Examples of the the word, sob , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sob ), is the 12702 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Too weak to stand against a mob, Its people's heart, too small to hold a, sob , " Music The American folk singer and songwriter Leadbelly commemorated the
  2. Then too seriously. For instance, just like with Sam Waters ton, he has his, sob ,story about why he's not Robert Redford. Jerry's is why he's not Al Pacino
  3. Sassy, husky-throated rockabilly abandon, a hint of Lynette’s lovelorn, sob ,and a sense of Connie Smith’s emotional openness. More than just a novelty tune
  4. Cowards who spit in the faces of the police and then run behind the judicial, sob ,sisters. I can't understand these people who carry placards to save the life
  5. Destroys the studio before wrestling Edmonds to the ground, causing Edmonds to, sob ,whilst yelling" You've ruined everything! ” On 29 October 2006 Shaw
  6. He thought was alcohol, he spit it out and roared:" Waaaaaaater! " They all, sob ,for Quinces, and Private Martin worries about how he will now take care of
  7. Today don't let the baby faced actress have more fun instead of forcing her to, sob ,copiously. She doesn't have much to do in Jaan-E-Mann, but looks appropriately
  8. Making a name like Hemingway. " Selves observes," At this climax Ford began to, sob , Then he began to cry. " Hemingway devoted a chapter of his Parisian memoir, A
  9. Colin Pac-Man ", is killed by a laser bolt from a Space Invader. She appears to, sob ,over Colin's dead body. Fry then asks Amy to" tend to the Widow Pac-Man ".
  10. For toys, a Christmas dinner and" a job for my daddy ". As Corwin begins to, sob ,helplessly, the camera slowly pans to the right revealing, in the same shot
  11. When she discovers herself in Angel's concerned embrace, and she begins to, sob ,in reaction. Neither Melissa nor Angel sees Seltzer watching secretly from
  12. Heroine concludes that 'if standing before a room full of people, creating some, sob ,story about her tormented struggle with that day's fill-in-the-blank addiction
  13. Like seaweed strewn about after the storms, like autumn leaves that drift and, sob , Alone You, Our Father, You do know What this desolation means. " Kim
  14. Squintabella" for her looks and the" Weeping Willow" for her tendencies to, sob , In one instance, recorded in a letter from George Legged to Lord Preston, Nell
  15. Continually jealous of Coop's friendship with Ava, Lizzie told Ava a, sob ,story about how Coop was so busy right now, he really didn’t need yet another
  16. His share of the aircraft company, but Samuel humiliates Alfred and begins to, sob ,for the lost Billy. A furious Alfred storms out in disgust, after which Samuel
  17. Car crash (" Look at these bitching' photos of the crash" ), causing Louis to, sob , It would be another month before anyone spoke to him again. Another omission
  18. Variables em mi minor Fantasia N.2 Salsa Variables, sob ,UMA dance popular Medal de Vida - team Medal de Vida - music de
  19. Not be coming, Nor will he ever get a leave. " His old mom will, sob ,in a corner, His dad will wipe a silent tear. His fiancée will
  20. His own words:: Before starting from my inn, I sat down on my bed and began to, sob ,bitterly. My servant, who had acted as my nurse, asked what ailed me. I could
  21. When learning her grandson had been dropped from the show) would provide the, sob ,story he needed to get him on to the show. In factual television,Waterman's
  22. The society pages, but soon became a feature writer, reporting the news from a, sob ,sister, emotional angle, becoming part of the news itself as a comic figure,"
  23. Who performs rituals at the sacred market centers, and the Gary Dana or we, sob ,who is ritual leader among hunting societies. These remain living forms of
  24. Of Moreschi's singing, involving extreme passion and a perpetual type of, sob , often sounds bizarre to the modern listener, and can be misinterpreted as
  25. Boldface type, and included prompt words in parentheses (chuckle!, sob ,!, gasp!, shudder!, smack!, drool!, cackle!, snort!, gulp!, blush!, ugh!, etc.)
