Examples of the the word, collar , in a Sentence Context

The word ( collar ), is the 6451 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Armlets were used, but the most famous item of jewelry was the torn, a neck, collar ,of metal, sometimes gold. The horned Waterloo Helmet in the British Museum
  2. All teams now have an NHL shield panel on the front of the jersey near the, collar , and a rounded hemline at the bottom of the jersey which goes up at the hips
  3. Of the competitors, the art extensively uses the clinch hold known as a double, collar ,tie. Grappling techniques and defenses to grappling techniques are also
  4. Hand inside the ball carrier's collar , grabbing the collar (and usually,the, collar ,of the shoulder pads),and pulling player straight down or backwards and down.
  5. The elbow joint are considered disqualifying features in France, as is a white, collar ,or half collar (Irish marked). Movement The Arawak’s light, supple,lissome
  6. The French line regiments, except that black replaced red as a facing color on, collar ,and cuffs. Gold fringed palettes were worn for full dress and rank was shown
  7. The defender reaching his hand inside the ball carrier's collar , grabbing the, collar ,(and usually, the collar of the shoulder pads),and pulling player straight
  8. Are considered disqualifying features in France, as is a white collar or half, collar ,(Irish marked). Movement The Arawak’s light, supple,lissome gait is a
  9. Be worn as independent armor. The latter tend to be thicker and higher in the, collar , and faced with more resilient materials, such as leather, or heavy canvas.
  10. Group. For example, women in Coming tend to wear a blouse with a round, collar ,embroidered with flowers and a black skirt decorated with ribbons and tied with
  11. The same insignia as rear admiral (upper half),i. e., two silver stars for, collar ,insignia or sleeve braid of one wide and one narrow gold stripe, even though
  12. DD-866),a Gearing-class destroyer of the United States Navy *Elizabethan, collar ,or e- collar , a device to keep an animal from licking or biting itself In a
  13. And Japan were on the same side in World War II 1941–1944),the swastika, collar ,was replaced by fir cross collar within the state visit of the president of
  14. In Ireland, England and Wales, barristers usually wear a horsehair wig, stiff, collar , bands and a gown. As of January 2008 Solicitor advocates have also been
  15. The placement of the upscale homes in the most desirable areas and the blue, collar ,homes and apartments separated by parks and common spaces. The design also
  16. Job skills that would better prepare students for white collar or skilled blue, collar ,work. This proved to be beneficial for both the employer and the employee
  17. Base of the barrel, similar in function to the choke in a carburetor. If the, collar ,at the bottom of the tube is adjusted so more air can mix with the gas before
  18. As well, it closed divisional and regional offices, drastically reduced white, collar ,staff, and consolidated its Canadian traffic control system in Calgary, Alberta
  19. Developed areas, or by way of tunnels and overpasses over busy roads. Using GPS, collar ,tracking, scientists can study whether these efforts are actually making
  20. Are sometimes used. A small forget of folded fabric is sewn in around the, collar ,to prevent an opponent's blade from slipping under the mask and along the
  21. Side in World War II 1941–1944),the swastika collar was replaced by fir cross, collar ,within the state visit of the president of Finland Mauro Koivisto in 1986 *
  22. Person, or pet. These devices are attached to the vehicle, person,or the pet, collar , The application provides continuous tracking and mobile or Internet updates
  23. Might be as follows: A husband comes home late,he's drunk, and has a, collar ,covered in lipstick. His wife wants to know where he's been and a
  24. 15th century. Historical population An aegis (; from Greek αιγίς) is a large, collar ,or cape worn in ancient times to display the protection provided by a high
  25. While filming a series of back handsprings. This required her to wear a neck, collar ,for a month. In July 2009 Theron was diagnosed with a serious stomach virus
  26. Words: Boil means" woman of the Boil ", also " convicted criminal's restraint, collar ,". Livy In volume 21 of his work Ab Urge Conduit, Livy (59 BC - 17 AD) claims
  27. Extravagantly than the other two clown types, sometimes wearing the ruffled, collar ,and pointed hat which typify the stereotypical" clown suit ". Character. The
  28. Carrier by the pads behind his neck and pulling him down is known as a" horse, collar ," a method which has been made illegal at all levels of American football. It
  29. The museum's Apollo to the Moon exhibit. The quarantine trailer, the flotation, collar , and the righting spheres are displayed at the Smithsonian's Udvar-Hazy Center
  30. Celibacy and wearing a distinctive dress—a short dark-violet coat with narrow, collar , Being men of presumed learning and undoubted leisure, many of the class found
  31. Advanced assessment (check pupils, check pulse, pain assessment),cervical, collar , suction, oxygen first aid, basic bandages and tourniquets, methods with two
  32. Legion with only the red and blue kepi (with or without a cover) and green, collar ,braiding to distinguish the Legionnaire from other French soldiers serving in
  33. Sistrum in one hand and an aegis in the other – the aegis usually resembling a, collar ,or forget embellished with a lioness head. Plato drew a parallel between Athene
  34. Land also comes with various white markings including Irish marked (white, collar ,) and particular (mostly white). Because of this wide color variation in the
  35. Wehrmacht with a series of silver collar pips pinned to the wearer's, collar , These were characteristically derived from the rank insignia of the various
  36. Similar in composition to notochords but running in a circle round the ", collar ,", which is ahead of the mouth; and a dorsal nerve cord — but also a smaller
  37. Convention costume ball. Leiber's costume consisted of a cardboard military, collar ,over turned-up jacket lapels, cardboard insignia, an armband, and a spider
  38. 17 million. It contained what would become Brooks's signature song, the blue, collar ,anthem" Friends in Low Places ", as well as two other Brooks classics, the
  39. Legionnaire wore a red kepi with blue band and piping, dark blue tunic with red, collar , red cuff patches, and red trousers. The most distinctive features were the
  40. In a Jin Dynasty tomb of the year 322 AD. The Chinese invention of the horse, collar ,by the 5th century was also a great improvement from the breast harness
  41. Thought Freya to be most fair, and she is the necklace. Freya offered to buy the, collar ,from them with silver and gold and other items of value. The dwarfs said that
  42. Of an amputated limb, member realignment and splints (including cervical, collar , KED, long spine board with side head supports, vacuum mattress, Donway
  43. This tackle involves the defender reaching his hand inside the ball carrier's, collar , grabbing the collar (and usually, the collar of the shoulder pads),and
  44. Greatcoat and red trousers of the French line infantry, distinguished only by, collar ,patches of the same blue as the Capote, instead of red. After a short period in
  45. Black armband with words Deutsche Volkssturm Wehrmacht with a series of silver, collar ,pips pinned to the wearer's collar . These were characteristically derived from
  46. Early NSW Labor caucus reveals" a band of unhappy amateurs ", made up of blue, collar ,workers, a squatter, an MD, and even a mine owner. In addition, many members
  47. A human is going to feed it, or the excitement of a dog whenever it sees a, collar ,as a prelude for a walk. Imprinting Being able to discriminate the members of
  48. Focused on practical job skills that would better prepare students for white, collar ,or skilled blue collar work. This proved to be beneficial for both the employer
  49. To others by symbols indicating his/her belonging to the DOM, such as wearing a, collar , special tattoos, piercings,a very short haircut or a bald head. Often,"
  50. Of our head of state. Sometimes he said laughingly that Khrushchev put his, collar ,around the wrong part of his anatomy. " However the eldest of Pasternak's

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