Examples of the the word, dissertation , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Lesser (1929),Margaret Mead (1929),and Gene Welt fish (who defended her, dissertation ,in 1929,although she did not officially graduate until 1950 when Columbia
  2. pro forma advisor. Einstein was awarded a PhD by the University of Zurich. His, dissertation ,was entitled" A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions ". That same year
  3. Phenomenon is known as fine structure splitting. Quantum mechanics In his 1924, dissertation , ( Research on Quantum Theory),French physicist Louis de Broglie hypothesized
  4. Of Tartan and Was, he moved to the University of Nancy where he wrote his, dissertation ,under Laurent Schwartz in functional analysis, from 1950 to 1953. At this time
  5. Medicine at the University of Vienna in 1759. In 1766, he published a doctoral, dissertation ,with the Latin title De planetarium influx in corpus humanum (On the Influence
  6. Valve ". The same year he was awarded Doctor of Philosophy degree for his, dissertation ,entitled" The etiology of congenital intestinal amnesia ". Barnard described
  7. Varieties of the human genus" ) published in 1776,This book was based on his, dissertation ,presented one year before (it had a date 16 Sep 1775 printed on its title page
  8. Foundationalism and formalism. Axiomatic formulations *Euclid's axioms: In his, dissertation ,to Trinity College, Cambridge,Bertrand Russell summarized the changing role of
  9. Husserl. The greatest focus of Derrida's early work was on Husserl, from his, dissertation ,(eventually published as The Problem of Genesis in Husserl's Philosophy), too
  10. His paper on Pottawatomie syntax was published in Language in 1939. In 1948 his, dissertation ,was published as a series in the International Journal of American Linguistics.
  11. Difficult problems. Early uses of the term are in Erik Mueller's 1987 Ph.D., dissertation ,and in Eric Raymond's 1991 Jargon File. AI-complete problems AI-complete
  12. With an electric field. Louis de Broglie later (1924) showed in his doctoral, dissertation ,that electrons are in fact much like photons in the respect that they act both
  13. The first Mennonite scholar to define Anabaptists that way in his 1960 Oxford, dissertation , This represents a rejection of the previous standard held by Mennonite
  14. http://hdl.handle.net/1765/7686 The Ethnicity of the Sea Peoples. Doctoral, dissertation ,; Rotterdam: Erasmus Universities Rotterdam, Faculteit her Wijsbegeerte. An
  15. Year he obtained a doctorate in medicine (MD) from the same university for a, dissertation ,entitled" The treatment of tuberculous meningitis ". In 1956,he received a
  16. Was critical of his Dutch contemporary, Baruch Spinoza, attacking him in his, dissertation ,in 1689. Personal life On 14 September 1710,Behave married Maria Drolenvaux
  17. In their scientific careers. Hilbert obtained his doctorate in 1885,with a, dissertation , written under Ferdinand von Lineman, titled Uber invariant Eigenschaften
  18. The University of Leiden he took his degree in philosophy in 1689,with a, dissertation ,De distinction mantis a corpora (on the difference of the mind from the body
  19. Tooth (1856–1925) (" The perineal type of progressive muscular atrophy ", dissertation , London,1886. ) Central poutine myelinolysis is neurological disease caused by
  20. He completed his studies successfully at the end of 1911. His medical degree, dissertation ,was another work on the historical Jesus, The Psychiatric Study of Jesus. In
  21. Of the University of Chicago, where he received his Ph.D. in 1917. His, dissertation ,was titled http://www.archive.org/details/photographicinve00hubbrich
  22. Mathematics, and in 1935 was elected a fellow at King's on the strength of a, dissertation ,on the central limit theorem. In 1928,German mathematician David Hilbert had
  23. Parsifal, and was deeply affected. In 1898, he went back to Paris to write a PhD, dissertation ,on The Religious Philosophy of Kant at the Sorbonne, and to study in earnest
  24. Was inspired by ALOHA net, which Robert Metal had studied as part of his PhD, dissertation , The idea was first documented in a memo that Metal wrote on May 22, 1972.
