Examples of the the word, copenhagen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( copenhagen ), is the 12145 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. Environment to students. Hjertestop is a Danish punk band. It was formed in, copenhagen , in the scene around Ungdomshuset. The band consists of former members of
  2. Widths 160px heights 130> File: Are Jacobsen, national bank, copenhagen , 1961–1978. JPG|Danske Bank headquarters seen along Holmes Canal with Are
  3. Fare Islands (competition win, December 2009) * Amagerforbrænding, copenhagen , Denmark (competition win 2011) * National Gallery, Nuuk, Greenland (
  4. Larsen (2000-04) File: Bare angels group, BIG CDs PLOT, mountain dwellings, copenhagen ,2005-2008. JPG|Mountain Dwellings, Ørestad by Bare Angels Group (2008) File
  5. September 7 - val by fallen (Copenhagen) September 8 - val by fallen (, copenhagen , ) Benelux September 11 - writer park (Brussels)
  6. Been a confirmed Domestic Duck x Domestic Goose hybrid at a zoological park in, copenhagen , Denmark, in 1947. Showing a duck-like head and neck on a goose-like body. See
  7. Design beyond the myth ”; Berlin, milano, gent,prey, budapest, riga, glasgow, copenhagen , Gothenburg, oslo. 2005: exhibition” h05/all rum ”, helsingborg. 2006:
  8. And later crosses the border to Fredericksburg. H. C. Andersen's Boulevard, copenhagen , 's most heavily trafficked street, and Vested Voltage pass the square on each
  9. Stations, Austria. File: Bare angels group, BIG CDs PLOT, mountain dwellings, copenhagen ,2005-2008. JPG|Mountain Dwellings, Denmark by Bare Angels Group, winner in
  10. Tredegar house (Newport) Denmark September 7 - val by fallen (, copenhagen , ) September 8 - val by fallen (Copenhagen) Benelux
  11. Going liners; cartoons of well-dressed men and pretty girls and various maps of, copenhagen , One page declares,'There's No Whiteness .... Viva Free Algeria! ' Each page

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