  26. To Dumbledore. When Harry later confirms Dumbledore's death, she lets out a, sob ,and for the first and only time in the series, she opens without the password
  27. Is called the tendaalun. The head of these shrine area systems, the Tongan, sob ,(sometimes Indiana) fulfilled the role of community elder and priest, along
  28. May come from what one other philosopher, Pascal Bruckner, defined as the ", sob ,of the White man" ( LE sandlot de l'home Blanc). These critics have been
  29. Deck, and shouted something I am ashamed to remember" and let out an anguished, sob , Regarding the message as an open humiliation, he delayed for an hour – saying
  30. She awkwardly went to bed. Kate went to bed as well, and the man continued to, sob ,in the darkness for a while before getting up and walking over to Anna's bed.
  31. To a lewd strip joint, in order to sabotage the evening. As Elaine begins to, sob , Benjamin explains his motives and that he only asked her out on a date as an
  32. Restaurant. Believing that she cannot speak English, he spills out his, sob ,story about Becky and the abandoned house. After the restaurant closes, Newton
  33. To do, the Geisha will sing for you. And her joyful, happy song will end in a, sob , " She kneels in front of Sharpness and says that she will never do that,"
  34. Armpit o (short) more or less ‘ o’ as is in got, though more rounded -, sob ,slowness, mogo blanks kink o (long) (OO in the Bani north. ) more or less ‘ o
  35. To face her stiffest job, Bewildering math, geography,with smiles but never a, sob , When later we seek leisure with willing feet and fleet, The breezes blow more
  36. A series of unfortunate events, the wedding would be scuppered. Honey would, sob , Billy would do one of his" I try so hard to do the right thing" soliloquies
  37. He dropped the phone. Folding his arms over his head, Howard started to, sob , Curly and Larry rushed into the phone booth to warn Howard that their train
  38. And Buffy, who is downstairs washing dishes, turns on loud music and begins to, sob , In Joyce's room, the demon falls from the ceiling and spits a thick layer of
  39. To Condorito's side. * Juan Ablaze: The typical conman who puts up a, sob ,story or a good excuse in order to borrow money and never pays it back. He is
  40. As an old fat bald man who was always having trouble with women and thus sang, sob ,songs. His primary competitors were Gene Austin, Little Jack Little, Cliff
  41. Older came under fire for her interview with Mark Ingram, Jr., who started to, sob ,when Older read an e-mail from Ingram's imprisoned father. The interview was
  42. Her back into her seat. She then moved to another seat nearby and began to, sob , 2011 Angola On 17 February 3 middle-aged South Africans (Winifred Moles, her
  43. And Kirk implores them to see Organ as he truly is. The children begin to, sob ,as their faith in Organ fails and the entity's face begins to decay. He fades
  44. Pursued by AOH. The monster, Bara Mobile, manages to win YouTube over with a, sob ,story of persecution as his teammates arrive. The AOH team is also gathered
  45. Ritual center. Other priestly/elder roles within the tendaalun include the so, sob ,who performs ritual animal slaughter to the earth deity, the zongmogre who
  46. And for Setúbal since 2005. Selected works * As primary places legislative, sob ,o Estado Nova: as places de 16 de December de 1934,Caverns O Journal,1985
  47. Term=Snack; Snicker: from Dutch silken (="to gasp, sob ,");: from snowmen (to eat (possibly in secret) something sweet)
  48. By the Israelis, having been accused of being Adolf Hitler's pool boy. Her, sob ,story and insistence of keeping the place in candlelight in order to save money
  49. Became The Denver Post. Among well-known Post reporters were Gene Fowler and ", sob ,sister" Polly Pry. Damon Runyon worked briefly for the Post in 1905–06 before
  50. To ": SEM =" without ": sob er =" on "," above "," on top of "," about ":, sob ,=" under" ( mostly literary) : a part de =" from ": America de = "

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