Examples of the the word, appendice , in a Sentence Context

The word ( appendice ), is the 12932 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Observées aux differences epoxies de l'Anne à lac our de CES princes, et UN, appendice , contenant DES details SUR la poetic DES Baronies, leur manner de divider
  2. Fere 0; opercula suborbiculari base cordite, facie inferior proper basin, appendice , lateraliter Atlanta; inflorescent racemes penicillin inferiority c. 10 mm
  3. Benedictine Ordinal monarch, Germani, Practica via cum 12. Clauibus &, appendice , ex Germanic; II. Thomas Norton, Angli Philosophy Crude Mini SEU Ordinal
  4. Orbiculari subcordato, facie inferior piles Paris patents et proper basin, appendice , lateraliter applicator; inflorescent ignore; indumentum in omnibus paribus
  5. Astoria Contemporary" 3 (2008) *Signature, Luca IL Dodecaneso Italian, con, appendice s, fotografica, in " Nova Astoria Contemporary" 2 (2010) East Houston is a
  6. And Contest et Tableaux (consisting of 14 short stories),as well as an, appendice , Historiette features all stories dealing with the fantastic (La serpent, Le
  7. 7): 659-672. * LONG F. (1882) IL Canal di Messina e LE sue current, con, appendice s, sui Pesci Che lo popular. Messina. * ROSETTE F. (1988) Some News on the
  8. Ambulante, ( Farsi all'antics in un PROLOG, due part e Cinque quarry. Con, appendice , e music he DI Pepping De Filippo) (1956) *IL talisman Della Felicia, (
  9. Observées aux differences epoxies de l'Anne à la Four de CES Princes, et UN, appendice , contenant DES details SUR la poetic DES Baronies, leur manner de divider
  10. Work" Bibliotheca modicum MSS. Monasterii St. Michelin de Murano cum, appendice , librorum 15,sæculi" ( Venice,1779). Source Human rights in Jordan continues
  11. Parte inferior August infundibuliformi tubules; costs 2 prominentibus ad OS, appendice , folicea Ramos ornate; Personio operculum versus accumulate, vix in Callum
  12. N. Izumiae simile used opercula ascidiorum base triangularibus-cordatibun, appendice , ascidiorum curate elongate, glandularum nectariarum picks appendice s
  13. Parts of Barnaby and the Levant, Oxford,Pub.?, ( 1738),441 ET 60 p. En, appendice , vocabulary chaos p. 52. *Sierakowsky, A., Das Shaun, ein Batman our
  14. Works * Du Treatment Homœopathique du Cholera Alec notes et, appendice , Paris,1832,dedicated to Louis-Philippe. * Pharmacopeia Homeopathic,1834
  15. L'architecture del socialism communitarian: 1790-1975,Dolores Hayden; con in, appendice , uno script DI Gianni Baget-Bozzo Milano: Farinelli,1980. *Gianni Beige
  16. Of Chinese religion (Le T'ai Chan: Essie de monographic d'un cult chinos:, appendice , Le died Du sol days la Chine antique,1910). The last work, a study of the
  17. 1965,public aux editions Hallmark * La Religion romaine archaize, avec UN, appendice , sur la religion DES Trustees,1966,public aux editions Payout ** L’Ideologies
  18. Nascentium index. Adductor various plant arum descriptions et icons. Cum, appendice , quae plants de Nova reports continent et errata emend at. Montpellier. Flora of
  19. Méthodique et synoptic DES Romans de Chevalier credits et public. Premier, appendice , au catalogue raisonné DES lives de la bibliothèque de M. Ambrose Firmin-Didot
  20. III rd part, De gratis Christi Salvatore, book V, chap. XXI–XXV). In its, appendice , titled Errors Massiliensium, et opinions quorum dam recentiorum parallel on et
  21. Di Würzburg in area slavo-orientale: Frey tradition e tradition (con one, appendice , di test),Munich,2004. Nishinoumi Cairo I (西ノ海 嘉治郎, February 19, 1855 –
  22. Cui Marine litter arum investiturarium copies, variaque prejudicial novissima in, appendice , adiecta. Leipzig 1739 * Dis's. De Arbitron, ex curious Romania et Germanic is
  23. Nepenthe spatulate similes, ascidia opercula face inferior, appendice , subapicali triangular serpents lingual similes, operculi Marine undulate
  24. On-line) * Io. Bernhard De Rossi, Annales typographic embrace Sabionetenses, appendice , aucti. Ex Italics Latinos FECI m. Io. Grid. Room, collega, Erlangae: multibus
  25. De Nicolas Capella, Calaris (Cagliari) 1582 poi: Rossi, Mondovì 1615; in, appendice , a Giovanni Span, Ortographia Sara national, Imprenta Regina (Real Stamper
  26. Che is rinvengono in Sicilian disposal second un method natural Segundo the UN, appendice , che contains la description DI Alcuin Nova Pesci Sicilian. Ill Piccolo del

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