Examples of the the word, costa , in a Sentence Context

The word ( costa ), is the 6447 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And the Humboldt Current cause great climatic diversity within the country. The, costa , has moderate temperatures, low precipitations, and high humidity, except for
  2. Is creamy white. Forewing is irrigated with black scales at base and along, costa , for a short distance; apex and termed above vein 2 more or less broadly black
  3. Differs as follows: Forewing: a dusky-black streak extends from the base along, costa , and terminates at the black spot on the disco cellulars; a transverse, somewhat
  4. Lemon, Spanish,red, or green onion, and sometimes chopped tomato. In la, costa , or the shore region of Ecuador, aji may contain only onions, chopped tomatoes
  5. And tastes very much like what many people call a Mostafa. Image: Enchilada, costa , rica. JPG|Three enchiladas from Cartage, Costa Rica File: Honduran enchilada.
  6. Pug, with warm brown forewings and a triangle of black spots close to the, costa , but can be recognized by its broader wings and a more prominent white spot
  7. Not scaled; wings held over back in tent-like or flattened position; forewing, costa , often quite strongly or situate in many Tortricinae giving bell-like shape 4.
  8. Or linear. They may be arranged in rows, either parallel or oblique to the, costa , or randomly. Their location may be marginal or set away from the margin on the
  9. State of Costa Rica from September 1842 to September 1848 File: Coat of arms, costa , rica 1840-1842. PNG|Coat of arms of the independent State of Costa Rica from
  10. Wing: white, slightly irrigated with black scales at base of cell and along, costa , apex light courageous brown; a large black spot in outer half of interspace 1
  11. Vocalist of Anti-Flag, Geovanny Duran (the vocalist of El Guano, a ska/punk, costa , rican band),and two more important punk rockers. In the spring of 2004
  12. Its range, with bright yellow wings marked with small brown patches along the, costa , of the forewing and a small brown-edged white stigma, also on the forewing. The
  13. Of 31-38 mm. The forewings are gray with a yellowish-buff streak along the, costa , The hindwings are a uniform cream color. Like other footmen, it rests with
  14. May be divided into the following phases or types:; Erysipelas de la, costa , : An acute phase, it is characterized by swelling of the face, with erythema and
  15. Shark Island, AKA Cocos Island, Costa Rica, off the coast of, costa , Rica, National Park,http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/820 World Heritage Site
  16. Alvarado, which connects Barry to Nicaragua neighborhood) and Agenda Lucio, costa , ( former Agenda Sernambetiba, which passes alongside the beach). In all
  17. To the Pacific Ocean, dividing the country into three geographic regions. The, costa , ( coast),to the west, is a narrow plain, largely arid except for valleys
  18. Is 21–23 mm and the forewings are warm brown with two black spots along the, costa , with a black fiscal spot completing a distinctive triangle. There is a narrow
  19. Wainscot has a dark basal streak with another shorter streak nearer to the, costa , and torus. This species has gray hindwings with white margins. The wingspan is
  20. To almost black. The darker individuals often have a pale streak along the, costa , The hindwings are bright orange-yellow with a black sub-terminal band. As with
  21. And basal streaks meeting to make a 'v' shape with another spot close to the, costa , The hindwings are plain brown. The female is larger (wingspan about 40 mm)
  22. Mean dancing dirty Reggaeton or shaking that booty. * Como Cairo de, costa , Like a goat from the coastal region which are very horny. * Come Ohio - Ohio
  23. At the base, upcurved at the apex, and forming an angle of 45-85° with the, costa , or the midrib of a leaf. The tertiary, third-level,venation are reticulated
  24. Ribs (food),the cooked meat and rib bones of a food animal * Rib or, costa , the leading edge of an insect wing (See glossary of Lepidopteran terms) In
  25. Of“ s ”, if found at the end of a word, is aspirated. Words like “, costa ,” are pronounced and" Busch" is pronounced. The total loss of“ r” and“ s ”
  26. Called petioles (The main vein or mid-rib of a Penna is sometimes called a, costa , ( pl., costa e). If a frond is divided into pinnate, the frond is called once
  27. An irrigation of green scales, the black disco cellular spot extended to the, costa , often washed with green or with a green center to the black; the apical patch
  28. Posterior call. The post-scutellum is absent or weakly developed. The, costa , is unbroken and the sub costa l is apparent on the insect. Development Most
  29. High number of British expatriates has led Torrevieja being nicknamed as 'the, costa , del Yorkshire' by some holidaymakers, often surprised that many British
  30. mm. The wings are greyish-white with three irregular black blotches along the, costa , of the forewing, the largest in the middle. Occasionally, much darker (melanic
  31. Also differ from most (but not all) mosses in that their leaves never have a, costa , ( present in many mosses) and may bear marginal cilia (very rare in mosses).
