Examples of the the word, iceberg , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Never experiences surface melting. Where ice masses terminate in the ocean, iceberg ,calving is the major contributor to mass loss. In this situation, the ice
  2. He described Howard's deputy, Peter Costello, as being" all tip and no, iceberg ," when referring to a pact made by Howard to hand the prime ministership over
  3. Calve above sea level, which often results in a tremendous splash as the, iceberg ,strikes the water. If the water is deep, glaciers can calve underwater, causing
  4. Said to be the safest ship afloat and" unsinkable" like the, struck an, iceberg ,on her maiden voyage and sank, killing all 95 aboard. *1960 – The African
  5. Is destroyed by the monster. As an American rescue helicopter circles the, iceberg , Godzilla breaks out and heads towards a nearby Arctic military base, attacking
  6. Upwards and downwards. Since the less dense continental crust" floats" ( cf, iceberg ,) on the denser mantle rocks beneath, the weight of any crustal material forced
  7. A vessel bound for Canada, and had a narrow escape, nearly being crushed by an, iceberg ,during the night. Returning from this voyage, he took to business pursuits in
  8. Before steaming westward for New York. * April 14 – RMS Titanic strikes an, iceberg ,in the northern Atlantic Ocean at 11:40 pm. * April 15 – RMS Titanic sinks at
  9. Liner which was the largest and most elegant ship at that time, strikes an, iceberg ,and sinks in the North Atlantic during its maiden voyage on 15th April 1912.
  10. Not even jokes. However, these compilations only represent the tip of the, iceberg , as many prominent musicians have included protest songs on recent albums
  11. Century. They can, however,do so through acceleration in flow and enhanced, iceberg ,calving. * Climate changes during the 20th century are estimated from modelling
  12. Submarine Sea hawk gets caught in an iceberg . Unfortunately, this is the same, iceberg ,that the mutant dinosaur Godzilla was trapped in by the Japanese Self-Defense
  13. Robert Lichens, Titanic Quartermaster, man at the wheel when Titanic hit the, iceberg ,(d. 1940) * September 30 – George Bancroft, American Hollywood film actor (
  14. Dense heads with a crunchy texture. This type is intermediate between, iceberg ,and loose leaf types. Some lettuces (especially iceberg ) have been
  15. The ship's forward well deck, where they witness the ship's collision with an, iceberg ,and overhear the ship's officers and designer discussing its seriousness. Rose
  16. The plug hole of her bath, and Bill Eddie exclaims" She's like a ruddy great, iceberg ,: one eighth above the water,76 eighths below! ". She also in her own way is a
  17. On Earth. Mountains have deep roots and float on the denser mantle much like an, iceberg ,at sea. As mountains erode, their roots rise and are eroded in turn. The rocks
  18. Used up words. " Hemingway offers a" multi-focal" photographic reality. His, iceberg ,theory of omission is the foundation on which he builds. The syntax, which
  19. Described Donaldson's role as a spy within Sinn Féin as" the tip of the, iceberg ,". The Real IRA claim responsibility for his assassination on 12 April 2009.
  20. Crossing on January 18, 1997. On 23 November 2007,the MS Explorer struck an, iceberg ,and sank, but all on board were rescued by nearby ships, including a passing
  21. Social activist in the region said the reported cases were only the tip of the, iceberg , Japan In Japanese folklore, the witch can commonly be separated into two
  22. 154 people, sinks in the Antarctic Ocean south of Argentina after hitting an, iceberg ,near the South Shetland Islands. There are no fatalities. *2009 – The
  23. Own aide Ruth McCormick Sims once describing him as" cold, cold as a February, iceberg ,". Legacy In 1964,the New York State legislature officially renamed the New
  24. Burg' element is often confused with 'berg' meaning hill or mountain (cf., iceberg ,). Hence, the 'berg' element in Bergen relates to a hill, rather than a fort.
