Examples of the the word, windy , in a Sentence Context
The word ( windy ), is the 12699 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Were from the mokele-mbembe. It also returned with sound recordings of" low, windy ,roar that increased to a deep throated trumpeting growl ", which Registers
- Installation was that the hoisting rope ran through guides to retain it on, windy ,days to prevent it flapping and becoming damaged. The guides were mechanically
- Area. Historic Nazareth was essentially constructed in the valley; the, windy ,hilltops in the vicinity have only been occupied since the construction of
- Time with the larger camera might result in motion blur, especially with, windy ,conditions, a moving subject, or an unsteady camera. Adjusting the f-number to
- Laundry on a clothes line will dry (by evaporation) more rapidly on a, windy ,day than on a still day. Three key parts to evaporation are heat, humidity,and
- Take a short trail (IAO Needle Lookout Trail and Ethnobotanical Loop) to a, windy ,overlook. Park hours are from 7 am to 7 pm. Rainforest IAO Valley is covered in
- Be seen flown in parks and recreation areas during August which is known to be, windy , It is during this month that most people, especially the young ones would fly
- Is 21.8 degrees. Autumn, from October to December, is very moderate, cool and, windy , and is the best travel time. There are many tourist attractions around the
- Covers the remainder of the year. The weather in Guatemala City is also very, windy ,; this may decrease the apparent temperature even more. The average annual
- Parker (2006) found that there was no difference in warming between calm and, windy ,nights. Since the urban heat island effect is strongest for calm nights and is
- Balls of wool referred as ball badminton were preferred by the upper classes in, windy ,or wet conditions, but ultimately the shuttlecock stuck. This game was taken by
- Attractions in Chicago. Tourists can experience how the building sways on a, windy ,day. They can see far over the plains of Illinois and across Lake Michigan to
- A mild climate. Lundy has cool, wet winters and mild, wet summers. It is often, windy ,on the coast. Ecology Flora There is one endemic plant species, the Lundy
- By comparing temperature readings taken on calm nights with those taken on, windy ,nights. If the urban heat island theory is correct then instruments should have
- Period may be as little as 3 months. The general character of the climate is, windy ,and cloudy with at least of rain falling on more than 250 days a year. Average
- Urban heat island effect is strongest for calm nights and is weak or absent on, windy ,nights, this was taken as evidence that global temperature trends are not
- The Second World War, this shape was widely adopted for tethered balloons; in, windy ,weather, this both reduces the strain on the tether and stabilizes the balloon.
- Purpose of prophecy, and that the sons of two brothers will widely inhabit the, windy ,world. She sees a hall thatched with gold in Gimlet, where nobility will live
- Belfast has a temperate climate, with a narrow range of temperatures, often, windy , conditions,and rainfall throughout the year. There are currently 5 weather
- Offering it to the king, to protect the wine from the beach sand, as Cádiz is a, windy ,place. The king, after drinking the wine and eating the tape, ordered another
- And helping them cope with their loss. " O'Connor blew into the studio on a, windy ,November night and blew away again leaving us something incredibly emotional
- Inside the stadium it would be calm. Even with its reputation of being cold, windy , and foggy, it stood its ground when the ground below it shook violently during
- Are clearly differentiated. Spring starts in March and is initially cold and, windy , later becoming pleasantly warm and often very sunny. Summer, which begins in
- Into the humid continental climate zone (Köppen DFB). This area is cold and, windy ,in the winter and frequently experiences blizzards because of the openness of
- The Winter Olympics in 1984 that were celebrated in Sarajevo. Sarajevo is very, windy ,city. Average winds are. Sarajevo has 2,173 hours of sunshine (2007–2010).
- According to Edwards, ‘ Hawks was unprepared to attack it and responded with, windy ,rhetoric ’. On 20 December 1991,Keating defeated Hawks in a party-room ballot
- Towards the edges of London. Unusually, this temperature was set during a, windy ,and snowy cold spell (Mid-January 1987),rather than a cold clear night -
- The children of Heracles, with whom we came into the wide isle of Plops from, windy ,Perineum. " Perineum was a village of Doris. He helped to establish the Spartan
- 895 megawatts installed, and another 200 megawatts planned, much of it on the, windy ,Buffalo Ridge in the southwest part of the state. State taxes Minnesota has a
- To flying kites. Society" meetings" are usually on Wilbur Field when it is, windy ,out. * The Filipino American Student Union (PASS),a culture-oriented
- Storms in the summer are rare. Summer is a mixture of southwestern mild, windy ,and rainy low-pressure systems, and periods of stable high pressures. In summer
- In Wichita, Kansas,the house was designed to be lightweight and adapted to, windy ,climates. It was to be inexpensive to produce and purchase, and assembled
- Experiences a temperate climate. This means that the winters are mild and, windy ,and the summers are cool. The local terrain is generally flat with a few gently
- Progresses down the field. Zone defense is frequently used when the weather is, windy , rainy, or snowy. The zone defense is also used to discourage the offense from
- The record low temperature was on January 8,1890. In addition, the region is, windy ,throughout the year; observers such as Mark Twain have commented about the "
- Was gradually rebuilt from the 1950s through the 1970s. It remained quite, windy ,and open until the city councils from the 1980s on began developing an active
- That occurs quickly, often under conditions of heavily saturated air and, windy ,conditions. Technically speaking, it is not a type of frost, since usually
- Rainy" ), starting 20,21 or 22 January **Ventôse (from Latin venous,", windy ,"),starting 19,20 or 21 February **Germinal (from Latin German,"
- Sea: Climate: cold and wet, with much mist and fog; spring and autumn are, windy ,Terrain: mostly barren rock Elevation extremes: lowest point: Atlantic Ocean 0
- Climate classification CFC) moderated by North Atlantic Current; long, mild, windy , winters; short, cool summers, damp in the South and West. Arctic climate (
- Fairly well-defined, and in most of Uruguay spring is usually damp, cool,and, windy ,; summers are warm; autumns are mild; and winters are chilly and uncomfortably
- But temperatures of occur on many days during the summer. Winters are cold and, windy ,with temperatures of around, even though it rarely drops below. Precipitation
- My body into ash, and scatter The ash in secret into running water, Or on the, windy ,down, and let none see; And then thank God that there's an end of me. The
- Place in the sky #Buxwlaks = Needles Blowing About - February is usually a very, windy ,month in the Mass River Valley #Xsaak = To Eat Lichens - Lichens are
- And slicing tones when forcefully struck, and give an eerie transparent ", windy ," sound when played quietly. A tremolo, or roll (played with two mallets
- Maritime climate, characterised by mild weather that is often cloudy, wet and, windy , Summers tend to be warm and sunny, with average maximum temperatures between
- The most polluted cities in the world. At the same time Baku is noted as a very, windy ,city throughout the year, and gale-force winds, the cold northern wind khaki
- Have increased noticeably in recent years, mainly wind power, favoured by the, windy ,climate, but also solar power (Carlo Russia, Nobelist in physics, is creating
- Temperature of any national capital in the world. Mongolia is high, cold,and, windy , It has an extreme continental climate with long, cold winters and short
- Floristc regions due to is large extension from Caribbean Venezuela to cold, windy ,and wet Cape Horn passing through hyperarid Atacama Desert. Rainforests used to
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