Examples of the the word, ar , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ar ), is the 7692 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Third declension i-stems have no rule. However, all of them end in – all, –,AR, or – e. For example: animal, – axis. This can be remembered with the help of
  2. Sibh go heir Chen é a he ar t? *" None of house have a clue! " Nil call/lad, ar , bith again! *" Are ye not finished yet? " Each built Sikh críochnaithe FOS?
  3. Begin &\texts = a + AR + ar ^2 + ar ^3 + \dots + ar e. \\4pt &\texts =, ar , + ar ^2 + ar ^3 + ar ^4 + \dots + ar e \\4pt &\texts - rs s (1-r) aw ar d, \texts
  4. Most do faithful.: Did do toil i Tasman: email ATA in him.: Tab air dun India, ar , sasad lathe.: Focus log dun AR fichu: email Lorraine di ar y fhechemnaib.: Focus
  5. Sin x)^ \franc. \, \! Hyperbolic functions behave simil ar ly, using the prefix ", ar ,", as in ar sing for the inverse function of sing, and CSC x for the
  6. A verbal root with a zero suffix or -a without distinction to number or person:, ar , ar ea," he, she,we, you,they make. " Past or preterit active The -CE or -KE
  7. Phedw ar is a mutated form of Edw ar d. *The multiples of ten ar e deg, ugain, deg,AR, hugain, deugain, hanner can't, trigain, deg a train, pedw ar again, deg a
  8. Eastern plateau region is intersected by a low chain of mountains, the Jamal, ar , Ruwaq, the Jamal Abu Human, and the Jamal Tishri, extending northeastw ar d
  9. Remains of ancient riverbeds; the most important of them ar e Wadi Haifa, Wadi,AR, Rummah, Wadi as Sure, and Wadi ad-Dawasir. The he ar t of Need is the ar ea of the
  10. U =. The radial force ƒ (r) per unit mass is the radial acceleration, ar , defined above. Solving the above differential equation with respect to time (
  11. Atá AR neath:: go NASCAR d'Ainu.: Go data do right.: Go dental do toil, ar , an Raleigh, : m ar theater AR neath.: AR S ar an lethal tab hair Quinn innit,
  12. A is tense. Simil ar ly, heavy and tense-r vowels pattern together: the letters, ar , in c ar ar e heavy, the letters AR followed by silent e in the word c ar e ar e. The
  13. During the e ar ly ye ar s of the 20th century, a group of writers known as Eagle, ar , Skrivanerien elaborated and reformed Le Gonidec's system, making it more
  14. Fish ar e traditional favorite foods, leading to a saying that in Bengali, mach,AR, bhaath Bengali B ar naby, that translates as" fish and rice make a Bengali ".
  15. D'Ainu.: Go data do right.: Go dental do toil AR a Raleigh, : m ar theater, ar , neamh.: AR S ar an lethal tab hair Quinn innit, : ages faith Quinn AR Chibcha,
  16. The Irish AR with corresponds to English" at all ", so the stronger AR choir, ar , bith gives rise to the form" at all ". * AR eagle go … (lit. " On fe ar
  17. However, after Johannes fell in battle, the Ethiopian forces withdrew. ABD, ar , Rahman a Autumn, the Khalifa's general, attempted an invasion of Egypt in
  18. The Turkish mountain region, and on the southeast by the Jamal all Arab, Jabal, ar , Ruwaq, Jabal Abu Human, and the Jamal Tishri ranges. Rainfall in this ar ea is
  19. British officials concluded the Treaty of Mohammad with ABD all Aziz in ABD, ar , Rahman Al Said, who in 1932 formed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The treaty
  20. The common ratio. We can derive this formula as follows:: \begin &\texts = a +, ar , + ar ^2 + ar ^3 + \dots + ar e. \\4pt &\texts = AR + ar ^2 + ar ^3 + ar ^4 + \dots
  21. Of the modern period, see E. Won James, Glyndŵr a Goliath y General: Agenda, ar , y Port read o Twain Gender in Llenyddiaeth y Synod Modern (English: Landowner
  22. So the stronger AR choir AR with gives rise to the form" at all ". *, ar , eagla go … (lit. " On fe ar that … ") means" in case … ". The v ar iant AR
  23. Celtic) which ar e normally subject–verb–object in word order. (Welsh) Edw ar d, ar , bymtheg a fe ar again (literally) four on fifteen and four twenties
  24. Air neath.: Tab hair Quinn an-diugh AR S ar an lacteal.: Ages faith Quinn, ar , fiachan, : am hail a Matthews since DAR luchd-fiach.: Ages Na lag Ann am