  25. Very little—is stated explicitly. " Hemingway referred to his style as the, iceberg ,theory: in his writing the facts float above water; the supporting structure
  26. The Atlantic Ocean. *On April 15, 1912 the RMS Titanic sank after hitting an, iceberg ,with a loss of more than 1,500 lives. *1914-1918,the First Battle of the
  27. Armenian population of Militia. *1912 – The British passenger liner hits an, iceberg ,in the North Atlantic at 11:40pm. The ship sinks the following morning with the
  28. And in Die Another Day,2002,Pierce Brosnan as James Bond jumps from a melting, iceberg , Of the James Bond jumps only the Mt Asgard and Eiffel Tower jumps were filmed
  29. In the North Atlantic at 2:20 a. m., two and a half hours after hitting an, iceberg , 1,517 people are killed. *1920 – Two security guards are murdered during a
  30. This understanding. These questions about are only the tip of the philosophical, iceberg , There are many other things about this universe about which people are also
  31. In the field, has described stuttering in terms of the well-known analogy to an, iceberg , with the immediately visible and audible symptoms of stuttering above the
  32. Roots were clenched in surrounding basalt or were floating upon it like an, iceberg , During the 20th century, improvements in and greater use of seismic
  33. File: Eyjafjallajokull-April-17. JPG|The eruption of Eyjafjallajökull File: An, iceberg ,in Jokulsarlon. JPG|An iceberg near Jökulsárlón with Vätnajökull in the
  34. JPG|The eruption of Eyjafjallajökull File: An iceberg in Jokulsarlon. JPG|An, iceberg ,near Jökulsárlón with Vätnajökull in the background. Geology A geologically
  35. The water. If the water is deep, glaciers can calve underwater, causing the, iceberg ,to suddenly leap up out of the water. The Hubbard Glacier is the longest
  36. Of a nude woman wearing it, dated April 14, 1912,the night the Titanic hit the, iceberg , Rose Dawson Calvert learns of the drawing, contacts Love, and tells him that
  37. Airline, Air New Zealand. ** Dick Smith of Dick Smith Foods tows a fake, iceberg ,to Sydney Harbor. ** The Philippine College of Commerce, through a
  38. Giuliani said," We're not going to go to trial. We're just the tip of the, iceberg ,", but no further charges were forthcoming, and the investigation did not end
  39. Put the ship to full speed ahead, and informs First Officer Murdoch about the, iceberg , * James Lancaster as Father Thomas Bytes: Father Bytes, a Catholic priest from
  40. Underwater communications (Morse Code) and echo ranging (detecting an, iceberg ,at two miles (3 km) range). The so-called Descended oscillator, at ca. 500
  41. Passengers. * Scott G. Anderson as Frederick Fleet: The lookout who saw the, iceberg , Fleet escapes the sinking ship aboard Lifeboat 6. * Paul Bright well as
  42. That Zheng He's influence lasted beyond his age, may be seen as the tip of an, iceberg , and there is much more to the story of maritime trade and other relationships
  43. The officer who is put in charge of the bridge on the night the ship struck the, iceberg , During a rush for the lifeboats, Murdoch shoots Tommy Ryan as well as another
  44. Authors claim that the material presented in this book are only the tip of an, iceberg , During Goa Inquisitions Diego de Boarda, a priest and his advisor Vicar
  45. Lettuces, valued more for their crunchy texture than for flavor. Cultivars of, iceberg ,lettuce are the most familiar lettuces in the USA. *Loose leaf (L. sativa var.
  46. Is intermediate between iceberg and loose leaf types. Some lettuces (especially, iceberg ,) have been specifically bred to remove the bitterness from their leaves. These
  47. Monster from Faro. Meanwhile, the American submarine Sea hawk gets caught in an, iceberg , Unfortunately, this is the same iceberg that the mutant dinosaur Godzilla was
  48. Contain five to six times the vitamin C and five to ten times the vitamin A of, iceberg , Romaine and butter head lettuce are good sources of folate. Lettuce naturally
  49. Crazy, what would happen if I were sent back to the front? " The concept of the, iceberg ,theory is sometimes referred to as the" theory of omission. " Hemingway
  50. 275 years the bodies would reach the Ross Sea, and perhaps float away inside an, iceberg , Modern reaction Scott's reputation survived the period after World War II

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