Examples of the the word, landowner , in a Sentence Context

The word ( landowner ), is the 7125 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1715 – William Fraser,12th Lord Salton. Scottish patriot politician and, landowner , (b. 1654) *1745 – Sir Robert Walpole, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (
  2. Maturity. He later acquired still more property and, with,became the largest, landowner ,and leading citizen of Orange County. His mother, Nelly Conway Madison (
  3. Center. Harvard University had always been important in the city (both as a, landowner ,and as an institution),but it began to play a more dominant role in the city
  4. Made short work of the Albanians. The parliament elected Albania's largest, landowner , Sheet Be Versace, as Prime Minister. Versace additionally served as head of
  5. Bloodiest and most radical revolution in modern Asian history. Most came from, landowner ,or civil servant families. Pol Pot and You Yuan may have been related to the
  6. Scotia * Henry Nicholas Paint (1830–1921),member of Parliament, merchant, landowner , * Jacob Gould Schulman, President of Cornell University * Rev. William A. White
  7. The previous governors and maintained a pro-slavery regime. On 10 October 1868, landowner , Carlos Manuel de Céspedes made the" Grit ode Yara ", the " Cry of Yard "
  8. And it was interesting to find that Mr. Apostolizes, son of the large local, landowner , the hospitality of whose farm at Takes I enjoyed, was convinced to that the
  9. Kurdish nationalist movement emerged in 1880 with an uprising led by a Kurdish, landowner ,and head of the powerful Seminar family, Sheik Abdullah, who demanded
  10. Church to the state. Under the Ancien Régime, the Church had been the largest, landowner ,in the country. Legislation enacted in 1790 abolished the Church's authority
  11. And magazine publisher * John Hartman Walker (1794–1860),southeast Missouri, landowner ,Others * John Walker, one of the Birmingham Six accused of bombings in England
  12. Did not seize Aquitaine from Henry III. Louis IX was now the most important, landowner ,of France, adding to his royal title. There were some opposition to his rule in
  13. Was born in Coma near Herakleopolis Magma in Lower Egypt in 251 to wealthy, landowner ,parents. When he was about 18 years old, his parents died and left him with the
  14. There to more than 100 persons. As a respected military hero and large, landowner , he held local office and was elected to the Virginia provincial legislature
  15. Might conveniently have been expressed in square miles. For example, a certain, landowner ,might have been said to own 32,000 acres of land, not 50 square miles of land.
  16. In Bologna on April 25, 1874,the second son of Giuseppe Marconi, an Italian, landowner , and his Irish wife, Annie Jameson, daughter of Andrew Jameson of Daphne Castle
  17. Near Hamburg, which was larger than Martin, making him a very wealthy, landowner , Because of both the imperial and the Prussian offices that he held, Bismarck
  18. Visits to the estate also allowed her to contrast the wealth in which the local, landowner ,lived with the lives of the often much poorer people on the estate, and
  19. Newly formed Dominion of Canada, in which the company was the largest private, landowner , With the decline of the fur trade, the company evolved into a mercantile
  20. Act 2004. Under this legislation Beagles may still pursue rabbits with the, landowner ,'s permission. Drag hunting is popular where hunting is no longer permitted or
  21. Patron, in July 1994. On 10 June 1999 the Trust concluded an agreement with the, landowner , giving control over much of the site to the Trust. The Trust is
  22. Due to be further reduced to six shillings. In 1834 James Brampton, a local, landowner , wrote to the Prime Minister, Lord Melbourne, to complain about the union
  23. At Duffy, Aberdare, Glamorganshire, the son of John Bruce, a Glamorganshire, landowner , by his wife Sarah, daughter of Reverend Hugh Williams Austin. John Bruce's
  24. Native corporation Doyen, Limited often promotes itself as the largest private, landowner ,in Alaska in advertisements and other communications. Provisions of AN CSA
  25. Sweden. * The 1999 film, Onegin has a couple of scenes with borzoi in a Russian, landowner ,'s country mansion a) being led through snowy inner courtyard by one of the
