Examples of the the word, aide , in a Sentence Context
The word ( aide ), is the 6439 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And his Aide, Lieutenant W. L. Eddington; Captain Jr. W. Boreal and his, aide , Lieutenant E. O. Goldberg; and the Netherlands aide to Mrs. Roosevelt
- Themselves without giving protocollary offense) just a military or other, aide , For non-executive heads of state there is often a degree of censorship by the
- A number of Georgian operatives were also deployed prior in Afghanistan to, aide ,US Special Forces in hunting down Taliban leaders. Georgian officials have
- The support of the miners' unions. Franco, already general of a Division and, aide ,to the war minister, Diego Hidalgo, was put in command of the operations
- He usually appeared in public standing upright, supported on one side by an, aide ,or one of his sons. FDR used a car with specially designed hand controls, which
- Skying. When the Beagle arrived, Otway put the ship under the command of his, aide , Flag Lieutenant Robert Fitzroy. The 23-year-old aristocrat Fitzroy proved an
- Were: His Excellency, Dr. P. Steel, the Governor of Curaçao, and his, aide , Lieutenant Ivan Weinberg; Rear Admiral T. E. Chandler and his Aide, Lieutenant
- Ohio House of Representatives *Robert Graham, Senior Republican Staffer, top, aide , to Senator Rick Sanatorium *Nancy Pfotenhauer, adviser to the John McCain
- Grew in favor. Alexander Hamilton realized while serving as Washington's top, aide ,that a strong central government was necessary to avoid foreign intervention
- The Guatemala City air disaster. *1978 – Former United States President Nixon, aide ,John D. Ehrlich man is released from an Arizona prison after serving 18 months
- Joined the Conservative Party, with one, Danny Finkelstein, becoming a close, aide ,of both John Major and William Hague. But most important of all, the Social
- Of his kingdom. In 829 Ansgar went to Burka on Lake Maclaren, Sweden,with his, aide ,friar Wiemar, and a small congregation was formed in 831 which included the
- From lobbying by Bettie Media. Dewar also threatened to sack any minister or, aide ,who briefed the media against another member of the executive, following public
- Parts and hinges on the floor. The President immediately turned to an, aide ,and said," Call Walter Reed (Hospital),or maybe Bethesda," to which Camp
- Laden official ", the " former head of Egypt-based Islamic Jihad ", a " trusted, aide ," to bin Laden with" growing power," who had" played a key role in the East
- Went on a rampage of rape, mutilation,and murder. On 3 December 2009,an, aide ,shot Camera during a dispute about the rampage of September 2009. Camera went
- Centered on northern coastal Orange County. A friend and fellow White House, aide , Christopher Cox, won a southern Orange County seat in the same election. The
- At Cape Canaveral, Florida. *1973 – Watergate Scandal: former White House, aide ,Alexander P. Butterfield informs the United States Senate that President
- Had recovered from syphilis and accompanied Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar,an, aide ,of the Governor of Hispaniola, in his expedition to conquer Cuba. Velázquez was
- Lindbergh. * President Truman received inside information on a former Roosevelt, aide ,'s efforts to influence his appointments, labor union negotiating plans, and
- A person holds as a personal assistant to a high civil servant. It is written ", aide ,de camp" ( without any hyphens) in French.; après-garde: Avant-garde's
- Francisco de Bobadilla, a member of the Order of Balaclava, but not as the, aide ,that Columbus had requested. Instead, Bobadilla was given complete control as
- And Abdul Raoul SAAF) for an interview opportunity, on September 8,2001,an, aide ,to Massed recalls the would-be suicide attackers" were so worried" and
- Alive and well, visited by his scientist friend Sudan, who turns out to be an, aide ,to the new simian alien leader Mural, who is leading the project to quickly
- For a concentration camp for Polish prisoners by SS-Oberfuhrer Ar pad Wig and,an, aide ,to Higher SS and Police Leader for Silesia, Erich on them Bach-Zelewski.
