Examples of the the word, unrelated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unrelated ), is the 7123 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Recognisable characters. The sequence of the taxa in keys is often totally, unrelated ,to their natural or phonetic groupings. In the 18th century an increasing
  2. The malformation is discovered as part of an autopsy or during treatment of an, unrelated ,disorder (called in medicine" an incidental finding" ); in rare cases its
  3. Grasp ideas more or less clearly, the human capacity to worry about conflating, unrelated ,circumstances, a sage prudence which arrests generalizations, a capacity for
  4. Depend on the positions of the values. Modifying the list even in seemingly, unrelated ,ways such as adding elements elsewhere in the list may change the result. To
  5. Patterns, there was a drop in water table levels due to a different cycle, unrelated ,to rainfall. This forced the abandonment of settlements in the more arid or
  6. City Limits location also presents national and local live music performances, unrelated ,to the television show such as recent performances by storyteller Garrison
  7. In the U. S. during the early 1800s,saw the development of a number of, unrelated ,churches. They generally saw themselves as restoring the original church of
  8. One or more temporary anchors which may be of different designs and weights. An, unrelated ,device is a sea anchor, a drogue used to control a drifting vessel. Overview
  9. Then they can an unknown spoken language. Grammar ASL grammar is completely, unrelated ,to that of English. It lacks the inflections of English, such as tense and
  10. While others observe the holiday with rituals taken from numerous other, unrelated ,sources, Celtic culture being only one of the sources used. Celtic
  11. Unital as well. Note that bialgebras leave multiplication and co-multiplication, unrelated ,; thus it is common to relate the two (by defining an antipodes),thus creating
  12. Related beavers share more features in their anal gland secretion profile than, unrelated ,beavers. Beavers mark their territories by constructing scent mounts made of
  13. Are greater. Examples include: migraine, doxepin, amitriptyline,and the, unrelated ,trazodone. Azapirones are a class of 5-HT1A receptor agonists. They
  14. Name comes from the Greek Άβυδος, a name borrowed by Greek geographers from the, unrelated ,city of Abyss on the Hellespont. History Abyss was occupied by the rulers of
  15. Amenorrhea, and colic. Safety Some members of the laurel family, as well as the, unrelated , but visually similar mountain laurel and cherry laurel, have leaves that are
  16. Physically attractive female character (the" item girl" ), often completely, unrelated ,to the main cast and plot of the film, performs a catchy song and dance number
  17. The recreational British card game of black jack is a shedding-type game and, unrelated ,to the subject of this article. History Blackjack's precursor was" twenty-one
  18. Game, and even their domain name (WWW. C-g-s. Com) has been recycled by some, unrelated ,group. The Babylon 5 Wars war game was first published by Agents of Gaming in
  19. The leadership was tried before a kangaroo court and convicted on false charges, unrelated ,to Sarajevo, such as plotting an assassination of Nikola Basic and Crown
  20. Advances in one field may improve those of other, sometimes completely, unrelated , fields. For example, dynamic programming was invented for optimization of
  21. But is more difficult to detect since the player's actions are largely, unrelated ,to the composition of the cards in the shoe. Arnold Snyder's articles in
  22. On August 17, 2006,Music Lab released BearS hare v6,a new application, unrelated ,to the original, which does not use the Nutella protocol at all, but instead
  23. Of all the suspects and slowly denounces the guilty party, exposing several, unrelated ,secrets along the way, sometimes over the course of thirty or so pages. The
  24. To the Aquitanian tribe of the Au sci. History Since the Basque language is, unrelated ,to Indo-European, it is often thought that they represent the people or culture
  25. CPL. However, it is possible that its name may be based on On, an earlier but, unrelated , and rather different, programming language that Thompson designed for use on
  26. Testament indicates that the verb baptize in when applied to washing in a context, unrelated ,to Christian baptism, did not always indicate submersion. The first is Luke
  27. Predictions, and gives them the ability to attach significance to arbitrary and, unrelated ,events, in a way that suits their purpose, although science also provides
  28. Or aesthetically satisfying structures or forms upon an original set of, unrelated , passive constituents. Forms, genres,media, and styles The creative arts are
  29. Workers Union members following disputes over pay and remuneration, though, unrelated , to earlier job losses as part of the reorganization. This was resolved without
  30. Offered to and was called on to give judgments and opinions on matters often, unrelated ,to theoretical physics or mathematics. (see main article) Einstein's views
  31. Reported the positive effect of isoniazid on depressed patients. For reasons, unrelated ,to its efficacy, isoniazid as an antidepressant was soon overshadowed by the
  32. Formed in 1993 and 'N Sync formed in 1995,although he was later convicted of, unrelated ,fraud incidents. In the late nineties in the UK, producer Simon Cowell (noted
  33. Properties. While the nonbenzodiazepines are by definition structurally, unrelated ,to the benzodiazepines, both classes of drugs possess a common pharmacophore (
  34. Molecule that's similar to an unstable intermediate of another (potentially, unrelated ,) reaction, the developed antibody will enzymatically bind to and stabilize the
  35. In the okapi. Another similarity to the okapi, even though the bongo is, unrelated , is that the bongo has a long prehensile tongue which it uses to grasp grasses
  36. Manufacturers. On the other hand, backplane architecture is somewhat, unrelated ,to the SBC technology that is plugged into it. There are some limitations to
  37. Effect on the aging process, so the effects of fruit and vegetables may be, unrelated ,to their antioxidant contents. One reason for this might be the fact that
  38. Out as untrustworthy much because many of the trials were conducted on totally, unrelated ,diseases such as allergies and viral infections. Antibiotics were discovered
  39. The Delegates brand — often with different titles Sears' Delegates brand was, unrelated ,to the company Delegates, which also produced cartridges for the Atari 2600 —
  40. In foxes, jackals,Italian wolves, Sloughi dogs and a handful of others quite, unrelated ,rare dogs found mostly in Japan. The presence of the GLIB suggests an ancient
  41. The prophesied physical resurrection to the status of a future miracle, unrelated ,to the afterlife or the Messianic era. According to Maimonides, an afterlife
  42. A range of algal morphologies are exhibited, and convergence of features in, unrelated ,groups is common. The only groups to exhibit three-dimensional multicellular
  43. The extensor digitorum. * a loosely used term for various types of mechanically, unrelated ,techniques, although they generally do not use joint locks like other
  44. Scholars such as Dark Large attribute the decline of ancient Ghana to numerous, unrelated ,factors, only one of which can be likely attributable to internal dynastic
  45. Eye syndrome). A similar phenomenon is unexplained sensation in a body part, unrelated ,to the amputated limb. It has been hypothesized that the portion of the brain
  46. Bias in which the perception of one trait is influenced by the perception of an, unrelated ,trait,e.g. treating an attractive person as more intelligent or more honest.
  47. Of non-Chinese terms each character has independent meaning as an individual, unrelated ,word. Legal status * In the United Kingdom, amphetamines are regarded as Class
  48. And the members of a Kindred may be related by blood or marriage, or may be, unrelated , The kindred often functions as a combination of extended family and religious
  49. Suicide in people with bipolar disorder. These two drugs comprise several, unrelated ,compounds which have been shown to be effective in preventing relapses of manic
  50. Slave trade, Newton was promised a position as a captain on a ship with cargo, unrelated ,to slavery, when at thirty years old, he collapsed and never sailed again.

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