Examples of the the word, randomly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( randomly ), is the 7124 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That require statistical analysis to rule out expected data that was only, randomly ,generated. This category covers random sources such as noisy diodes and
  2. The act of measurement causes the set of probabilities to immediately and, randomly ,assume only one of the possible values. This feature of the mathematics is
  3. May need to be differentiated. Also accessing media sequentially, as opposed to, randomly , typically yields maximum throughput. Energy use * Storage devices that reduce
  4. SSA) (Bottom):" Each observer-moment should reason as if it were, randomly ,selected from the class of all observer-moments in its reference class. "
  5. That is, vacuum tubes) and noticed, on Nov. 27, 1961,what he called ", randomly ,transitional phenomena ". Yet his advisor did not agree with his conclusions at
  6. Therefore Result: These beans are white. Induction. Case: These beans are [, randomly ,selected] from this bag. Result: These beans are white. \therefore Rule: All
  7. Amorphous) boron contains regular boron icosahedral which are, however,bonded, randomly ,to each other without long-range order. Crystalline boron is a very hard, black
  8. Dithering back and forth between two positions, depending upon how the hardware, randomly ,powered up. The extra spurious cycle stealing, as the rendezvous radar updated
  9. Determined acupuncture points; in which case, it is contrasted with, randomly ,inserting needles, which is called a“ sham treatment ”,“ placebo ”,“
  10. Might be difficult to find),simply by observing that the probability of, randomly ,selecting an object with those properties is greater than 0. This approach (
  11. Of the set: \big cup_ S_i. In this way, ΩF represents the probability that a, randomly ,selected infinite sequence of 0s and 1s begins with a bit string (of some
  12. On the scale of the color's wavelength. If the microstructures are spaced, randomly , light of shorter wavelengths will be scattered preferentially to produce
  13. And backtracking. # Randomized algorithms are those that make some choices, randomly ,(or pseudo- randomly ); for some problems, it can in fact be proven that the
  14. To change the name. To choose a new name William King opened a dictionary and, randomly ,picked a word. " We lucked out," he remarked with a laugh when telling this
  15. Utility. When the voter thinks that the others will balance their votes, randomly ,and evenly, the strategy will maximize the voter's power or efficacy, meaning
  16. The random motion of charges is analogous to heat - the thermal velocity of, randomly ,vibrating gas particles. This analogy is extremely simplistic and incomplete:
  17. Which aims and fires bubbles up the screen. The color of bubbles fired is, randomly ,generated and chosen from the colors of bubbles still left on the screen. The
  18. Grows over the partially grown eyes. Another theory is that some Mexican tetra, randomly ,don't develop eyes (which is represented by broken genes in the fish's
  19. WCC begins with a qualifying round in which competitors play 10 matches against, randomly ,assigned opponents. The qualifying round is divided into two separate sessions
  20. Reflection. Moreover, a randomized study of AA is difficult: AA members are not, randomly ,selected from the population of chronic alcoholics, with the possible exception
  21. Data into the display, leaving it visible as regions of apparently, randomly ,colored pixels. Although page flipping was a hardware possibility, the limited
  22. That, when shuffled, create randomness. Scrabble does something similar with, randomly ,picked letters. Other games use spinners, timers of random length, or other
  23. Nearer to the root. In a treat (" tree heap" ), each node also holds a (, randomly ,chosen) priority and the parent node has higher priority than its children.
  24. ABC News, the BBC, and ARD. The 2010 Asia Foundation survey involved 6,467, randomly , selected Afghan citizens from across all of Afghanistan's 34 provinces. The
  25. Two players, or two teams of two, three,or four. A match is started by a, randomly ,chosen side being given the opportunity to throw a smaller ball, the jack (
  26. Large n until n is very large (ex: x 11,n=7752). For example, suppose you, randomly ,sample n people out of a large population and ask them whether they agree with
  27. During a casual discussion while at Harvard to provide an account of a, randomly ,provided piece of verbal behavior Skinner set about attempting to extend his
  28. Or in Paget's disease. Woven bone is weaker, with a smaller number of, randomly ,oriented collagen fibers, but forms quickly; it is for this appearance of the
  29. Depend on the sample. If you sampled groups of n people repeatedly and truly, randomly , the proportions would follow an approximate normal distribution with mean
  30. That SAT requires exponential time in the worst case, but that almost all, randomly ,selected instances of it are efficiently solvable. Russell Impagliazzo has
  31. Performance DWNT-polymer composite yarns by twisting and stretching ribbons of, randomly ,oriented bundles of Dents thinly coated with polymeric organic compounds. These
  32. Hydrogenation of unsaturated are smaller. Thus, a poison that covers surface, randomly ,will tend to reduce the number of uncontaminated large planes but leave
  33. Analysis In a randomized controlled experiment, the treatments are, randomly ,assigned to experimental units, following the experimental protocol. This
  34. To compel individuals into holding the office. Augustus accomplished this by, randomly ,selecting former tribunes and questions for the office. Future emperors would
  35. Out the administrative functions of Athens and provided from its own membership, randomly ,selected boards of ten responsible for areas ranging from naval affairs to
  36. Movement. Consider the particles emitted by Brown's pollen grain moving, randomly ,in water: we know that a water molecule is about 0.1 by 0.2 nm in size, whereas
  37. Has become common practice for exploit writers to compose the no-op sled with, randomly ,chosen instructions which will have no real effect on the shell code execution.
  38. The base of the executable and position of libraries, heap,and stack, randomly ,in a process' address space. Randomization of the virtual memory addresses at
  39. g., Oliver Twist turns out to be the lost nephew of the upper class family that, randomly ,rescues him from the dangers of the pickpocket group). Such coincidences are a
  40. Atom. Even with no external electric field applied, these electrons move about, randomly ,due to thermal energy but, on average, there is zero net current within the
  41. In the cluster study and the number of subjects in an equally reliable, randomly ,sampled uncluttered study. Charles Baudelaire (; April 9,1821 – August 31
  42. During this battle Ahab disguised himself, but was mortally wounded by a, randomly ,shot arrow (ch. 22). The Hebrew Bible says that dogs licked his blood
  43. Fairer by turning it into a lottery, with each of the year's calendar dates, randomly ,assigned a number. Men born on lower numbered dates were called up for review.
  44. Orientation, and then throw them in such a manner that they do not tumble, randomly , The theory is that the dice, given the same throw from the same starting
  45. Rockets (containing phosphorus, which cannot be extinguished with water) that, randomly ,hit the city. Few houses with straw roofs remained after the bombardment. The
  46. By Dungeons & Dragons, which often involved the characters wandering, randomly ,through caves or tunnels and fighting different types of monsters, Sandy
  47. Researchers discovered how to contain the kind of worm that scans the Internet, randomly , looking for vulnerable hosts to infect. They found that the key is for
  48. For a variety of reasons. Tournaments Bridge is a game of skill played with, randomly ,dealt cards, which makes it also a game of chance, or more exactly, a tactical
  49. Emission from nanotubes. Without the plasma, the resulting nanotubes are often, randomly ,oriented. Under certain reaction conditions, even in the absence of a plasma
  50. Variants of chess, such as Chess960,where the initial position is one selected, randomly ,from a possible 960 starting positions. This random positioning makes it more

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