Examples of the the word, dwelling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dwelling ), is the 6441 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Broad acre City, also referred to as Sonia, Wright conceived a new type of, dwelling ,that came to be known as the Bosnian House. An early version of the form can be
  2. Christians experience with the experience of the Kurdish Jews who had been, dwelling ,in Kurdistan for two thousands years or so, but were forced to migrate the land
  3. A spiritual congregation, or confess according to 1 Corinthians 14 that God is, dwelling ,and operating in them through His Holy Spirit with His gifts, impelling them
  4. Wings, but that you may know that they leave the heights and the most elevated, dwelling ,to approach human nature. Accordingly, the wings attributed to these powers
  5. Plaza, lasso,bronco, With the new continent developed new forms of, dwelling , and hence a large inventory of words designating real estate concepts (land
  6. A Beagle and with a lower exercise requirement, these dogs are suited to city, dwelling , Temperament The Beagle has an even temper and gentle disposition. Described in
  7. Chips into boards. Flush doors are most commonly employed in the interior of a, dwelling , although slightly more substantial versions are occasionally used as exterior
  8. Marital status, nationality,number of members of household, type and nature of, dwelling , floor area of dwelling , number of hours worked during the week prior to
  9. Organic gardens) in the private sector has been attractive to city, dwelling ,small producers who get to sell their products in the same place where they
  10. Of the gods, and Freya" the most glorious" of the goddesses. Freya has a, dwelling ,in the heavens, Fólkvangr, and that whenever Freya" rides into battle she
  11. And Asturias (Spain) and in Cuba, people are often known by the name of their, dwelling ,or collective family nickname rather than by their surnames. For example, Remei
  12. Possibilities as the school. They also responded to the promise of a" minimal, dwelling ," written into the new Weimar Constitution. Ernst May, Bruno Taut, and Martin
  13. An intrusive rest (letter r),perhaps influenced by the root Dr, meaning ", dwelling ,". Thus, the Quranic Burmese (), and Arms () in Syriac. The English and
  14. And appreciated. Now, all that lasts is the decaying shell of a once thriving, dwelling , ” This revival was more about 18th century ideas about Gothic architecture
  15. Served much as a workable home for the creature. Dräger are able to leave this, dwelling ,place and visit the living during the night. Such visits are supposed to be
  16. Cover vast areas of land, but offer poorer habitats for many European forest, dwelling ,species which require a mixture of tree species and diverse forest structure.
  17. In her connection with light, inaccessibility,virginity, and her preference for, dwelling ,on high mountains and in sacred woods. Diana therefore reflects the heavenly
  18. Tacitus' statement that they were" German in their way of life and types of, dwelling ," implies a sedentary bias, but their close relations with the Sarmatians, who
  19. In that place the abode called Tradable, and there is not in heaven a fairer, dwelling , " Later in the work, when Sorry describes Bald, he gives a longer
  20. Communist Party in 1938,and married Deng a year later in front of Mao's cave, dwelling ,in An'an. They had five children: three daughters (Deng Lin, Deng Nan and
  21. Ashlar – Association for Industrial Archaeology – Astral – Atrium – Attar, dwelling ,– Attic base – Attic style – Attic – Awning – Axonometric projection – Atishoo
  22. Of the whole of matter, but the world is the total mountain of evil, a deserted, dwelling ,place of beasts, to which all who lived before the law and all Gentiles render
  23. House is Sessrúmnir (which she translates as" filled with many seats" ),a, dwelling ,that Castro posits likely fills the same function as Valhalla. Castro
  24. And catchments (or drawn from underground lenses) and stored in tanks. Each, dwelling ,usually has at least one of these tanks forming part of its foundation. Flora
  25. The town's name comes from an archaic word in the Cornish" bod" ( meaning a, dwelling ,; the later word is" beaus" ) and a contraction of" renege" ( monks). It may
  26. Called Pasternak, are like Germans in their language, way of life and types of, dwelling ,and live in similar squalor and indolence ... However, mixed marriages are
  27. Of the poem, Odin describes at great length the cosmogony of the worlds,the, dwelling ,places of its inhabitants, and talks about himself and his many guises.
  28. Corner we find the hen and duck house, and poultry-yard (m),and the, dwelling ,of the keeper (n). Hard by is the kitchen garden (o),the beds bearing the
  29. Baltic. Later, there were fights for control over the sea with Wen dish tribes, dwelling ,on the southern shore. The Vikings also used the rivers of Russia for trade
  30. Number of members of household, type and nature of dwelling , floor area of, dwelling , number of hours worked during the week prior to October 1,employment status
  31. Book of the Great Invisible Spirit, for instance, refers to Abraham as an Eon, dwelling ,with Sophia and other Eons of the Plasma in the light of the luminary Eleventh
  32. Poiciloptilus). During the breeding season the male call of this marsh, dwelling ,bird is a" low-pitched boom ", hence it is occasionally called the" bun yip
  33. For a Muslim to perform Salah in places where camels lie as it is said to be a, dwelling ,place of shay tan. Judaism According to Jewish tradition, camel meat and milk
  34. Taken from Rattrap Head lighthouse. Provost Ross' House is the second oldest, dwelling ,house in the city. It was built in 1593 and became the residence of Provost
  35. Dry air with which the coolers can work to make the air as cool as possible for, dwelling ,occupants. Unlike air conditioners, evaporative coolers rely on the outside air
  36. Monastic community, consisting of anchorites living each in his own little, dwelling , united together under one superior. Anthony, as Johann August Wilhelm Leander
  37. Him were of this world, and who promised to return to take them to a heavenly, dwelling ,could be fitted into the Gnostic world picture (even if God's love for the
  38. Empedocles urged a vegetarian lifestyle, since the bodies of animals are the, dwelling ,places of punished souls. Wise people, who have learned the secret of life, are
  39. A far denser concentration of their populations. Mug House, a typical cliff, dwelling ,of the period, was home to around 100 people who shared 94 small rooms and
  40. Do without auxiliary constructions ", as Theodor Fontanel once said ... without, dwelling ,on imaginary wish-fulfillments '. As childhood adaptation to the reality
  41. And hasty nation, that march through the breadth of the earth, to possess, dwelling ,places that are not theirs. (World English Bible) One of the" Eighteen
  42. You are greater than any other greatness. For who is your equal in greatness, O, dwelling , place of God the Word? To whom among all creatures shall I compare you, O
  43. He did not admit the possibility of antipodes, which he took to mean people, dwelling ,on the opposite side of the Earth, considering them to be legendary and noting
  44. Took refuge therein; vessels of gold and silver which were found in a private, dwelling , spared because they" belonged to St. Peter "; at least one case in which a
  45. Rocky island named 'Tech Quinn' ( 'the House of Donn' ), became Donn's, dwelling ,place as god of the dead. This house was the assembly place for the dead before
  46. Axe) * Polish mieszkanie (apartment) and Hebrew Mishkan (מִשׁכָּן) (, dwelling ,) * Spanish Como (as/like) and Hebrew k'mo (כְּמוֹ) (as/like) and Arabic
  47. Such as the Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians, refer to Abraham as an Eon, dwelling ,with Sophia and other Eons of the Spiritual Fullness in the light of the
  48. Even the houses in this village represent a relatively comfortable class of, dwelling ,as, even as recently as a hundred years ago, some people still used" Beehive "
  49. See. The whole, however,may be judged from this fragment:" We Irish, though, dwelling , at the far ends of the earth, are all disciples of St. Peter and St. Paul ...
  50. Identification of archaeological cultures: the material remains found at, dwelling ,sites, burial grounds, and other places where people left traces of their

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