Examples of the the word, theirs , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Coinage, even as other members of the Tetrarchy referred to him as a Caesar on, theirs , Maxi minus Died was frustrated that he had been passed over for promotion while
  2. Together, partly due to mere chance and partly because his popularity grew as, theirs ,declined he became, in the Hellenistic Age, a cornerstone of ancient literary
  3. Rewrite it. Parts and Brand later insisted the bulk of the shooting script was, theirs , and produced carbon copies of many of the pages Laurent's actually had written
  4. Or of main center of interests to a country other than the country which was, theirs ,at the time of their election. # Members elected as active athletes cease to be
  5. And Martin Buyer, but he also took care to distinguish his own work from, theirs ,and to criticize some of their shortcomings. Calvin's friends urged him to
  6. In that his pots, cast by his patented process, were thinner and cheaper than, theirs , Coke pig iron was hardly used to produce bar iron in forges until the mid
  7. For grain and importing more from Egypt. Then landholders refused to sell, theirs , claiming that the harvest was so bad that they had to be compensated with fair
  8. Added but five runs to their score, while the Forest Cities added thirteen to, theirs , thereby taking the lead by a score of fifteen to eight, to the great surprise
  9. It is his duty to sacrifice his repose, his pleasures, his satisfactions, to, theirs , ; and above all, ever,and in all cases, to prefer their interest to his own.
  10. Held their own exhibit in 1906,Munch was invited and displayed his works with, theirs , After studying the sculpture of Rodin, Munch may have experimented with
  11. Been the subject of debate for centuries. According to predominant theories, theirs ,was a Turkic language. Numerous other languages were spoken within the Hun pax
  12. March through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling places that are not, theirs , (World English Bible) One of the" Eighteen Emendations to the Hebrew
  13. Children, and older people. * Take your share of the world and let others take, theirs , Christian book series for children and adults about great men and women of
  14. To it, representative of it, operative by it ... Hence, it is that what names, theirs ,carried, ours do the like, and the Fathers make no scruple at it—no more need
  15. Of a people returning to its ancestral land to reclaim what was rightfully, theirs , and so fell out of favor, particularly after 1967. Some historians have
  16. But finally I have found that my answers in many cases do not differ from, theirs , " (cited by). Thus, Huygens learned about de Méré's problem in 1655 during
  17. Second largest in the country) will force other competitors into upgrading, theirs ,to be able to compete in the markets they now lead. Pricing information (
  18. Occasionally one can find in his works what seems to be an allusion to one of, theirs ,(for example,Brahms's Scherzo, Op. 4,alludes to Chopin's Scherzo in B-flat
  19. It. However, the Americans intervene and shoot down the missile with one of, theirs ,before it can hit Tokyo. Unfortunately, the atmospheric nuclear blast creates
  20. Political imagination, matching the originality shown in his fiction, outran, theirs , He later grew staunchly critical of them as having a poor understanding of
  21. Similar editions had appeared for Aeschylus and Sophocles the only plays of, theirs ,that survive today:" The rise of Goths and Tartars throughout the Roman world
  22. Come here on their own. Our protests are spontaneous. We have a cause. What is, theirs , ". One month after Hariri's murder, an enormous anti-Syrian rally gathered at
  23. Been: * Women were allowed to succeed (but there existed no known children of, theirs ,whose father did not also happen to be an magnate of the imperial house, thus
  24. Present being more properly what our neighbors the Dutch and the Germans call, theirs , word-books, than dictionaries in the superior sense of that title. " It was
  25. Was part of the process of establishing what" psychedelic music" was, but, theirs , was essentially a" street party" form of it. They developed their "
  26. Chosen (Church down) and Ivor Gurney who knows it ". Another contemporary of, theirs , Gerald Fine, lived in nearby Pains wick. The film Better Things, directed by
  27. States will have dropped to around 25 %, and China and India will increase, theirs ,to over 13 %. The Middle East will remain more or less constant at 9 %, whereas
  28. S-64 Sky crane helicopter became available when the United States Army sold off, theirs ,to civilian operators. The helicopter, named " Olga ", was first used to remove
  29. When the band self-released An Ideal for Living, and two weeks later a track of, theirs ," At a Later Date ", was featured on the compilation album Short Circuit: Live
  30. Against other men whose interests are different from (and usually opposed to), theirs , The class experience is largely determined by the productive relations into
  31. For setting elaborate traps. This caused Caesar to remark," The day was, theirs ,had there been anyone among them to take it. " Pompey continued his strategy of
  32. Their country – Anglia – and Emily and Anne wrote articles and poems about, theirs ,– Gonadal. The sagas were elaborate and convoluted (and still exist in partial
  33. Told the Garrett she intended to reach Mexico, drawing a route on a map of, theirs , Death Conger tracked down Jet and interrogated him, learning of Booth's
  34. Birth. The highest animals laid warm and wet creatures alive, the lowest bore, theirs ,cold, dry,and in thick eggs. Aristotle also held that the level of a creature
  35. Served in an ice-frosted silver julep cup but most Churchill Downs patrons sip, theirs ,from souvenir glasses (first offered in 1939 and available in revised form
  36. Battle, they sang of him first of all heroes. They have also those songs of, theirs , by the recital of this bandits as they call it, they rouse their courage
  37. Division, you felt from this singer, beauty was truth and truth was beauty, and, theirs , was a search for both. " Artists including electronica performer Moby and Red
  38. Points for connecting their settlements with settlements (not necessarily, theirs ,) from the opposite island using ships, or to another player's shipping lines
  39. Us like the families of the earth; who has not designed our destiny to be like, theirs , nor our lot like that of all their multitude, who worship mist and emptiness
  40. Lord of Bucharest, & Master Edward Ferries for such doings as I have see of, theirs ,do deserve the shyest price: The'Earle of Oxford and Master Edwards of her
  41. With population size, but the percentage of Turkish deaths was almost twice, theirs , This campaign became a turning point in the national consciousness of several
  42. Algeria called their language" Tanzania" or Senate, while the Kabyles called, theirs ," Taqbaylit ", the inhabitants of Siva" Kiwi ", and the Menage. In Tunisia
  43. Will run tests on the DNA evidence once the defense's laboratory has completed, theirs , This will include running the results through the FBI's Combined DNA Index
  44. To actually have Jim jump on stage with the band and start singing a song of, theirs ,in the film to escape two pursuing goons. Other bands include Last Conservative
  45. Paper to Nature at the same time as Wilkins, Stokes,and Wilson submitted, theirs ,(i.e. the 'third' paper on DNA). Views on religion Crick once joked,"
  46. Keyboard Components from dissatisfied customers. Any customer who opted to keep, theirs ,was required to sign a waiver indicating their understanding that no more
  47. Sodium and potassium from their compounds and of the alkaline earth metals from, theirs ,in 1808. Hans Christian Ørsted's discovery of the magnetic effect of
  48. To honor our own diplomats' immunity just as scrupulously as we honor, theirs , " The Diplomatic Relations Act of 1978 22 U. S. C. A. § 254a et seq. Follows
  49. Not only neglected his faith but directly opposed it, mocking others who showed, theirs , deriding and denouncing God as a myth. He came to believe that God had sent
  50. Towards the end of the day, two prominent Republicans and a friend of, theirs ,were arrested and killed by Crown Forces. The IRA was also involved in the

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