Examples of the the word, ss , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ss ), is the 6446 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is changed to one of two other diacritic letters (e.g. š is written as, ss , or SJ, not sh),and since many people may find it difficult to use these
  2. JJ"> HTML="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"> , SS, : ExpandedColumnCount" 2" SS: ExpandedRowCount" 2" x: FullColumns="1" x:
  3. Consonants are germinated; the geminate fricatives ‹ ðð›/ ‹ ›, ‹ ff › and ‹, ss , › cannot be voiced. Literature Old English literature, though more abundant
  4. In a number of offenses under the Offenses against the Person Act 1861 (, ss , 18,20,23,26,28,29,31,35,and 47) and in the offense of burglary under
  5. Twelve ', jutge 'judge ', platja 'beach' ). Other digraphs are ‹ RR › and ‹, ss , ›. Catalan spelling utilizes ‹ ç › (called CE Grenada, literally 'broken-c '
  6. Licensed in any U. S. jurisdiction. The Battle of Gettysburg (locally, with an, ss , sound ), was fought July 1–3,1863,in and around the town of Gettysburg
  7. Only a few turbo-electric marine plants were still in use in the late 1960s (, ss , Ragne, ss Region) while most land plants remain in use 2010. *Statele ss
  8. And orthography. For example Swi ss Standard German always uses a double s (, ss , ) instead of the Emmett (ß). There are no official rules of Swi ss German
  9. Not available on the keyboard used. In the same manner ß can be transcribed as, ss , Some Operating Systems use key sequences to extend the set of po ss ible
  10. The starters were Bench (c),Dan Dries sen (1b),Morgan (2b),Concepción (, ss , ),Ray Knight (3b),with Griffin, Foster,and Geronimo again in the outfield.
  11. Otherwise (e.g. Bus). In Austria and Switzerland, it is always pronounced. A, ss , indicates that the preceding vowel is short. St and SP at the beginning of
  12. Pronounced. Originating in Black letter typeface, it traditionally replaced, ss , at the end of a syllable (e.g. ICH mu ss → ICH mud; ICH must → ICH mute);
  13. Ich mu ss → ICH mud; ICH must → ICH mute); within a word it contrasts with, ss , in indicating that the preceding vowel is long (compare in Maven" with
  14. Clock system. The basic format is hummus and the extended format is HH: mm:, ss , *HH refers to a zero-padded hour between 00 and 24 (where 24 is only used to
  15. Kallata) *alternation of long and short consonants pp: p, tt: t, kk: k, ss , : s (Sept: SEPA, võtta: Wotan, hakkan: Takata, kir ss : first) *alternation of
  16. Be considered the longest word in English, as there is a mile between the two, ss , A retort a ss erts that beleaguered is longer still, since it contains a league.
  17. Turbo-electric marine plants were still in use in the late 1960s (SS Range, ss , Regin) while most land plants remain in use 2010. *Statele ss turbine.
  18. Fraud and dishonesty (Criminal Justice Act 1993 Part 1) * Terrorism (, ss , 59,62-63 of the Terrorism Act 2000) * Bribery (s. 109 of the Anti-terrorism
  19. Date: to_date ('01-01-2005 14:20:23 ','DD/MM/YYYY hh24: mi:, ss ,'); Date variables can contain date and time. The time part can be left out
  20. The 1963 Act were as under; * Recovery of po ss e ss ion of immovable property (, ss , 5 - 8) With this codification, the nature and tenure of the equitable reliefs
  21. Have an affricate for. * In Akkadian underlying | | | | was realized as, ss , This is much more natural if the law was phonetically | | | | → TTS. * Other
  22. Restricted to Singaporean, the emphatic consonants written ㅺ SG, ㅼ SD, ㅽ SB, ㅆ,SS, ㅾ SJ, and final consonants restricted to ㄱ g, ㄴ n, ㄹ l, ㅁ m, ㅂ b, ㅅ s, ㅇ NG, ㄺ
  23. The ь is softened or palatalized. *: German letter Emmett which stands for ‹, ss , › (historically ‹ SZ ›, or in other words a particular old way of printing ‹
  24. As it shows the typical effects of the High German consonant shift (b > p, t >, ss , ). The Batavian myth In the 16th-century invention of a suitably antique origin
  25. Archduke (Archduche ss ) of Austria-Este, Princes (SS) of Belgium, Prince (, ss , ) Imperial of Austria, Prince (SS) Royal of Hungary and Bohemia. Eldest of