  25. His doctorate in physics from Kiel university in 1881. Unhappy with his, dissertation , Boas was intrigued by the problems of perception that had plagued his research
  26. Of mathematics from a psychological point of view. In his professorial doctoral, dissertation , On the Concept of Number (1886) and in his Philosophy of Arithmetic (1891)
  27. To publish on the subject; but the emergence of Hilbert modular forms in the, dissertation ,of a student means his name is further attached to a major area. He made a
  28. And dogmatic references from the Christ story. However, one unpublished Ph.D., dissertation ,has described Jefferson as not a Deist but a" theistic rationalist ", because
  29. Youth, participating in séances, which he used as the basis for his doctoral, dissertation ," On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena. " In 1913
  30. Social critic, studied classical philosophy and received a Master of Arts for a, dissertation ,on Socratic thought, entitled On the Concept of Irony with Continual Reference
  31. Work, Being and Time. Hannah Arendt began her philosophical writing with a, dissertation ,on Augustine's concept of love, Der Liebesbegriff BEI Augustin (1929):" The
  32. Testament text. In 1840, he qualified as university lecturer in theology with a, dissertation ,on the recessions of the New Testament text — the main part of which reappeared
  33. Around six),including a lecture-recital for which an accompanying doctoral, dissertation ,is submitted, advanced coursework and a minimum B average are other typical
  34. In the field, usually through a body of published work or the submission of a, dissertation , To be eligible for an MD degree in the UK one must already hold an entry level
  35. As the writings of one individual. For example, George Livingstone Robinson's, dissertation ,on chapters 9-14 concluded that those chapters had their origin in the period
  36. Then used these equations to construct his theory of functions. Riemann's, dissertation ,on the theory of functions appeared in 1851. The Cauchy–Riemann equations on a
  37. But prior to that, he attended the university of Heidelberg for a time. For his, dissertation , Boas planned to conduct research on Gauss' law of the normal distribution of
  38. Critical studies of Husserl early in his academic career. These included his, dissertation , The Problem of Genesis in Husserl's Philosophy, and also his introduction to
  39. At Göttingen Renews laid flowers on Gauss's grave. Writings * 1799: Doctoral, dissertation ,on the Fundamental theorem of algebra, with the title: Demonstration ova
  40. And political thinker, studied Latin and Greek and received a Ph.D. for a, dissertation ,on ancient Greek philosophy, entitled " The Difference between the Democritus
  41. Him: Hans Gutenberg received his postdoctoral qualification in 1950,with a, dissertation ,on 'Ontological distance ', an inquiry into the crisis of Husserl's
  42. Jean LE Road d'Alembert had produced false proofs before him, and Gauss's, dissertation ,contains a critique of d'Alembert's work. Ironically, by today's standard
  43. For infinite numbers, years before any work by Georg Cantor (who completed his, dissertation ,in 1867) and without access to Bernard Bolzano's 1851 (posthumous)
  44. Binary multiplier. In June 1938 he obtained his PhD from Princeton; his, dissertation ,(Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals) introduced the concept of ordinal logic
  45. His pessimism and philosophical clarity. At age 25,he published his doctoral, dissertation , On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, which examined the
  46. Its title page) to the University of Göttingen for internal use only, thus the, dissertation ,did not meet the conditions for published work in the sense of zoological
  47. Process. Riemann described every step he took to isolate cocaine in his, dissertation ,titled Uber and nee organic Base in den Cocablättern (On a New Organic
  48. A philosophy of mind that is grounded in empirical research. In his original, dissertation , Content and Consciousness, he broke up the problem of explaining the mind into
  49. Manner Bush suggested that Shannon, flush with this success, work on his, dissertation ,at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, funded by the Carnegie Institution headed by
  50. Such as Edward Sapir, George P. Murdock, and Benjamin Wharf. Hockett's, dissertation ,was based on his fieldwork in Pottawatomie; his paper on Pottawatomie syntax was

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