Examples of the the word, nominal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nominal ), is the 8060 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ascorbic acid (reduced form of vitamin C)Bottom: dehydroascorbic acid (, nominal ,oxidized form of vitamin C) Acerbate usually acts as an antioxidant. It
  2. Previous government, in 86 BC. After Rome became an Empire under Augustus,the, nominal ,independence of Athens dissolved and its government converged to the normal
  3. S government, often deliberately adopting positions contrary to those of his, nominal ,chief. The best known of these cases was the Mammoth grant in 1845 and the
  4. The project bought the right to market Selector III to Apple III owners for a, nominal ,fee. However, another company, Quark Software, developed a competing product
  5. And the overhead required to format sectors on the media would reduce the, nominal ,capacity as well (and this overhead typically varied based on the size of the
  6. Islam faction. Because of the chaos, some leaders increasingly had only, nominal ,control over their (sub-)commanders. For civilians there was little security
  7. i.e. units of currency or means of exchange),which in turn leads to a, nominal ,price level that is higher than it would have been without the inflation, for
  8. III's brother. This solution was opposed by the new pope, Eugene IV, who was, nominal ,feudal lord of the King of Naples. As the Neapolitan's had called for the French
  9. While the state treasury accumulated less than one seventh the revenue (in, nominal ,coins) that it had done previously. Seeking to increase revenue and reduce
  10. To regularly introduce characters and story lines having nothing to do with the, nominal ,stars of the strip. The technique—as invigorating as it was unorthodox—was
  11. Japan in terms of nominal GDP by 2020. In terms of GDP per capita, both, nominal , and PPP-adjusted, South Korea will become the second-wealthiest country in Asia
  12. Harvested,44 percent of which was fuel wood and 20 percent, pulpwood. Although, nominal ,state timber standards are very strict, in 2004 an estimated 45 percent of
  13. The Danube and the Gulf of Venice (to be held probably on some terms of, nominal ,dependence on the empire) and the title of commander-in-chief of the imperial
  14. Passband, the x dB point refers to the point where the gain is x dB below the, nominal ,pass band gain rather than x dB below the maximum gain. A commonly used quantity
  15. The introduction of an Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) for faster data transfer. The, nominal ,rate of EDR is about 3 Bit/s, although the practical data transfer rate is 2.1
  16. Age of fifteen, was to the son of her father's rival in Italy, Lothair II,the, nominal ,King of Italy; the union was part of a political settlement designed to
  17. Arabs and racial tensions between the Arabs and Berbers. At that moment,the, nominal ,ruler of landaus, emir Yusuf in 'ABD Brahman Al-Fihri (another member of
  18. Now turned his attention to securing the Western Isles, which still owed a, nominal ,allegiance to Norway. He successively attempted negotiations and purchase, but
  19. At Pune and Mughal rule was restricted only to Delhi (Mughal remained the, nominal ,heads of Delhi). Maratha's were now straining to expand their area of control
  20. Words are disorganized and can not be recognized). Intermediate - also called, nominal ,amnesic aphasia. Expressive aphasia also known as Broca's aphasia or cortical
  21. Vrndavana. However, he did not displace the Mughal dynasty, which remained in, nominal ,control as long as the ruler acknowledged Ahmad's suzerainty over the Punjab
  22. Noun Classical Armenian has no grammatical gender, not even in the pronoun. The, nominal ,inflection, however,preserves several types of inherited stem classes. The
  23. Launch. The vent then closed, and the environmental control system maintained a, nominal ,cabin pressure of 5 psi as the spacecraft continued into vacuum. The cabin was
  24. a billion, causing the media to call him a" multibillionaire ". Since 2000,the, nominal ,value of his Microsoft holdings has declined due to a fall in Microsoft's
  25. Scheduled launch. The standard lunar orbit for Apollo missions was planned as a, nominal ,circular orbit above the Moon's surface. Initial lunar orbit insertion was an
  26. The launch procedure, with the cabin pressurized with pure oxygen at the, nominal ,pre-launch level of,2 psi above standard sea level atmospheric pressure. This
  27. With Arabic. The word order is in verbal and adjectival sentences, and in, nominal ,and adverbial sentences. The subject can be moved to the beginning of sentences
  28. The U. S. Baghdad embassy today. " German reunification in 1990 made Berlin the, nominal ,capital of Germany again. This decision did not mandate that the republic's
  29. Includes other bases, such as geology. Economy Asia has the second largest, nominal ,GDP of all continents, after Europe, but the largest when measured in
  30. Or cede to the United States a province, of which she retains nothing but the, nominal ,possession, but which is, in fact ... a post of annoyance to them. " Adams used
  31. Customary binary prefixes. Thus, a" 700 MB" ( or" 80 minute" ) CD has a, nominal ,capacity of about 700 MiB (approx 730 MB). Tape drives and media Tape drive
  32. Tax arbitrage) may be used to refer to situations when a company can choose a, nominal ,place of business with a regulatory, legal or tax regime with lower costs. For
  33. Guarded bike storage garages (Fietsenstalling) which can be used for a, nominal ,fee. In 2006,there were about 465,000 bicycles in Amsterdam. Theft is
  34. At Pune and Mughal rule was restricted only to Delhi (the Mughal remained the, nominal ,heads of Delhi). Maratha's were now straining to expand their area of control
  35. In 1812. Throughout these later developments, however,the Spanish had kept a, nominal ,(although largely ignored) governmental presence in the region, based out of
  36. The world had yet seen. He firmly subjugated the areas previously under only, nominal ,Assyrian vassalage, conquering and deporting troublesome Ara mean, neo Hittite
  37. In practical terms this means that measures of a constant current (e.g.,the, nominal ,flow of charge per second through a simple circuit) will be defined in amps (
  38. Products, fisheries,iron ore, coffee,and fruits. This is a chart of trend of, nominal ,gross domestic product of Angola at market prices using International Monetary
  39. Statistical arbitrage is an imbalance in expected, nominal ,values. A casino has a statistical arbitrage in every game of chance that it
  40. MO) are given using SI decimal prefixes. A" 4.7 GB" DVD has a, nominal ,capacity of about 4.38 GiB. However, CD capacities are always given using
  41. Per capita in Asia. It is forecasted that India will overtake Japan in terms of, nominal ,GDP by 2020. In terms of GDP per capita, both nominal and PPP-adjusted, South
  42. To the Presidency. The economy of Brazil is the world's seventh largest by, nominal ,GDP and eighth largest by purchasing power parity. Brazil has moderately free
  43. Manner about its advancement axis, with the advancement rate set by some, nominal ,volume attributed to each event, representative of the atomic volume of the
  44. Gives rise to accusations of branch stacking (signing up large numbers of, nominal ,party members to vote in pre-selection ballots),impersonation, multiple voting
  45. The Brazilian economy is the world's seventh-largest economy by, nominal ,GDP and the eighth largest by purchasing power parity. Brazil is one of the
  46. At constant velocity. As the ion will travel from the tip at voltage V1 to some, nominal ,ground potential, the speed at which the ion is travelling can be estimated by
  47. Andrew with Hatch. The child Andrew's rule in Hatch must have been only, nominal ,; he did not even visit his principality. Although, the young prince's troops
  48. In commission. The need of summoning parliament, however,soon brought about a, nominal ,restoration of the Archbishop's powers. His presence being unwelcome at court
  49. Centers of power arose, each ruling a Haifa (and often with multiple levels of, nominal ,fealty and relative independence, according to the patterns of feudalism). The
  50. PPP GDP is still only about a third of the EU25 average, while the country's, nominal ,GDP per capita is about 13 % of the EU25 average. Economic downturn following

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