- Concerning them, the never-used second speech was found in a shirt pocket by an, aide , It read:: Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a
- A secret recording of a conversation between the peer and a former ministerial, aide , during which he claimed that Spain and Russia were planning to bribe referees
- 28, 2005,an opinion piece in The Guardian by Sidney Blumenthal (a former top, aide ,to President Bill Clinton) claimed that Powell was in fact" conducting a
- 1939 – Jun Henri, Japanese writer and poet * 1940 – Mary Jo Kopecks, American, aide , to Robert F. Kennedy (d. 1969) * 1940 – Bobby Rousseau, Quebec ice hockey
- Him, and aid and feed his army. At this point, Babur dismissed his Persian, aide , believing them no longer needed. In October 1511 Ba bur made a triumphant
- Taiwan continued throughout the Cold War. Though the United States refused to, aide ,Chiang Kai-shek in his hope to" recover the mainland," it continued
- Jr. W. Boreal and his aide , Lieutenant E. O. Goldberg; and the Netherlands, aide ,to Mrs. Roosevelt, Lieutenant Commander v. d. Scatter Olivier. The island's
- President and was too pro-Soviet. James F. Byrnes of South Carolina, a top FDR, aide , was considered ineligible because he had left the Catholic Church and Catholic
- Using mathematical induction. Canonical flowchart symbols: The graphical, aide ,called a flowchart offers a way to describe and document an algorithm (and a
- A year later he resigned. From June 1975 to March 1976,Sharon was a special, aide ,to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. He planned his return to politics for the 1977
- Un taped hie rap do Spoken.; North Frisian (Mooring dialect): Di Deng, aide ,DAT footmen am DAT Kan an make heir aw the spike.; West Frisian: De Jorge streak
- Forces did not arise, but in 1940 Roosevelt appointed Hastie to be a civilian, aide ,to Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson. On the home front on June 25, 1941
- Irrational. A proven conspiracy theory, such as the notion that Nixon and his, aide ,were behind the Watergate break in and cover up, is usually referred to as
- True ". In Wilson: The New Freedom, the historian Arthur Link quotes Wilson's, aide , Joseph Tumult, who denied Wilson said this and also claims that" the
- And the“ former head of Egypt-based Islamic Jihad. ” *Abu Zubaydah was an, aide ,of bin Laden who ran training camps in Afghanistan and“ coordinated terror
- Mission. Braddock disaster 1755 In 1755,Washington was the senior American, aide ,to British General Edward Braddock on the ill-fated Braddock expedition. This
- In the television series Lost in Space (1965–1968),and as ambassadorial, aide ,Lennie in the syndicated series Babylon 5 (1994–1998). Mummy has garnered
- The French are lost! "). Another time, after the Battle of Toulouse, when an, aide ,brought him the news of Napoleon's abdication, he broke into an impromptu
- Obama has appeared in the strip; the May 30, 2009 strip showed Obama and an, aide ,wondering what the reason for this might be. Other symbols include a waffle for
- Of Godzilla's 1954 attack and later discussing the mutant sea louse with an, aide ,at the police hospital. The most controversial change was the scene where the
- Assistant Secretary of War, from 1929 to 1933. He then served as chief military, aide ,to General Douglas MacArthur, Army Chief of Staff, until 1935,when he
- To the same active cell. The two suspects were: Easier Plaza, considered a top, aide ,to a senior ETA operative still sought by police, and Olga Comes, whom
- The President Who Treated Me Like A Son, brief memoir by his personal, aide ,* http://digital.lib.uh.edu/u? /p15195coll6,224 Photographs of President George
- Vegas to something more glamorous than it was. As Hughes wrote in a memo to an, aide ," I like to think of Las Vegas in terms of a well-dressed man in a dinner
- Of discrimination against Jewish workers or suppliers. In 1918,Ford's closest, aide ,and private secretary, Ernest G. Lie bold, purchased an obscure weekly newspaper
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