Examples of the the word, appellant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( appellant ), is the 7373 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Court and the appellate court may have the discretion to grant or refuse the, appellant ,'s demand to appeal the lower court's decision. A good example of this is the
  2. Had been articulated by the Supreme Court that enabled us to determine whether, appellant ,'s case fell within or without that principle. " Supreme Court nomination
  3. Figure prominently in the arguments. In order for the appeal to succeed,the, appellant ,must prove that the lower court committed reversible error, that is, an
  4. Court of Judiciary in Scotland. In addition to obtaining leave to appeal,an, appellant ,also had to obtain a certificate from the lower court stating that a point of
  5. A General District Court to the Circuit Court of that jurisdiction, and the, appellant ,may receive a new trial with a jury. The Protestant Union or Evangelical Union
  6. The Miller test for determining what constituted obscene material. History The, appellant , Marvin Miller, operator of one of the West Coast's largest mail-order
  7. Judges of first instance and appeal, and the governors of some provinces took, appellant ,cases from their neighbors. It soon became impossible to avoid taking some
  8. Will dictate exactly how the appeal is officially begun. For example,the, appellant ,might have to file the notice of appeal with the appellate court, or with the
  9. Adan v The King 1926 AC 482 (PC) the Privy Council nevertheless granted an, appellant ,leave to appeal a criminal conviction and ruled that the provision of the
  10. From the lower court, however,is now the respondent. In unusual cases the, appellant ,can be the victor in the court below, but still appeal. For example, in Doyle v
  11. To appeal, or it will not be heard. By convention in some law reports,the, appellant ,is named first. This can mean that where it is the defendant who appeals, the
  12. Particularly relevant (e.g., to support an inference that a particular, appellant ,is a vexatious litigant). In legal citations," 'cert. Granted sub not" is an
  13. Rapere falsie no minibus imperium, atque FBI solitude facing, pacem, appellant , (To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and
  14. Required to begin an appeal. The form is completed by the appellant or by the, appellant ,'s legal representative. The nature of this form can vary greatly from country
  15. Of its jurisdiction, obligated to hear the appeal. In such an appeal,the, appellant ,feels that some error has been made in his trial, necessitating an appeal. A
  16. Courts, courts of appeals, superior courts, or supreme courts. Access to, appellant ,status A party who files an appeal is called an appellant , plaintiff in error
  17. Courts. Access to appellant status A party who files an appeal is called an, appellant , plaintiff in error, petitioner or pursuer, and a party on the other side is
  18. Arguing that the defendant should have to pay $200,000 instead of $50,000. The, appellant ,is the party who, having lost part or all their claim in a lower court decision
  19. Appeal. A finding of reversible error requires that substantial right of the, appellant ,be affected, or the evidence in question be of such character as to have
  20. Refuse to listen to the appeal. An appeal by leave or permission requires the, appellant ,to obtain leave to appeal; in such a situation either or both of the lower
  21. That in many cases is required to begin an appeal. The form is completed by the, appellant ,or by the appellant 's legal representative. The nature of this form can vary
  22. In those cases the record will first be certified by the lower court. The, appellant ,has the opportunity to present arguments for the granting of the appeal and the
  23. Appellate court, followed by the highest court. If the petition is granted the, appellant ,could be released from incarceration, the sentence could be modified, or a new
  24. Ruling read:" The main issue of the indictment sheet filed against the, appellant ,was his identification as Ivan the Terrible, an operator of the gas chambers in
  25. As affirming the judgment below. (This would happen, for example, if the, appellant ,waited too long, under the appellate court's rules, to file the appeal. ) In
  26. State of California, plaintiff & respondent, vs. Huey P. Newton, defendant and, appellant ,: Appellant's opening brief" ( ERIC reports) * Billiard, David and Keith and
  27. That a finding of fact was entirely unreasonable to make on the evidence. The, appellant ,in the new case can be either the plaintiff (or claimant),defendant
  28. The husband of Douglas's sister, while Fife sided with the successful, appellant , Sir Archibald Douglas, lord of Galloway who possessed an entail on the Douglas
  29. Respect to student and staff assignment. In 1993,the Supreme Court denied the, appellant ,School District's request for certiorari and returned the case to District
  30. Spouses but a mixed-race and a white spouse:" Under the facts presented the, appellant ,does not have the benefit of assailing the validity of the statute. "
  31. Is required to respond to the petition, oral arguments, and legal briefs of the, appellant , In general, the appealed takes the procedural posture that the lower court's
  32. The United States Supreme Court. Eugene R. Warren presented arguments for the, appellant , Person, and Don Langston, an Assistant Attorney General for Arkansas, argued
  33. Of" irresistible impulse" was developed in the 1960 case R v. Byrne. The, appellant ,(described as a violent sexual psychopath) strangled then mutilated a young
  34. Indicating mistaken identity ... we restrained ourselves from convicting the, appellant ,of the horrors of Treblinka. Ivan Demjanjuk has been acquitted by us, because
  35. Up before the trial court. Hence, such an appellate court will not consider an, appellant ,'s argument if it is based on a theory that is raised for the first time in the
  36. Appealable, so the style of a criminal appeal is always the same whether the, appellant ,is the defendant or prosecution. Direct or collateral: Appealing criminal
  37. In an appeal on the record from a decision in a judicial proceeding, both, appellant , and respondent are bound to base their arguments wholly on the proceedings and
  38. Of the Madras system of education *Alexander Donaldson (bookseller), appellant , in the copyright case, Donaldson v Beckett; founder/publisher of the Edinburgh
  39. The appellant was rightly convicted ". The judgement states in relation to the, appellant ,'s assertions regarding the claim that his IP address had been disguised: “
  40. At a security guard, who jumped onto the bonnet to avoid being hit. The, appellant ,had screamed at him to get off, saying she would otherwise kill him. He
  41. Is in dispute. Procedure The party filing the appeal — called the petitioner or, appellant , who is attempting to convince the appellate court to overturn the lower court
  42. We grant the government's request. The United States shall recover from, appellant ,Train twice its cost of this appeal. Additionally, we assess against Train a
  43. A post-conviction relief process. Similar to federal post-conviction relief,an, appellant ,can petition the court to correct alleged fundamental errors that were not
  44. Off. A police car, its lights blazing and sirens switched on, pursued the, appellant ,out of Lexington as she failed to stop. She was ultimately stopped by another
  45. Only what their eyes see and read. " They also added:" The facts proved the, appellant ,'s participation in the extermination process. The matter is closed — but not
  46. Buttocks, could involve a contravention of s5. The prosecution case against the, appellant ,was that he obscenely exposed his penis and other genitals. It is sufficient
  47. Criminal context. The first is the traditional" direct" appeal in which the, appellant ,files an appeal with the next higher court of review. The second is the
  48. That the lower court applied the wrong legal standard. In some rare cases,an, appellant ,may successfully argue that the law under which the lower decision was rendered
  49. Appeal of Anthony O’Shea, stating that they were" entirely confident that the, appellant ,was rightly convicted ". The judgement states in relation to the appellant 's
  50. Trial or some other stage in the adjudicative process. Preservation Issues An, appellant ,'s claim (s) must usually be preserved at trial. This mean that the defendant

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