Examples of the the word, ramp , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ramp ), is the 6443 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Major construction remained on the surface, including construction of final, ramp ,configurations in the North End and in the South Bay interchange, and
  2. High assault ramp consisted mostly of a natural spur of bedrock that required a, ramp ,only high built atop it in order to reach the Masada defenses. This discovery
  3. Characters, Salviati, describes an experiment using a bronze ball and a wooden, ramp , The wooden ramp was" 12 cubits long, half a cubit wide and three
  4. And can be used to pull external cargo on pallets into the aircraft via the, ramp ,and rollers. A belly sling hook (cargo hook) which is usually rated at. Could
  5. Dunes of the Mojave Desert, California Image: CroneseCat. JPG|Cat Dune sand, ramp , Crones Mountains, California Image: Brazilian Dune Fields. JPG|Satellite
  6. Continued through the years to include: elevators, bowling lanes, a parking, ramp , a book store, food court, and additional wings. Greek community ISU is home to
  7. A ski-jump ramp at the forward end of the flight deck. A ski jump is a fixed, ramp ,at the end of the flight deck with a curved incline. This was first developed
  8. Tank rolled forward onto the ramp , its weight would tilt the forward end of the, ramp ,into the water and push it down onto the seabed. Once the tank rolled off, the
  9. Larger four-engine brother to the C-123 Provider with a similar wing and cargo, ramp ,layout, that evolved from the Chase XCG-20 Virus, in turn, first designed and
  10. Bleed off" the slow-moving boundary layer air from the surface of each intake, ramp , The aircraft soon squared off against the XF8U-3 Crusader III. Due to operator
  11. Making it more vulnerable to enemy fire. The Type B required a longer external, ramp ,(11 meters) with a float attached to the front of it. Once the barge anchored
  12. Was provided by a series of ramp s on one side of the ziggurat or by a spiral, ramp ,from base to summit. It has been suggested that ziggurats were built to
  13. Largely untouched by humans or nature during the past two millennia. The Roman, ramp ,still stands on the western side and can be climbed on foot. Many of the
  14. Privileges to establish an effective" mini-state" in southern Lebanon, and to, ramp ,up its attacks on settlements in northern Israel. Compounding matters, Lebanon
  15. Drives used complex mechanisms to load and unload the heads. Modern HDDs use, ramp ,loading, first introduced by Memory in 1967,to load/unload onto plastic "
  16. Into this groove was placed" a hard, smooth and very round bronze ball ". The, ramp ,was inclined at various angles to slow the acceleration enough so that the
  17. Navy but since adopted by many navies for most smaller carriers, has a ski-jump, ramp ,at the forward end of the flight deck. A ski jump is a fixed ramp at the end of
  18. And by performing aerial gymnastics such as spins after launching from a short, ramp ,in the snow. Skate skiing can be done either with skis specifically designed
  19. Time could be measured. The ball was allowed to roll a known distance down the, ramp , and the time taken for the ball to move the known distance was measured. The
  20. Are capable of taking off vertically from a spot on the deck, using the, ramp ,and a running start is far more fuel efficient and permits a heavier launch
  21. Virus, in turn, first designed and flown as a cargo glider in 1947. The rear, ramp ,not only makes it possible to drive vehicles onto the plane (also possible
  22. Braces to the hull to improve seaworthiness, adding a wooden internal, ramp ,and pouring a concrete floor in the hold to allow for tank transport. As
  23. In the early 1990s confirmed earlier observations that the high assault, ramp ,consisted mostly of a natural spur of bedrock that required a ramp only high
  24. CH-46As were upgraded to CH-46Ds. The CH-46 has a cargo bay with a rear loading, ramp ,that could be removed or left open in flight for extended cargo or for
  25. Is based upon a small deflection of the spillway bed (or sidewall) such as a, ramp ,and offset to deflect the high velocity flow away from the spillway surface. In
  26. Measuring 20 by 40 ft (6.1 by 12.2 m) fell on a car traveling on the two-lane, ramp ,connecting northbound I-93 to eastbound I-90 in South Boston, killing Milena
  27. Was resting on the water’s surface. As the first tank rolled forward onto the, ramp , its weight would tilt the forward end of the ramp into the water and push it
  28. Access by car from the Arab road or by foot, down the mountain via the Roman, ramp ,path). In 2007,a new museum opened at the site in which archeological
  29. Grand Gallery consists of a shelf or step on either side, wide,leaving a lower, ramp ,wide between them. In the shelves there are 54 slots,27 on each side matched
  30. The Picardi and Romans, relative to the popular perspective in which the, ramp ,was an epic feat of construction. The ramp art was complete in the spring of 73
  31. With little or no infrastructure. Her 120-long-ton capacity roll-on/roll-off, ramp ,accommodates tracked and wheeled vehicles of every description. While she is
  32. Makes it possible to drive vehicles onto the plane (also possible with forward, ramp ,on a C-124),but to airdrop or use low-altitude extraction for Sheridan tanks
  33. Destination, a journey of around seven miles (11 km). On Sir Galahads stern, ramp ,there was an argument about what to do. The officers on board were told they
  34. Installed includes a quarter pipe, penalty box with half pyramid, bank, ramp , spine, kinked rail and a ground rail. Disc golf Aberdeen has two disc golf
  35. The firing cycle. A user may choose to control the rate of temperature climb or, ramp , hold or soak the temperature at any given point, or control the rate of
  36. And they had to be lifted once they arrived at the site, presumably by a, ramp , There are also of stone panels carved in bas-relief, that include pictorial
  37. Into the water and push it down onto the seabed. Once the tank rolled off,the, ramp ,would bob back up to a horizontal position, ready for the next one to exit. The
  38. The South Bay interchange, and reconstruction of the surface streets. The final, ramp ,downtown — exit 20B from I-93 south to Albany Street — opened January 13, 2006.
  39. Formed and placed wind way will compress and channel the air to the labium, ramp ,edge across the open window. In the pipe organ, this air is supplied by a
  40. And related hardware. Russian and future Indian carriers include a ski-jump, ramp ,for launching lightly loaded conventional fighter aircraft but recover using
  41. Was to be designed from the ground-up as a combat transport with loading from a, ramp ,at the rear of the fuselage. This innovation for military cargo aircraft was
  42. And then viewing artworks by walking down the slowly descending, central spiral, ramp , which features a floor embedded with circular shapes and triangular light
  43. Of it. Once the barge anchored, the crew would extend the internally-stowed, ramp ,using block and tackle sets until it was resting on the water’s surface. As the
  44. S navies including hovercraft. They will typically have a power-operated bow, ramp , a cargo well and after structures that house engine rooms, pilot houses, and
  45. Is sucked into the flow. The complete design includes the deflection device (, ramp , offset) and the air supply system. Cavitation in engines Some larger diesel
  46. Describes an experiment using a bronze ball and a wooden ramp . The wooden, ramp ,was" 12 cubits long, half a cubit wide and three finger-breadths thick" with
  47. Spain, constructed a United States Africa Command-funded AFL Coast Guard boat, ramp ,and a concrete perimeter wall for the Coast Guard, which was handed over to the
  48. Transport prototypes in World War II. The Boeing C-97 also had a retracting, ramp ,through clamshell doors, but could not be used for airdrops of cargo. The
  49. And load master) for cargo operations. Cargo is loaded through a large aft, ramp ,that accommodates rolling stock, such as a 69-ton (63-metric ton) M1 Abrams
  50. For the green area consumed by the building and replacing it on the roof. A, ramp ,rising from ground level to the third floor roof terrace allows for an

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