Examples of the the word, cumbersome , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cumbersome ), is the 12711 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Its principle and applied it as early as 1838 to the construction of a, cumbersome ,but effective instrument, in which the binocular pictures were made to combine
  2. Railway involved collar-equipped cables and claw-equipped cars, and proved, cumbersome , The line was closed and rebuilt, and reopened with steam locomotives. Other
  3. In conic sections around the sun). In the process, he so streamlined the, cumbersome ,mathematics of 18th century orbital prediction that his work remains a
  4. Caught sight of the Emperor. I was struck by the size of the man, and although, cumbersome ,and heavy, he was still a mighty figure. There was indeed something of the
  5. 8-bit support and peripheral chips; complex circuit boards were still fairly, cumbersome ,and expensive when it was released. The prefetch queue of the 8088 was
  6. Dena Vroom DVD. Although musically exciting, the Double Trio was expensive and, cumbersome ,to run, which in turn led to insecurity. In mid-1997,the band gathered for
  7. Under the three-stroke primary radical (女). The radical-and-stroke system is, cumbersome ,compared to an alphabetical system in which there are a few characters, all
  8. See the on-screen controls. Entering phone numbers, addresses or the like was, cumbersome , As with most portable devices from the 1990s,data storage was entirely
  9. At Cairo, Egypt. He recorded the sounds of an ancient Saar ceremony using a, cumbersome ,wire recorder and at the Middle East Radio studios processed the material using
  10. For color pictures and animations. However, these tools were limited and often, cumbersome ,to use because Hypercube still lacked true, internal color support. Hypercube
  11. Light cavalry. If a hop lite escaped, he would sometimes be forced to drop his, cumbersome ,aspic, thereby disgracing himself to his friends and family (becoming a "
  12. Caliber guns remained the norm with larger weapons either being too heavy and, cumbersome ,or deemed unnecessary against such lightly built aircraft. It was not
  13. Star Trek-Klingon concepts such as spacecraft or warfare, can sometimes make it, cumbersome ,for everyday use. For instance, while there are words for transporter ionizer
  14. Particularly prominent in males of some animal species, despite traits such as, cumbersome ,antlers, mating calls or bright colors that attract predators, decreasing the
  15. For the normalization does not appear to be known, and has been criticized as, cumbersome ,by some (the 20th-century mathematician Cornelius Lances, for example, called
  16. In the early days of the war, Royal Navy fighter requirements had been based on, cumbersome ,two-seat designs, such as the Blackburn Skua (and its turreted derivative the
  17. Select the element from within a stylesheet, though sometimes this can be too, cumbersome ,for a simple, specific,or ad hoc styling. * The title attribute is used to
  18. Operation proportional to the number of bits involved The latter is more, cumbersome ,to use, so it's only employed when necessary, for example in the analysis of
  19. Of correctness. Dijkstra objected noting that the resulting proofs are long and, cumbersome , and that the proof gives no insight on how the program was developed. An
  20. Lasts for about half a minute. An establishing shot of that length would be, cumbersome ,if placed after the film had started, because by then the film should have been
  21. Transportation The double bass's large size and relative fragility make it, cumbersome ,to handle and transport. Most bassists use soft cases, referred to as gig bags
  22. Heavy magazine mounted on the side of the weapon not only made the rifle more, cumbersome ,to carry and use, but also made it twist sideways. It was decided that the
  23. Soon patched by Debian and others, but the complete resolution procedure was, cumbersome ,for users because it involved regenerating all affected keys, and it drew
  24. In the third quarter of 1986. Main boards for 80386-based computer systems were, cumbersome ,and expensive at first, but manufacturing was rationalized upon the 80386's
  25. The Privy Council as a personal or Prerogative Court, able to cut through the, cumbersome ,legal system and act swiftly. Serious disputes involving the use of personal
  26. His artillery where themselves different—he would not let himself be hindered by, cumbersome ,heavy cannon, but instead over a course of experimentation settled on smaller
  27. Council was elected. This system of 127 separate councils may seem overly, cumbersome ,but Baghdad Province is home to approximately seven million people. At the
  28. As being a function itself, as in this case the Leibniz notation can become, cumbersome , Newton's notation Newton's notation for differentiation, also called the dot
  29. SRI International to each host on the network. As the network grew, this became, cumbersome , A technical solution came in the form of the Domain Name System, created by
  30. Precession was not less than 1° in a century. Named after Hipparchus The rather, cumbersome ,formal name for the ESA's Hipparcos Space Asymmetry Mission was High
  31. After each discharge, which for multi-barrel systems like the mitrailleuse was, cumbersome ,and time-consuming. This negated their high rate of fire per discharge thus
  32. And the epicycle: 3122+1/2: 247+1/2. The somewhat weird numbers are due to the, cumbersome ,unit he used in his chord table according to one group of historians, who
  33. Rapid transit. Folding bicycles are useful in these scenarios, as they are less, cumbersome ,when carried aboard. Los Angeles removed a small amount of seating on some
  34. Of a CRM attempting to contain a large, complex group of data can become, cumbersome ,and difficult to understand for an ill-trained user. Additionally, an interface
  35. With improving this method, but soon gave up on this approach because it was so, cumbersome , He instead decided to try to physically transfer some ink from the original to
  36. Opposition party as a result of the furor. The process was also criticized as, cumbersome ,and slow, the initial deregulation having been announced in 2004,and taking no
  37. Delivery emphasizing the" b" ( which he did intentionally, in place of more, cumbersome ,alternatives such as" billions with a 'b' ", in order to distinguish the word
  38. Dropped by the latter species from trees, as they themselves are too large and, cumbersome ,to climb. There has been a recent increase in interactions between brown bears
  39. Cipher” may have come to mean“ encoding ”: *The Roman number system was very, cumbersome ,because there was no concept of zero (or empty space). The concept of zero (
  40. In batteries supporting his more linearly deployed formations, replacing the, cumbersome ,and maneuverable traditional deep squares (such as the Spanish Trios that
  41. Including susceptibility to cryptanalysis and the difficulty of managing a, cumbersome ,codebook. Because of this, codes have fallen into disuse in modern cryptography
  42. The 4-bit shift) was called a paragraph. Although considered complicated and, cumbersome ,by many programmers, this scheme also had advantages; a small program (less
  43. Continued challenges such as small market size, landlocked location, and, cumbersome , bureaucratic processes, Botswana remains one of the best investment
  44. Was initially a rarity in Western films, as up till then it was thought to look, cumbersome , The use of akimbo became more acceptable and achieved somewhat of a cult
  45. De Santa Ursula y leis Once Mil Diogenes, Saint Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins,a, cumbersome ,name that was usually shortened, both on maps of the time and in common
  46. Designs saved weight (a key reason for their inception),they proved too, cumbersome ,in practice. Dreadnought era In 1906,the British Royal Navy launched the
  47. While opponents argue that by making cycling seem more dangerous and, cumbersome , it reduces cyclist numbers on the streets, creating an overall negative health
  48. Is often due to the letters with circumflex diacritics, which some find odd or, cumbersome , Although the Hungarian Academy of Sciences has found that Esperanto fulfills
  49. The number of ranks is unlimited, in practice any classification becomes more, cumbersome ,the more ranks are added. Among the later subdivisions that have arisen are
  50. Of the disk features. As a result, you will have to handle the disk in the more, cumbersome ,manner of the 'old days '. " The version of BASIC was limited and did not

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