Examples of the the word, inventive , in a Sentence Context
The word ( inventive ), is the 12704 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- To study the most exotic of radioactive nuclei. In order to do so, more, inventive , techniques are required to create nuclei with extreme proton/neutron ratios.
- Rather than religious calendar. The Kibbutz movement was especially, inventive ,in creating new rituals fitting this interpretation. After the creation of the
- In some former period. Such a strategy forces the protagonist to rely on more, inventive ,means of investigation, lacking as they do the technological tools available to
- Detail. Their verse also manifests a taste for paradox, and deliberately, inventive ,and unusual turns of phrase. For German Baroque literature, see German
- Seemed very Roman indeed. Legacy Standardized reconstructions are largely, inventive , but offer an orderly and serviceable set of instructions. These were used to
- Residential neighborhood. The 500 dwelling units are extremely unique and, inventive , and most were part of the exhibition Bo01. The exhibition had two main
- Sieben Stretched) is a German language illustrated story in verse. This highly, inventive , blackly humorous tale, told entirely in rhymed couplets, was written and
- Architecture of Michelangelo and the ruins of Antiquity, Borromini developed an, inventive ,and distinctive, if somewhat idiosyncratic, architecture employing
- In any surprising way. Mr. Stone's vision is impassioned, alarming,visually, inventive , characteristically overpowering. But it's no match for the awful truth. "
- It’s part of the oxygen we breathe. " Joyce Carol Oates called it" wonderfully, inventive , irresistibly irreverent and intermittently ingenious American. " Monty Python
- To be American rather than rustic Italian (although they too exist and offer, inventive ,recipes. ) Authentic Mexican and Tex-Mex restaurants are quite popular in the
- Originated in 1474,when the Republic of Venice enacted a decree that new and, inventive ,devices, once put into practice, had to be communicated to the Republic to
- A breakthrough in the musical film genre which has been described as" the most, inventive ,and effervescent musical thus far produced in Hollywood. " Together, they
- Achieved great success in 1998 with his album Gershwin's World which featured, inventive ,readings of George & Ira Gershwin standards by Hancock and a plethora of guest
- But went unfashionable after World War I. The style was very dynamic and highly, inventive , however the depression of the Great War made it difficult to keep up such a
- Expansions and contractions cancel each other out. Another example of his, inventive ,genius was the grasshopper escapement — a control device for the step-by-step
- J. M. W. Turner's major work, The View of Oviedo. One of his most remarkably, inventive ,works is the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner (1839) based on Samuel Coleridge's
- Led Japan out of the League of Nations in 1933. Matsuda was described as, inventive , eloquent, headstrong,and quick to anger. One knew he was not acquiring a
- In the world. A 2006 The Wall Street Journal story found that 13 of the 20 most, inventive ,towns in America were in California, and 10 of those were in Silicon Valley.
- On Trier, Michael Mann, and Gaspar Noé. Many filmmakers imitate Kubrick's, inventive ,and unique use of camera movement and framing. For example, several of Jonathan
- Not destroy, even as to his particular case, the evidence for a wonderfully, inventive ,action of the mind in sleep; for, whatever were the exciting cause, the fact
- Britannica, scouring it for new areas of interest. The range of Bell's, inventive ,genius is represented only in part by the 18 patents granted in his name alone
- On the historical epic Alexander Nevsky. For this he composed some of his most, inventive ,and dramatic music. Although the film had a very poor sound recording
- Of Popular Music sums up the band’s 1970s contribution as“ one of the most, inventive , original and genuinely exciting groups to emerge during the punk era ”. The
- Multi-faceted work, featuring the London Symphony Orchestra, augmented by, inventive ,use of Firelight and Syn clavier synthesizers, as well as period instruments
- S comedy was set in an upper middle-class milieu, and relied on clever and, inventive ,ways of getting around the embarrassments and obstacles arising in his
- Broad outlines of God's intentions. God's decision, on such a view, is an, inventive ,experience, almost precisely equivalent to the unfolding process of historical
- Some gadget from his utility belt, he reminds me that he has an extraordinarily, inventive ,mind. And how lucky I am to be able to call on him. " Batman is involved
- This work specifically advises royal retainers to amuse their masters with, inventive ,language. Eric and Polonius, especially,seem to respect this injunction.
- The U. S. is not simply a function of being a resource rich,hardworking, and, inventive , country,but the belief that anybody could get a share of the country's wealth
- An author who would explore ideas to their logical conclusions in particularly, inventive ,ways. Both books were nominated for the Hugo Award, but lost to novels by
- For the scheduled matches. These were the highlight of the day, and were as, inventive , varied and novel as the editor could afford. Armatures could be very costly –
- Later temples retain some features salient to Chaldean art but have additional, inventive ,decoration and ornamentation, features unique to Royal artisans. About one
- Has countered that the Pokémon trading card game and video games are" full of, inventive ,imagination" and have no" harmful moral side effects ". In the United Kingdom
- Of the Renaissance Man, a man of" unquenchable curiosity" and" feverishly, inventive ,imagination ". He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of
- Of Cracking Ideas. " The family-oriented show hopes to inspire children to be, inventive , http://www.crackingideas.com/exhibition Official Page
- Symbol for the elegiac genre itself. Ovid has been considered a highly, inventive ,love elegant who plays with traditional elegiac conventions and elaborates the
- Grace the fields of Australian rules football. Written was also famous for his, inventive ,and lightning flick pass, which was banned due to the umpire's difficulty in
- Margins between fiction and documentary" in a manner that is" refreshingly, inventive , playful, and idiosyncratic ". Photography A photographic essay is an attempt
- Noted (referring to the FAST edition) that" Earth dawn had an original, inventive ,magic system (no mean trick given the hundreds of fantasy RPGs that came
- Of the past decade. Portico reaffirms his position among the most restlessly, inventive ,drummers working today ". All music reported:" Portico and his players have
- Descriptions in this book were written in an exaggerated manner or were plainly, inventive ,fiction or 3rd-source misinterpretation, his notes are widely accepted as a
- Peterson developed a reputation as a technically brilliant and melodically, inventive ,jazz pianist and became a regular on Canadian radio from the 1940s. His name
- Singer from New Orleans, Louisiana. Coming to prominence in the 1920s as an ", inventive ," cornet and trumpet player, Armstrong was a foundational influence in jazz
- He is known for his tendency to deal with complex technical material, like, inventive , new physics and epistemology, in an unapologetically thorough manner. Egan's
- Were hired, notably including Steve Marty. Other popular and, inventive ,titles included the rest of the Work series, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the
- Who reused a tale of Saxon treachery at a feast in Geoffrey of Monmouth's, inventive ,Historian Begum Britannia. Later 19th century historians such as William Forbes
- Only in It for the Money in the National Recording Registry as" Frank Zappa's, inventive ,and iconoclastic album presents a unique political stance, both
- Is a common way to find relevant prior art document to question to novelty or, inventive ,step (or non-obviousness in the United States patent law) of an invention. Under
- Spellings intended to represent particular dialects. Cummings also made use of, inventive ,formations of compound words, as in" in Just" which features words such as "
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