  25. Do toil air a Raleigh, : m ar a pithier air neath.: Tab hair Quinn an-diugh, ar , n- ar an lacteal.: Ages faith Quinn AR facial, : am hail a Matthews since DAR
  26. Additional land ne ar Arab, its only port. In 1922 ABD all Aziz in ABD, ar , Rahman Al Said (r. 1902–53) and British officials representing Iraqi
  27. Instance 79 in French is Roxanne dix-neuf (60+10+9) and in Welsh is Edw ar d, ar , bymtheg a train (4+ (5+10)+ (3 × 20) ) or (somewhat ar chaic) Edw ar d
  28. Usually has limited physical space, signage is normally in French alone. Offs, ar , Brezhoneg, the Breton language agency, was set up in 1999 by the Brittany
  29. For the reference gas (i.e. CO2). The radiative efficiencies ax and, ar , ar e not necess ar ily constant over time. While the absorption of infr ar ed
  30. Be remembered with the help of the mnemonic involving a pirate named Al:" Al, ar ,' e' going pirating today? " Pure I-stems may exhibit peculi ar endings in both
  31. The band's popul ar ity grew after Oldfield covered their song" O son do, ar ," (" The sound of the air" ) on his Voyager album. In 1998, he produced the
  32. Then pitch. " (Sorry, Gylfaginning 17,Prose Edda):" SA ere inn st ar , ar , her Keillor her Álfheimr. C ar bigger folk at, er Ljósálf ar data, en Dökkálf ar
  33. Are not included in Webster's Diction ar y, and the word pronunciation of the ", ar ," is with" a pirate-like ARR" followed by a soft clipped s. Rice Kristie
  34. Strongly associated with stage-Irish and Hollywood films. * the Irish, ar , bith corresponds to English" at all ", so the stronger AR choir AR with gives
  35. He does be doing a lot of work at school. " Bonn SE AG Deana go Leon ombre, ar , scoil. *" It's him I do be thinking of. " Is air a Bonn me AG smaoineamh.
  36. Films. * the Irish AR with corresponds to English" at all ", so the stronger, ar , chor AR with gives rise to the form" at all ". * AR eagle go … (lit. "
  37. I Tasman: email ATA in him.: Tab air dun India AR salad lathe.: Focus log dun, ar , fiachu: email Lorraine di ar y fhechemnaib.: Focus is level find i n-amus
  38. Soer o Czech ULC.: Amen repair.: The Prayer in modern Irish: AR there, atá, ar , neamh:: go NASCAR d'Ainu.: Go data do right.: Go dental do toil AR an
  39. Ye ar , causing periodic droughts. In the b ar ren stony desert south of the Jamal, ar , Ruwaq, Jabal Abu Human, and Jamal Tishri ranges, temperatures in July often
  40. Of all finite sums of elements of R of the form Ra, where r ∈ R and a ∈ X, or,AR, where r ∈ R and a ∈ X, or RAR′, where r, r′ ∈ R and a ∈ X. That is, the left
  41. Chinese pronunciation" CIA" with its spelling affected by the fact that, ar , is a more common way of representing the phoneme in British English. ` Tea
  42. Which is the expected root for the effective tense) is followed by the root, ar , which is the root for the present tense. In the pluperfect tense, again
  43. For r\new 1,the sum of the first n terms of a geometric series is:: a +, ar , + a r^2 + a r^3 + \dots + an RJ \sum_^ ar k a \, \franc, where an is the first
  44. Prim ar ily of grid class V, is being used as an- and could be used for all, am,AR, and so on. Clusters of two or three consonants that do not follow the initial
  45. Tense-r vowels pattern together: the letters AR in c ar ar e heavy, the letters, ar , followed by silent e in the word c ar e ar e. The letter u represents two
  46. As do such later syncretic works such as Geoffrey Keating's Forms Feast, ar , Éirinn (The History of Ireland) (ca. 1640),p ar ticul ar ly as these later
  47. Ar eagle go … (lit. " On fe ar that … ") means" in case … ". The v ar iant, ar , eagla Na Headley, ( lit. " On fe ar of fe ar " ) implies the circumstances ar e
  48. Mountains lies a b ar ren desert region known as the Haman. North of the Jamal, ar , Ruwaq and east of the city of Home is another b ar ren ar ea known as the Home
  49. Archival and compression tools like PK ZIP, WinZip,and WinRAR, the Unix tools, ar , t ar , cpio (for" ar chiver "," tape ar chiver" and" copy in/out "
  50. They do be talking on their mobiles a lot. " Bonn SIAD AG paint go Leon, ar , a join coca. *" He does be doing a lot of work at school. " Bonn SE AG

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