28. Malachi has them say" 'It is vain to serve God... Now we count the, arrogant ,happy; evildoers not only prosper, but when they put God to the test they
  29. Errol Flynn, starting a trend for films to depict John as an" effeminate ..., arrogant ,and cowardly stay-at-home ". The character of John acts either to highlight the
  30. Turn their next major attack on Tokyo, and without serious opposition, become, arrogant , in their aims, until the UNSC discover the Kulaks have switched to
  31. Those who do. ” Kurosawa was often criticized by his countrymen for perceived ", arrogant ," behavior. It was in Japan that the (initially) disparaging nickname "
  32. Most powerful type of jinn, having especially great powers. They are the most, arrogant ,and proud as well. Like every jinn, they have free will yet could be compelled
  33. It into an argument. There must be something in my tone of voice, or this, arrogant ,face—something that antagonizes everybody. Nobody likes me on sight. I suppose
  34. Way away to ask the gods for a drink of" the famous mead. " Calling the gods, arrogant , Loki asks why they are unable to speak, and demands that they assign him a
  35. Justin The roux) is established in the first portion of the film as a" vaguely, arrogant ,", but apparently successful director who endures one humiliation after another
  36. Then others. Transsexual people frequently characterize some centers as, arrogant ,and controlling. It is not uncommon for a minimum of 24 months of real life
  37. Well in the presence of God. He was dutiful towards his parents and he was not, arrogant ,or rebellious. John's reading and understanding of the scriptures, when only a
  38. Pipeline Debate led to the widespread impression that the Liberals had grown, arrogant ,in power when the government invoked closure on numerous occasions in order to
  39. Her daughter Imogen has been quoted as saying" The truth is Enid Byton was, arrogant , insecure, pretentious,very skilled at putting difficult or unpleasant things
  40. Some cultures may consider the British negotiation style as freezing and, arrogant , Spain. Dig is perhaps a good metaphor for the Spanish approach to
  41. Exacerbated by a perception by some within Germany of the state of Bavaria as ", arrogant ,". Many, including members of the CDU, attribute Stoiber's comments and
  42. Pronounced). Chrysophylax comes across as a pompous aristocrat—rich, vain,and, arrogant , but capable of compromise if handled correctly. Farmer Giles learns that he
  43. Ben bow, was also named after Narcissus. Throughout the novel, she allows the, arrogant , pompous pressures of high-class society to overrule the unconditional love
  44. Lepidus, who conspired against Caligula. Seneca states that Caligula became, arrogant , angry and insulting once becoming emperor and uses his personality flaws as
  45. A personal crusade now ... As we can see it really is about him. He is, arrogant ,and he's adamant that he's going to get this passed ..." He's trying
  46. Landowning class. More recently, however,he has often been portrayed as an, arrogant ,and aloof ruler, lacking in political and administrative skills. Northumberland
  47. Aimed to challenge Nick Griffin's leadership, calling him" tyrannical ",", arrogant ," and surrounded by" yes men ". In 2007,a leadership challenge to Griffin by
  48. Attitude is reflected in the traditional Russian fairy tale" Morocco ", whose, arrogant , protagonist Ivan tries to kill a mother bear and her cubs — and is punished and
  49. On Governor Mike Huckabee's Fox News talk show, Voight said Obama was, arrogant , caused civil unrest, and stood for all that this country was against during
  50. Action becoming known as the Chase about Raid. Before long, Lord Darnley became, arrogant ,and demanded power commensurate with his title of" King of Scots ". Darnley

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