Examples of the the word, condom , in a Sentence Context
The word ( condom ), is the 8061 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And consequently they used no protection at all As a result of these studies,a, condom ,aimed at 12 to 14-year-old boys is now produced and is available in Switzerland
- But some studies use decrement tables. The typical use pregnancy rate among, condom ,users varies depending on the population being studied, ranging from 10 to 18 %
- Double bagging," using two condom s at once, also increases the risk of, condom ,failure. Different modes of condom failure result in different levels of semen
- Have changed the tone of their advertisements from scary to humorous. Worldwide, condom ,use is expected to continue to grow: one study predicted that developing
- 12,970 13 to 19-year-olds,a quarter of the boys surveyed also said a standard, condom ,was too large. Other manufacturers, such as Durex, also produce smaller than
- 90 % of the proteins responsible for allergic reactions. An allergen-free, condom ,made of synthetic latex (polystyrene) is also available. Polyurethane
- Levels of semen exposure. If a failure occurs during application, the damaged, condom ,may be disposed of and a new condom applied before intercourse begins – such
- The 1960s and 1970s quality regulations tightened, and more legal barriers to, condom ,use were removed. The use of condom s was encouraged to prevent transmission of
- Other materials such as polyurethane, polyisoprene, or lamb intestine. A female, condom ,is also available, most often made of nitrite. As a method of birth control
- Of the genitals, especially when symptoms are present, may not be covered by a, condom , and as a result, some diseases can be transmitted by direct contact. The
- The penis. This type of condom was the original" Capote" ( French for, condom ,), perhaps because of its resemblance to a woman's bonnet worn at that time
- The UK suggest that a hormone in semen can aggravate existing cervical cancer, condom ,use during sex can prevent exposure to the hormone. Causes of failure Condoms
- Due to inconvenience, expense,or loss of sensation. The first rubber, condom ,was produced in 1855. The earliest rubber condom s had a seam and were as thick
- The reconversion rate (infection rate) at 0.9 per 100 person-years with, condom , down from 6.7 per 100 person-years. Analysis published in 2007 from the
- Lessons, who condemned them as immoral. From at least the 18th century, condom ,use was opposed in some legal, religious,and medical circles for essentially
- A transmembrane protein * ABC strategy for" Abstinence, be faithful, use a, condom ,", a sex education strategy Motorcycles Music Songs and albums * ABC (Jin
- Condoms at once, also increases the risk of condom failure. Different modes of, condom ,failure result in different levels of semen exposure. If a failure occurs
- Promoted. However, it recommends using a nonoxynol-9 lubricated condom over no, condom ,at all. As of 2005,nine condom manufacturers have stopped manufacturing
- And consistently. Actual use, or typical use effectiveness rates are of all, condom ,users, including those who use condom s incorrectly or do not use condom s at
- In reducing infection rates in both men and women. While not perfect,the, condom ,is effective at reducing the transmission of organisms that cause AIDS, genital
- Planning groups and the Swiss Aids Federation campaigned to have a narrower, condom ,produced for adolescent use after a number of studies, including a government
- To ensure that it remains on the boy's penis during intercourse. A standard, condom ,has a diameter of 2 inches (5.2 cm) whereas the Hotshot has a diameter of 1.7
- Occurs during application, the damaged condom may be disposed of and a new, condom ,applied before intercourse begins – such failures generally pose no risk to the
- If the rubber ring was too tight, it would constrict the penis. This type of, condom ,was the original" Capote" ( French for condom ),perhaps because of its
- Devices. Falloppio's treatise is the earliest uncontested description of, condom ,use: it describes linen sheaths soaked in a chemical solution and allowed to
- Using a nonoxynol-9 lubricated condom over no condom at all. As of 2005,nine, condom ,manufacturers have stopped manufacturing condom s with nonoxynol-9 and Planned
- The penis size and longer lasting sexual experience for women. The boosting, condom ,used gel in its tips that dilates the arteries and increased blood flow to
- Simplex virus-2 also known as genital herpes, in both men and women. Although a, condom ,is effective in limiting exposure, some disease transmission may occur even
- Found similar risk reductions of 80–95 %. The 2000 NIH review concluded that, condom ,use significantly reduces the risk of gonorrhea for men. Another study in the
- Experience irritation during vaginal intercourse with studded condom s. Boosting, condom ,June 2011: An erection-enhancing condom recommended for European approval and
- Pose no risk to the user. One study found that semen exposure from a broken, condom ,was about half that of unprotected intercourse; semen exposure from a slipped
- Effective in limiting exposure, some disease transmission may occur even with a, condom , Infectious areas of the genitals, especially when symptoms are present, may
- Despite opposition by some political, religious,and other figures, national, condom , promotion campaigns occurred in the U. S. and Europe. As one response
- No longer be promoted. However, it recommends using a nonoxynol-9 lubricated, condom ,over no condom at all. As of 2005,nine condom manufacturers have stopped
- To the attacker, hopefully allowing the victim a chance to escape. A collection, condom ,is used to collect semen for fertility treatments or sperm analysis. These
- Women until such time as they mastered the withdrawal technique. A, condom ,(or) is a barrier device most commonly used during sexual intercourse to
- CE mark certification after recommendation. In a double-blind test the boosting, condom ,gave a significant proportion that it was better than a standard condom which
- Love which is aimed at this end of the teenage market. Other The anti-rape, condom ,is another variation designed to be worn by women. It is designed to cause pain
- Stretched in excess of 800 % before breaking. In 1990 the ISO set standards for, condom ,production (ISO 4074,Natural latex rubber condom s),and the EU followed suit
- Certain other countries. Manufactured by Taylor, the 'Hotshot' is a narrower, condom ,with a tight band at the opening to ensure that it remains on the boy's penis
- Rate of 0.3 %, and the I. U. D. has a perfect-use failure rate of 0.6 %. The, condom ,has a perfect-use failure rate of 2 %. It has been suggested that the
- Is frequently used as a means of contraception, often in the absence of a, condom , The risk of injury to the receptive partner due to anal intercourse is many
- Every latex condom is tested for holes with an electrical current. If the, condom ,passes, it is rolled and packaged. In addition, a portion of each batch of
- Was about half that of unprotected intercourse; semen exposure from a slipped, condom ,was about one-fifth that of unprotected intercourse. Standard condom s will fit
- Air burst testing. While the advantages of latex have made it the most popular, condom ,material, it does have some drawbacks. Latex condom s are damaged when used with
- With studded condom s. Boosting condom June 2011: An erection-enhancing, condom ,recommended for European approval and will take around one month to receive CE
- Condom gave a significant proportion that it was better than a standard, condom ,which increased the penis size and longer lasting sexual experience for women.
- The risk of gonorrhea for men. Another study in the same year found consistent, condom ,use was effective at reducing transmission of herpes simplex virus-2 also known
- CEN standard (Directive 93/42/EEC concerning medical devices). Every latex, condom ,is tested for holes with an electrical current. If the condom passes, it is
- Because you're not having vaginal intercourse. " Anal sex without the use of a, condom ,is often referred to as barracking. HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases
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