Examples of the the word, cargo , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cargo ), is the 6449 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The A300-600. See Below. * A300C4: Convertible freighter version, with a large, cargo ,door on the port side. First delivered to South African Airways in October
  2. A future explosive demand for civil air transport, for both passengers and, cargo , They were eager to invest in the newly emerging flagships of air travel such
  3. And an ascent stage. The descent stage contained compartments which carried, cargo ,such as the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package and Lunar Rover. The
  4. Committed by a master or crew of a vessel which damages the vessel or its, cargo , These activities may include desertion, illegal scuttling, theft of the ship
  5. Standard −200 and the Extended range −300 with range in both passenger and full, cargo ,versions. It is also available as a military tanker/transport serving the
  6. River and be hauled up the east bank of the canal to be ticketed at the central, cargo ,transport window. * From the Meiji to the Show period, as the electric railway
  7. Game Star Ocean: The Last Hope Vehicles * USS Aquila (AK-47),an Aquila-class, cargo ,ship commissioned by the U. S. Navy for service in World War II. * USS Aquila (
  8. For scheduled and charter airline flights, carrying both passengers and, cargo , The larger passenger-carrying types are often referred to as airliners, the
  9. Of ships that were laid down (or had served) as different ship types:, cargo ,ships, cruisers,battlecruisers, or battleships. The Washington Naval Treaty of
  10. These activities may include desertion, illegal scuttling, theft of the ship or, cargo , and/or committing any actions which may not be in the shipowner's best
  11. Along routes preselected by clients, they can also be specially equipped, cargo ,trucks or, in some cases, large banners strewn from planes. The billboards are
  12. Navy nuclear submarine accidentally collides with the Nissan Mary, a Japanese, cargo ,ship, sinking it. *1989 – The April 9 tragedy in Tbilisi, Georgian SSR an
  13. Two barges and five truck off-loading simultaneously. There is also a general, cargo ,dock with access to rail and a hopper barge unloading dock with conveyor system
  14. International Airport in Fauna for a reception, before being flown on a C-141, cargo , plane to Honolulu. Stunts and mementos *Alan Bean smuggled a camera-shutter
  15. For wheeled vehicles. They can also be much more easily air-deployed in, cargo ,planes. Many modern forces now have their dedicated armored car designs, too
  16. International Airport in Fauna for a reception before being flown on a C-141, cargo , plane to Honolulu. Mission insignia The oval insignia shows a gold NASA
  17. Airline offering in-state travel by jet service (sometimes in combination, cargo ,and passenger Boeing 737-400s) from Anchorage and Fairbanks to regional hubs
  18. Committed by a master or crew of a vessel which damages the vessel or its, cargo , These activities may include desertion, illegal scuttling, theft of the ship
  19. These activities may include desertion, illegal scuttling, theft of the ship or, cargo , and/or committing any actions which may not be in the shipowner's best
  20. Position could be used to direct a ship against shoals or beaches, so that its, cargo ,could be looted after the ship sank or ran aground. In fiction, culture
  21. In October 2010,U. S. and U. K. officials linked al-Awlaki to the 2010, cargo , plane bomb plot. In September 2011,he was killed in a targeted killing drone
  22. Closed for a number of years, forcing Armenia to receive rail cars laden with, cargo ,only through the relatively expensive rail-ferry services operating between
  23. The ground. * 1914 – The Panama Canal opens to traffic with the transit of the, cargo ,ship. * 1914 – The First Russian Army, led by Pavel Rennenkampf, enters Eastern
  24. From mercantile hulls or, in the case of merchant aircraft carriers, were bulk, cargo ,ships with a flight deck added on top. Light aircraft carriers were carriers
  25. Embarked for the UK on the brig Helen. After 28 days at sea, the ship's, cargo ,caught fire and the crew was forced to abandon ship. All the specimens