  26. Was 10,his father, an avid hunter, got into a legal quarrel with a wealthy, landowner ,on whose lands he had been caught trespassing. To avoid certain defeat in the
  27. City and State. At the height of his influence, Tweed was the third-largest, landowner ,in New York City, a director of the Erie Railway, the Tenth National Bank, and
  28. Wealth of Elizabeth's household derived from Edward Barrett (1734–1798), landowner , of in Cinnamon Hill, Cornwall,Cambridge, and Oxford estates in northern
  29. Morita was raised in a somewhat privileged setting. His father was a rich, landowner ,who also traded in lumber and fishing and was politically active. Yeshiva was a
  30. Government may have proprietary jurisdiction (only the rights of any other, landowner ,), concurrent jurisdiction (the right to legislate concurrently with the state
  31. City an Imperial Free City in 1291; nevertheless the bishop of Spare, a major, landowner ,in the district, seized the city in 1324. The city did not regain its ancient
  32. County in Guangdong Province,Deng's father, Deng Wending, was a middle-level, landowner ,and had studied at the University of Law and Political Science in Chengdu. His
  33. Backing of Luis Terraces, a former Governor of Chihuahua who was the largest, landowner ,in Mexico. Madero despatched troops under General José González Salas to put
  34. Raised the personal legal status of the peasantry. A bank was set up so that, landowner ,could borrow government money to buy land from peasants (the peasants were not
  35. Of pine trees cleared by the College in 1771. Dartmouth is the largest private, landowner ,of the town of Hanover, and its total landholdings and facilities are worth an
  36. Had been in abeyance since 1746. He appointed the Duke of Richmond, a wealthy, landowner ,who was both Chancellor of Aberdeen University and Lord Lieutenant of Ban ff.
  37. And philanthropist *Reuben Cone (1788–1851),an important pioneer and, landowner ,in Atlanta, Georgia *Robert W. Cone, a major general in the United States Army
  38. The feudal system lingered on in Scots law on land ownership, so that a, landowner ,still had obligations to a feudal superior including payment of few duty. In
  39. Married and widowed before marrying Beria's father, Pavel Khukhaevich Beria,a, landowner ,from Abkhazia. She was 17,a trained scientist from an aristocratic family. She
  40. United States laid claim to those territories. It was at one time the largest, landowner ,in the world, with Rupert's Land having 15 % of North American acreage. From
  41. To the state. Under the Ancien Régime, the Church had been the largest single, landowner ,in the country, owning about 10 % of the land in the kingdom. The Church was
  42. Followed by landless Irish indentured laborers, who were recruited to serve a, landowner ,for a specified time before receiving freedom and land. The descendants of some
  43. About 70 men ". In September Teach and Marigold encountered Steve Bonnet. A, landowner ,and military officer from a wealthy family, he had turned to piracy earlier
  44. From the Abbot and Convent ',16 June 1381). Richard of Wallingford, a local, landowner , who had presented demands to Richard II on behalf of Was Tyler in London
  45. It was owned by Glastonbury Abbey and the property was sold in 1289 to a local, landowner , The priory was replaced by a chapel served by a secular priest until the
  46. Their home after Vernon was found guilty of altering a check written by the, landowner , He was jailed for eight months, and Gladys and Elvis moved in with relatives.
  47. Pennsylvania, where he purchased land and erected mills. He was the largest, landowner ,in Western Pennsylvania. In 1770,St. Clair became a justice of the court, of
  48. Include John Din ham, Thomas Dyke Åland and Stafford North cote (a local, landowner ,who was a Victorian Chancellor of the Exchequer). Transport Car The M5
  49. Their wedding, Loisse is taken from KAL by Author, exploiting an old law that a, landowner ,may take any new bride to his bed on her wedding night, Luthor subsequently
  50. But has" no quotas of any kind ". Campus Brown is the largest institutional, landowner ,in Providence, with properties in the East Side and the Jewelry District.

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