Examples of the the word, ferry , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ferry ), is the 6444 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Area and shipped cotton and other local products to the rest of the country. A, ferry ,connected the cities of Alexandria and Pineville until a bridge was built
  2. A tornado lands in Wichita Falls, Texas killing 42 people. *1991 – Italian, ferry ,Moby Prince collides with an oil tanker in dense fog off Livorno, Italy killing
  3. Ferries from Piraeus take only forty minutes to reach Regina; the regular, ferry ,takes about an hour, with ticket prices for adults within the 4-15 euro range.
  4. Have been an accident, caused by a gas explosion. But after divers righted the, ferry ,five months after it sunk, they found evidence of a bomb blast. Also, a man
  5. Via the South Ferry to Green port on the North Fork of Long Island, where a, ferry ,connected to Norwich, Connecticut to a rail link that continued to Boston. This
  6. Belief is being upgraded to a dual carriageway. Is the national carrier. The, ferry ,terminal at Mara services regular connections to Laban island (Malaysia).
  7. Dependent, the ratio of savings by having a bridge (instead of, for example,a, ferry , or a longer road route) compared to its cost. The lifetime cost is composed
  8. Norfolk line – formally Norse Merchant Ferries – offers a passenger/cargo, ferry ,to and from Liverpool, with a crossing time of 8 hours and a seasonal sailing
  9. It has six facilities: the main cargo terminal, the container terminal,the, ferry ,terminal, the oil terminal, the passenger terminal and the port fleet terminal.
  10. In February 1942,the British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAT) agreed to, ferry ,20 of the Dutch B-25s from Florida to Australia via Africa and India, and an
  11. Ferries transport vehicles as well as passengers. The system also operates a, ferry ,service from Bellingham, Washington and Prince Rupert, British Columbia in
  12. The village at Uncial and High Streets, Hibbardsville was at the North Shore, ferry ,and shipping terminal, and Woodstock was on the west near the ferry piers of
  13. That they never pursued us. " Super ferry 14 Bombing Super ferry 14 was a large, ferry ,destroyed by a bomb on February 27, 2004,killing 116 people in the Philippines
  14. Then an independent city, was floated by Brooklyn-boosters, who saw the, ferry ,connections as a bottleneck to the Brooklyn's further development. In order to
  15. The west. The island of Hold is located in GJL Breaking, and is connected by, ferry ,to the city of Aalborg at its southern shore. The area is typical for the north
  16. Coast Railroad and the Central Pacific. Eventually, the Central Pacific's, ferry ,pier became the Alameda Mole, featuring transit connections between San
  17. Run by the Shipyard Railway Co. Services and operates frequently each day. The, ferry ,boat from Tamika Port in northern Makes, sailing north to Moi/Motel in
  18. Five weekly connections (Passengers are taken by bus to Star (Sweden) and, ferry ,starts there). Copenhagen has four lines of water buses, known as the
  19. Canada. The state capital, Juneau,is not accessible by road, only a car, ferry , which has spurred several debates over the decades about moving the capital to
  20. Opposite direction cannot be seen round these bends. There is also very heavy, ferry ,traffic in the Strait of Istanbul, which crosses between European and Asiatic
  21. Run up to Senior, and diesel trains go further to Denial. The city has regular, ferry ,services to the Balearic Islands and Algeria. The city is strongly fortified
  22. As a provincial crown corporation in 1960 to provide passenger and vehicle, ferry ,service between Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland as a cheaper and more
  23. Of Hiroshima Island (the largest island). There are also road bridges and, ferry ,boats between some islands. The islands are connected to the mainland by the
  24. USS Thresher sinks at sea. *1968 – Shipwreck of the New Zealand interisland, ferry ,TEV Whine outside Wellington harbor. *1971 – Ping-Pong Diplomacy: In an
  25. At a locale then known as" Shell mound" ) with trains to the Oakland, ferry ,pier as well as with the Central Pacific main line starting in 1876. The
