Examples of the the word, chick , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chick ), is the 7126 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tall trees or on high cliffs. Many species lay two eggs, but the older, larger, chick , frequently kills its younger sibling once it has hatched. The dominant chick
  2. A short, crisp,muted percussive sound, sounding like and referred to as a ", chick ,". Adjusting the gap between the cymbals can alter the sound of the open hi-hat
  3. The compound (s) in 1939. For several decades the vitamin K-deficient, chick ,model was the only method of quantifying vitamin K in various foods: the chick s
  4. One third smaller than the female (Old French fiercely). A falcon, chick , especially one reared for falconry, that is still in its downy stage is known
  5. Times are long compared to other birds, as are fledgling periods. Once a, chick ,has fledged there is no further parental care. Procellariiformes have had a
  6. Symbol of the start of new life, just as new life emerges from an egg when the, chick ,hatches out. The ancient Zoroastrians painted eggs for Norwood, their New Year
  7. The female lays a single egg, and both parents incubate the egg and feed the, chick ,(or" puffing" ). The incubating parent holds the egg against its brood
  8. Chick frequently kills its younger sibling once it has hatched. The dominant, chick ,tends to be the female, as they are bigger than the male. The parents take no
  9. Times in a row and with three different captions as the embryo of the dog,the, chick , and the turtle. " He accused Hacker of" playing fast and loose with the
  10. Over 50 days until it hatches, and she is also the sole carer of the lyrebird, chick , Lyrebirds feed on insects, spiders,earthworms and, occasionally,seeds. They
  11. Its mothers' weight, and the Emperor Penguin egg is 2.3 %. When mothers lose a, chick , they sometimes attempt to" steal" another mother's chick , usually
  12. To keep the membrane around the hatching chick from drying out after the, chick ,cracks the shell. Lower humidity is usual in the first 18 days to ensure
  13. Filo-style pastry stuffed with cheese or lentils. ** Keokuk - boiled wheat and, chick ,peas stewed with meat. **local cream kayak eaten with honey, with a bread
  14. To open just before the second, then allowed to ring before being closed with a, chick ,to complete the pattern (the cymbals may or may not be struck on the chick ).
  15. Guard phase. In the case of most burrow-nesting species this is only until the, chick ,is able to thermoregulation, usually two or three days. Diving-petrel chick s take
  16. May only nest once every two years. Both parents participate in incubation and, chick ,rearing. Incubation times are long compared to other birds, as are fledgling
  17. Around the nesting site. After hatching the incubating adult remains with the, chick ,for a number of days, a period known as the guard phase. In the case of most
  18. The K Indian Steve Add Session Hats the pattern is reversed for a cleaner, chick ,and cleaner sticking),and may also be vented, this being one innovation to
  19. Into the topic of reproduction. He created detailed drawings of his studies of, chick ,embryo development, seed development in plants (such as the lemon tree) and
  20. Of its development only. In contrast, bird eggs contain enough to supply the, chick ,with nutriment throughout the whole period of incubation.
  21. Mothers lose a chick , they sometimes attempt to" steal" another mother's, chick , usually unsuccessfully as other females in the vicinity assist the defending
  22. Emmer wheat and adorn wheat, then hulled barley, peas,lentils, bitter vetch, chick ,peas and flax. By 7000 BC, small-scale agriculture reached Egypt. From at least
  23. Image: Kittiwake w. jpg|Kittiwake - winter Ireland Image: Kittiwake with young, chick , JPG|Kittiwake with chick s, Iceland The Kuwaiti oil fires were caused by Iraqi
  24. The tiny storm-petrels are known to have survived for 30 years. Nesting and, chick ,rearing The majority of Procellariiformes nest once a year and do so seasonally
  25. Sings:: What chance has a lonely surfer boy: For the love of a surfer, chick ,: With all these Humbert cats: Coming on so big and sick?: For me, my
  26. Throughout development,e.g. one would refer to a chick embryo, not a ", chick ,fetus" even at late stages. During postulation the cells of the blastula
  27. To its natal colony to breed, often many years after leaving the colony as a, chick , This tendency has been shown through ringing studies and mitochondrial DNA
  28. Island masked boobies. JPG|Masked Boobies File: Norfolk Island white turn, chick , JPG|White Tern File: Norfolk Island Emily Bay. JPG|Emily Bay File:
  29. In the last three days of incubation to keep the membrane around the hatching, chick ,from drying out after the chick cracks the shell. Lower humidity is usual in
  30. Seek out plant matter from plants with parasite-reducing toxins to improve, chick ,survival, and feathers are often used for nest insulation. The warmth for the
  31. As other females in the vicinity assist the defending mother in keeping her, chick , In some species, such as Emperor Penguins, young penguins assemble in large
  32. The cymbals together and choking the sound in what is called a" hi-hat, chick ," or crush. A skilled player can obtain an enormous dynamic range from such a
  33. Women, and Butt-head reacts by saying," Did you hear that Basis? There's a, chick ,on that plane who scored. " This is typical of their shenanigans, which they
  34. Of the toes. The characteristic position is called" stargazing ", meaning a, chick ," sitting on its hocks and the head in opisthotonos ". Response to
  35. Reportoire. Olive oil and garlic are widely in use. Vegetable minestrone, chick ,peas, broad beans, chick ory, celery and fennel are also often served as first
  36. To inbreeding. Stoats are responsible for approximately half of kiwi, chick ,deaths in many areas through New Zealand. Cats also to a lesser extent prey on
  37. For example: *J'etas en train de echo one bombe (" I was hitting on a hot, chick ,") is said, but not JE perhaps or JE Pasco. Spelling The study of German is
  38. Already cited, one can add the study of the snail, the invisible shrimp,the, chick ,before its hatching and even the pigeon. A digression to an experiment can be
  39. A chick to complete the pattern (the cymbals may or may not be struck on the, chick ,). A right-handed drummer will normally play the hi-hat pedal with his left
  40. Country. Buenos Aires, Rosario and Córdoba also serve it with fauna, which is a, chick ,pea-flour dough placed over the piece of pizza. In fact, people say that what
  41. Audiences. " Also called" women's movies "," weepies ", tearjerkers,or ", chick ,flicks ". If they are targeted to a male audience, then they are called" guy
  42. Referred to as embryos throughout development,e.g. one would refer to a, chick ,embryo, not a" chick fetus" even at late stages. During postulation the
  43. As long as two weeks in procellariids and three weeks in albatrosses. The, chick ,is fed by both parents. Chicks are fed on fish, squid,krill and stomach oil.
  44. Placed into laying a single (proportionally) large egg and raising a single, chick , Procellariiformes is long-lived, the longest living albatross known survived
  45. Using genetic techniques, reduced the production of carbon in developing, chick ,embryo and zebrafish embryo. These embryos had defects similar to those treated
  46. Agriculture (i.e. wild progenitors to Elmer wheat, einkorn, barley,flax, chick ,pea, pea,lentil, bitter vetch),and four of the five most important species
  47. Longer foraging trips, since they can come back with more food energy for their, chick ,than a bird that can only carry one fish at a time. This behavior is made
  48. The Agent Cody Banks film, the Alex Rider adventure novels by Anthony Horowitz, chick ,lit novels such as I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You and
  49. In machines that provide the correct, controlled environment for the developing, chick , The average incubation period for chick ens is 21 days but may depend on the
  50. It is very rare and may be extinct on the island. File: Norfolk Island Gannet, chick , JPG|Gannet File: Norfolk Island masked boobies. JPG|Masked Boobies File:

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