  26. 79 characters). Present Before the German spelling reform of 1996,ß replaced, ss , after long vowels and diphthongs and before consonants, word-, or
  27. CD, the time format is commonly measured in minutes, seconds and frames (mm:, ss , : ff),where one frame corresponds to one sector, or 1/75th of a second of
  28. Poll, section introduction) **" Mars-Tube as by S. D. Ottoman ·, ss , Astonishing Stories Sep’ 41 **" Epilogue to The Space Merchants," (Poll
  29. U − SS) div 60: mm = a mod 60: b = (a − mm) div 60: HH = b mod 24: u = U −, ss , − mm where SS are seconds, mm minutes and HH hours. Day, month and year can be
  30. May be used to break down a UNIX time value to its civil time equivalent::, ss , = U mod 60: a = (U − SS) div 60: mm = a mod 60: b = (a − mm) div 60: HH = b
  31. e.g. Of). * If the vowel is followed by a double consonant (e.g. ff, ss , or TT),ck, tz or a consonant cluster (e.g. st or ND),it is nearly always
  32. Usually in the form of the state and county and with the abbreviation ", ss , " (for Latin scilicet," to wit" ) normally referred to as a" subscript "
  33. S children are titled Archduke (Archduche ss ) of Austria-Este, Princes (, ss , ) of Belgium, Prince (SS) Imperial of Austria, Prince (SS) Royal of Hungary
  34. Bhavva → shabby *y and v a ss imilate to any preceding sibilant, producing,SS, : :Examples: basmati → pa ss age, śyena → sent, aśva → Asia, īśvara → ISARA
  35. Down a UNIX time value to its civil time equivalent:: SS = U mod 60: a = (U −, ss , ) div 60: mm = a mod 60: b = (a − mm) div 60: HH = b mod 24: u = U − SS − mm
  36. Two ls, two ms, eighteen NS, fifteen OS, two PS, one q, five rs, twenty-seven,SS, eighteen ts, two us, seven vs, eight WS, two XS, three is, & one z. There are
  37. Double (" tense" ) consonants: 1. ㄲ (OK); 2. ㄸ (TT); 3. ㅃ (pp); 4. ㅆ (, ss , ); 5. ㅉ (JJ). In addition, there are 10 obsolete double consonants: ㅥ, ᄙ,ㅹ
  38. Including in the standard prefix kilo-);, ‹ u › or ‹ v › for ‹ w ›; ‹ s ›, ‹,SS, ›,or ‹ cs › for ‹ x ›; and or ‹ i › for ‹ y ›. * The acute accent is used
  39. Can then use it as a primer to transcribe a complementary sequence for the,SS, cDNA. # Now, you should be left with a double-stranded cDNA with identical
  40. In an bloody manner ... this sacrifice is truly propitiatory" ( Doctrine de, ss , Mi ss al sacrifice, c. 2,quoted in Catechism of the Catholic Church,1367).
  41. Children (s. 72 of the Sexual Offenses Act 2003) * Murder and manslaughter (, ss , 9 and 10 of the Offenses Against the Person Act 1861) * Fraud and dishonesty
  42. 60: mm = a mod 60: b = (a − mm) div 60: HH = b mod 24: u = U − SS − mm where, ss , are seconds, mm minutes and HH hours. Day, month and year can be calculated as
  43. 2) and http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1995/7/schedule/5 Schedule 5 (with, ss , 9 (3) (5) (7),13,14 (3) ). Exceptions An agreement may be enforced
  44. Ss: ExpandedColumnCount" 2 ", ss , : ExpandedRowCount" 2" x: FullColumns="1" x:/NP"> Follows="1">
  45. Types of empty rimes (): * -u (formerly û) after the sibilant TZ, tz ', and,SS, ( pinyin z, c,and s). * -IH after the retroflex ch, ch ', sh,and j (Pinyin
  46. Consonants, word-, or partial-word-endings. In reformed spelling, ß replaces, ss , only after long vowels and diphthongs. Since there is no capital ß, it is
  47. Shooting Star (1958) (note: published in a double volume with the,SS, collection Terror in the Night) No ISBN - identified only as Ace Double D-265
  48. Been limited by the latest German spelling reform and is no longer used for, ss , after a short vowel (e.g. " Ich mud" and" ICH mute" were always
  49. While the doubled letters that can occur in final position are limited to ㅆ, ss , and ㄲ OK. For a list of initials, medials, and finals, see Hangul consonant and
  50. The form of a special global system exclusive me ss age:: F0 7F 01 01 HH mm, ss , ff F7 The manufacturer ID of 7F indicates a real-time universal me ss age, the

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