  26. Or" Airbus Super Transporter," these five airframes are used by Airbus to, ferry ,parts between the company's disparate manufacturing facilities, thus enabling
  27. Was witnessed by many passengers on the interisland Cook Strait ferry . The, ferry ,immediately stopped to dispatch a rescue lifeboat. Along with the two pilots
  28. The crash was witnessed by many passengers on the interisland Cook Strait, ferry , The ferry immediately stopped to dispatch a rescue lifeboat. Along with the
  29. With the lower 48 US States, but no connection with Alaska other than a train, ferry ,service from Prince Rupert, British Columbia, although a line has been proposed
  30. A large port which is used for exporting and importing goods, and for passenger, ferry ,services. Stent Line run regular routes to Stranger in Scotland using its HSS
  31. Built 1935) Ferries A somewhat anachronistic yet still widely used system of, ferry ,boats links the two shores. There are four ferries, each situated approximately
  32. Services — the Alameda/Oakland Ferry and the Alameda Harbor Bay Ferry. Both, ferry ,services may soon be transferred to the Water Transit Authority. The island is
  33. Involve travel by air, river,or the sea. Alaska's well-developed state-owned, ferry ,system (known as the Alaska Marine Highway) serves the cities of southeast
  34. Two modules remained attached throughout most of the flight to make a single, ferry ,craft known as the Command/Service Module (CSM),which carried a separate
  35. The AC Transit buses (which include express buses to San Francisco) and two, ferry ,services — the Alameda/Oakland Ferry and the Alameda Harbor Bay Ferry. Both
  36. Boeing-designed modification of existing 747-400s to a larger configuration to, ferry ,Boeing 787 Dreamliner sub-assemblies to the Boeing plant in Everett, Washington
  37. And the world's deadliest terrorist attack at sea. On that day, the 10,192 ton, ferry ,was sailing out of Manila, with about 900 passengers and crew. A television set
  38. And Santa Fe Railway discontinued service in 1996. From 1921 to 1966,a, ferry ,route across the Columbia River connected Astoria with Pacific County
  39. Final choice of lunar orbit rendezvous changed the CSM's role to a translunar, ferry ,used to take the crew and a new spacecraft, the Lunar Module (LM),which
  40. SAS Scandinavia hotel located at Margrethepladsen 1,8000 Århus C). The Danish, ferry ,company Mols-Linien connects Aarhus with Copenhagen (located on the isle of
  41. Of the tunnel will run under the strait, at a depth of about. *Istanbul, ferry ,Submarine Channel In 2010,a team of scientists led by the University of Leeds
  42. North Shore ferry and shipping terminal, and Woodstock was on the west near the, ferry ,piers of the South Pacific Coast Railroad and the Central Pacific. Eventually
  43. And contributed to the extreme difficulties of rescuing passengers of the, ferry ’M/S Estonia en route from Tallinn, Estonia,to Stockholm, Sweden,in September
  44. The First Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, with flights on the North Atlantic, ferry ,routes.; ZB-25D; XB-25E: Single B-25C modified to test de-icing and anti-icing
  45. Petra, because of an alert from the Ministry of Tourism. The group had taken a, ferry ,from Sinai, Egypt because they understood that Jordanian authorities were
  46. Of Makes. Ferry boats travel, several times per day, between islands. The, ferry ,from Rahu on the north of the Makes peninsula to Kuchinotsu, at the
  47. Passed through the airport for domestic flights, Railways,highways and, ferry ,connections Athens is the hub of the country's national railway system (ONE)
  48. Denmark) and catamaran to Star (Sweden). Irishman (Sweden) has a, ferry ,connection during the summer. There are also regular catamaran services between
  49. Destination in Europe for the fifth year in a row. Copenhagen is serviced by, ferry ,lines to Oslo in Norway (called" Oslobåden" ) with a daily connection and to
  50. Squadron, Dyess AFB, Texas,landed" gear-up" during recovery from an 11-hour, ferry , flight to the island of Diego Garcia. A resulting fire was quickly extinguished

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