  26. Blight discovers that one of the ships contains a data storage device in its, cargo ,manifest; assuming it contains information that could harm it, the Blight
  27. Supplies to the space station with necessary propellant, water,air and dry, cargo , This was the first operational Ariane mission which involved an engine restart
  28. IN"> mcpherson33"/> When the Union Navy seized a blockade runner, the ship and, cargo ,were sold and the proceeds given to the Navy sailors; the captured crewmen were
  29. Hit the ground or burst too high. Accurate running time was less important with, cargo ,munitions that burst much higher. The first radar proximity fuses (code named
  30. Latvia); Claimed (Lithuania); and St. Petersburg, Russia. There are several, cargo ,and passenger ferries that operate on the Baltic Sea, such as Landlines, Silja
  31. Superhero and the father of one of the main characters Companies * Atlas Air,a, cargo ,airline based in Purchase, New York * Atlas Aviation, an aircraft maintenance
  32. In the slave trade, Newton was promised a position as a captain on a ship with, cargo ,unrelated to slavery, when at thirty years old, he collapsed and never sailed
  33. There was no passenger service, for south of the station was the Akihabara, cargo ,docks, where goods from all over the world would flow into Kinda by river and
  34. The introduction of proximity fuses, the air burst function was mostly used with, cargo ,munitions—for example shrapnel, illumination,and smoke. The larger calibers of
  35. Aviation body. Airlines vary from those with a single aircraft carrying mail or, cargo , through full-service international airlines operating hundreds of aircraft.
  36. Were the Germans. By the time of the war, they fielded the SDK 10/4 and 6/2, cargo , halftracks mounting single 20 mm or 37 mm AA guns (respectively). Later in
  37. Section containing the crew cockpit or flight deck, and any passenger cabin or, cargo ,hold. In single- and twin-engine aircraft, it will often also contain the
  38. Unstable countries in West Africa. A Boeing 727 can carry up to 10 tons of, cargo , The drugs eventually are smuggled to Europe for distribution and sale, and the
  39. Fuselage section for 8-abreast passenger seating and wide enough for 2 LD3, cargo , containers side-by-side * Structures made from metal billets, reducing weight *
  40. Company to a monthly service between Pará and Manaus, with steamers of 200 tons, cargo ,capacity, a second line to make six round voyages a year between Manaus and
  41. With the road and railway system destroyed, commerce took to the skies. Great, cargo ,zeppelins escorted by fighter squadrons are the targets of many ruthless air
  42. Types, racers,gliders, warbirds, firefighters,medical transports, and, cargo , transports,to name a few. The vast majority of aircraft today are general
  43. 1980,electronic time fuses started replacing mechanical ones for use with, cargo ,munitions. Proximity fuses have been of two types: photo-electric or radar. The
  44. F-102 Delta Dagger,F-104 Star fighter,F-5 Freedom Fighter,F-4 Phantom; and, cargo ,planes such as the Transall C-160. ) Also, a Hungarian MiG-21,a Pakistani
  45. On Manufactured Products Tax (IPI),and the investment of $8 billion on road, cargo ,transportation fleets, thus improving distribution logistics. Further resources
  46. Where flights bound for remote villages without an airstrip carry passengers, cargo , and many items from stores and warehouse clubs. Alaska has the highest number
  47. Airport in Fauna for a greeting reception, before being flown on a C-141, cargo , plane to Honolulu. Hardware disposition The LM descent stages of Apollo 11,12
  48. De Gaulle fails. * 1962 – The NS Savannah, the world's first nuclear-powered, cargo ,ship, completes its maiden voyage. *1963 – American Joe Walker in an X-15 test
  49. Atlantic Ocean Merchant marine: country comparison to the world: 128 * by type:, cargo ,1,passenger/ cargo 2,petroleum tanker 2,roll on/roll off 1 * registered in
  50. De Transported Areas) and is headed by an FAB general. TAB, a charter heavy, cargo ,airline, links Bolivia with most countries of the Western Hemisphere; its

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