Examples of the the word, undocumented , in a Sentence Context

The word ( undocumented ), is the 12712 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 2001. Although corruption allegations have often been limited to broad, undocumented ,accusations, specific allegations were made in 2007,when it was claimed that
  2. Spain instituted a three-month amnesty program through which certain hitherto, undocumented ,aliens were granted legal residency. In 2008,Spain granted citizenship to
  3. It is characteristic of processes at this level that they are (typically), undocumented , and in a state of dynamic change, tending to be driven in an ad hoc
  4. For Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. However, most extinctions go, undocumented , According to the species-area theory and based on upper-bound estimating, up
  5. Computer hacking, for example reality hackers or urban spelunkers (exploring, undocumented ,or unauthorized areas in buildings). One specific example are clever pranks
  6. The effects of observed ocean acidification on the marine biosphere are as yet, undocumented , the progressive acidification of oceans is expected to have negative impacts
  7. Modify the software and distribute modified versions. Also, since the blobs are, undocumented ,and may have bugs, they pose a security risk to any operating system whose
  8. Was also noted for many highly counter-intuitive mysterious, undocumented ,features, somewhat similar to" synthetic programming" of the American HP-41
  9. Which represents mainly people from Latin America and Asia. About 4.0 % are, undocumented ,(illegal) immigrants. Maryland also has a large Korean American population.
  10. The" right to choose "; whether one is discussing" illegal aliens" or ", undocumented ,workers ". In his book Women, Fire and Dangerous things: What categories reveal
  11. It into their own music as spirituals. The origins of the blues are, undocumented , though they can be seen as the secular counterpart of the spirituals. Paul
  12. Undocumented opcodes),except the 8502,where some differences concerning the, undocumented ,opcodes have been reported. The Commodore 1551 disk drive used the 6510T,a
  13. Traditional rival Cambridge in St. Moritz, Switzerland,although this is, undocumented , This match was won by the Oxford Dark Blues,6–0. The first photographs and
  14. Chaotic, ad hoc, individual heroics) - the starting point for use of a new or, undocumented ,repeat process. # Repeatable - the process is at least documented sufficiently
  15. To organized crime, had been sued for sexual harassment and had employed an, undocumented ,alien as a domestic servant – became known. 2008 presidential campaign In
  16. It also would format disks single-sided and transfer data at 1541 speed. An, undocumented ,command allowed the drive to format and use the second side of a disk, but only
  17. Gulf of Venezuela. Other issues with Venezuela include the presence of illegal, undocumented ,Colombians in Venezuela, and activities of Colombian narcotics traffickers, and
  18. To derogate some penalties against immigrants such as jail, instead, undocumented , immigrants have to pay fines as high as USD$500. Micronesia is a subregion of
  19. Its name implies associations dating back to the time of Columbia and, although, undocumented , before the 12th century, it may have served the monks of the Columbian family as
  20. Filed a lawsuit years later claiming that Microsoft left part of its APIs, undocumented ,in order to gain a competitive advantage. On July 27, 1994,the U. S.
  21. Composed of illegal immigrants. Also, over 20 % of the state's prisoners are, undocumented ,inmates. Colorado, like New Mexico, is very rich in archaic Spanish idioms.
  22. 6.24 %. The main ethnic groups were: Illegal immigration Greece received many, undocumented ,immigrants during the 2000s. Migrants make use of the many islands in the
  23. Done with MATLAB extension, which is sold separately by Earthworks, or using an, undocumented ,mechanism called JMA (Java-to-Matlab Interface),which should not be confused
  24. Souls, although since version 10 Microsoft has taken measures to eliminate such, undocumented ,features from their products. Excel 2000 For many users, one of the most
  25. Of ketamine are race mic; however, some brands reportedly have (mostly, undocumented ,) differences in enantiomer proportions. The more active enantiomer, (
  26. Dedicated to optimization techniques for calculator programmers and updates on, undocumented ,features for hackers, which grew into a whole esoteric science with many
  27. Grant (). The Soviet Union retained the name Spitsbergen () to support, undocumented ,claims that Russians were the first to discover the island. In 1928,Italian
  28. The Roman Carelli family, according to a 15th century chronicler, but this is, undocumented ,and very likely unreliable. The same was said of the Seventh Century Pope
  29. As a day for protest against government actions, such as rallies in support of, undocumented ,workers across the United States. Asia Bangladesh celebrates May Day
  30. Because they are deemed transient residents, due to their illegal or, undocumented ,status, and the children, though often eligible for Haitian nationality, are
  31. The Persian Gulf increased significantly. The pre-2003 smuggling trade provided, undocumented ,jobs to tens of thousands of Afghans and Pakistanis, but also helped fuel the
  32. The intense flow of immigrants to the United States; an estimated 5.3 million, undocumented ,Mexicans lived in the United States in 2004 and 18.2 million American citizens
  33. On the KP580 processor. According to some sources, the Soviet analog had two, undocumented ,instructions, specific to itself; however, these were not widely known. Another
  34. In it for twelve years, a long time in such a post at that time. His life goes, undocumented ,for much of the next ten years, but it is believed that he wrote (or began)
  35. Because of their racial status, which in the eyes of the federal government was, undocumented ,and ambiguous. Despite achieving official recognition as a Native American
  36. For the emulator programmers to mature their software to properly emulate the, undocumented ,features, bugs and quirks of the system. The MESS emulator supports recording
  37. Was resident in the northern part of the island. And an estimated 10,000–30,000, undocumented , illegal immigrants currently living in the south of the island. According to
  38. Scientific evidence of the pernicious nature of opium use was largely, undocumented ,in the 1890s when Protestant missionaries in China decided to strengthen their
  39. The original 6502 and its AMOS derivatives are noted for having a variety of, undocumented ,instructions, which vary from one chip manufacturer to the next. The 6502's
  40. Breaking up. One result was that the newly-completed 6522 (VIA) chip was left, undocumented ,for years. Bill Mensch left MOS even before the Commodore takeover, and moved
  41. Hand, information in a single census cannot be confirmed by information in an, undocumented ,compiled genealogy since the genealogy may have used the census record as its
  42. Used in the Commodore C128. All these CPUs are opcode compatible (including, undocumented ,opcodes),except the 8502,where some differences concerning the undocumented
  43. Of hospital-provided emergency care and certain transportation services to, undocumented ,aliens unless the hospital provided information about the aliens' citizenship
  44. Television as well. Due to the longevity of the system, many 2600 games used, undocumented ,features, and even exploited bugs in the hardware to squeeze the most out of
  45. The USA revolved around the HP-41,which was also noted for many, undocumented ,features and was much more powerful than B3-34. Technical improvements Through
  46. She is not mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, and her fate remains, undocumented , The Gospel of John and the Gospel of Luke also mention a" Mary of Bethany "
  47. For illegal immigrants as well. Colorado has the 5th highest percentage of, undocumented ,people in the U. S., only behind Nevada, Arizona,California, and tied with
  48. Domestic population. The large uncertainty is due to the substantial number of, undocumented ,Honduran immigrants currently believed to be residing in the United States.
  49. To five times faster than the 6800 series CPUs. Like the 6800,it included an, undocumented ,address bus test instruction with the nickname Halt and Catch Fire (HCF). The
  50. Of Iraqi refugees numbering at around 100,000. The vast majority of them are, undocumented , with a large number having been deported or put in prison. There are an

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