  32. Variable species, typically being buff or gray with black bars along the, costa , but often with a broad blackish band across the forewings. Melanic forms are
  33. Rather than meeting it flush; They have a unique venation on the hindwing. The, costa , of the hind wing is thickened out to the humeral angle and the humeral vein is
  34. Forewings (sometimes tinged with red) with black streaking along the, costa , The hindwings are whitish with a dark line along the margin. The wingspan is
  35. Days, the bodies being buried at sea. The Spanish called the place the ", costa , de la male plea" " coast of the bad fight ", a name it would have on maps for
  36. Marking is a dark fiscal spot, with a diffuse dark band linking it to the, costa , The hindwings are dirty gray with pale cream margins. The wingspan is 34-44 mm
  37. Achat Mishna any),directed by AVI Moral * Le Ravage DES murmurs (A, costa , dos murmurs),directed by Margarita Cardoso * Rode de newt (Ronda nocturnal
  38. Todos OS Sinai, conhecimentos, fundos, baixos, alturas, e erratas Que HA Na, costa , do Brazil DESE o Cab ode Santa Agostinho ate AO stream de Fernão de
  39. Black streak interrupted by white stigmata and a creamy-yellow streak along the, costa , which gives the species its common name. The hindwings are pure white. The
  40. La Costa sin all flume Maranhão" CARTA Particular Della Rio d' Amazon econ la, costa , sin all flume Maranhão" of 1646 shows the mouth of the Amazon River. CARTA
  41. Mangrove forests that flow into the ocean. Terrain: western coastal plain (, costa , ),high and rugged Andes in center (sierra),eastern lowland jungle of Amazon
  42. Distinctive species, all the wings being white except for a black blotch on the, costa , of the forewing. The wingspan is 20–24 mm. Often two broods are produced each
  43. To the Southern continent. CARTA Particular Della Rio d' Amazon econ la, costa , sin all flume Maranhão" CARTA Particular Della Rio d' Amazon econ la Costa
  44. Burma. Butterflies Volume 2. * Male: Upper side: white. Forewing: basal half of, costa , narrowly irrigated with black scales, a broad irregular quad rate black spot
  45. En November (1938,Buenos Aires, Club del Libra A. L. A.) * Meditation en la, costa , ( 1939,Buenos Aires, Imprenta Mercalli) * La Bahia del Silence (1940
  46. Of Central America from November 1824 to November 1840 File: Coat of arms, costa , rica 1824-1840 and 1842-1848. PNG|Coat of Arms of the State of Costa Rica
  47. In markings, the best identification feature being four square spots along the, costa , of each forewing, although these may not be visible in the frequent melanic
  48. A vast stretch of land on the east shore of San Francisco Bay (the contra, costa ," opposite shore" ) for a ranch, including that portion that now comprises
  49. But rather locally distributed. The forewings are brown, darker along the, costa , and are marked with distinctive pale fascia and a whitish tonal spot. Melanic
  50. 40 pairs of rather straight secondary veins forming an angle of 45–90° with the, costa , with tertiary—third level of — venation reticulated, composing or a pattern of

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