Examples of the the word, mute , in a Sentence Context
The word ( mute ), is the 12718 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- King. They are brought to Earth-616 as a result of M-Day. He appeared to be, mute ,and died during the final battle against Albion. Marvel Noir Iceman appears in
- In the word קִמַּטְתְ (fem. You crumpled) is pronounced () instead of being, mute , whereas the Shiva Na in זְמַן (time) is mute (). In general, in Modern
- Bela Lugosi),is experimenting with nuclear power with the help of his, mute ,assistant, Lobo (Tor Johnson). His goal is to eventually create an army of
- Overijssel. Aver camp was mute and was known as" de Somme van Kampen" ( the, mute ,of Kampen). As one of the first landscape painters of the 17th-century Dutch
- He moved from Amsterdam to Kampen in the province of Overijssel. Aver camp was, mute ,and was known as" de Somme van Kampen" ( the mute of Kampen). As one of the
- In his face, my dear ... which is very interesting. He would make a delightful, mute , my love ". The main purpose of a funeral mute was to stand around at funerals
- And patron, Edward Eliot. He became the archetypal backbencher, benignly ", mute ," and" indifferent," his support of the Whig ministry invariably automatic.
- Individuals in this state make little or no eye contact with others and may be, mute ,and rigid. One might remain in one position for a long period of time, and then
- Name Aisha requires the mute h to break the palatalization of the n. H is, mute ,in most regions, but in the Northeast is pronounced in many places, the main
- Audio is subtracted from the right channel. The Sega Saturn also has a ", mute ,vocals" feature that is based on the same principle and is also able to adjust
- Of Modern Hebrew has produced two phonetic variants of Shiva, either or, mute , which no longer conform to the traditional classification,e.g. the (first)
- The bridge and has a flap that can be placed over the top of the bridge to, mute ,the vibrations travelling down it to the sound post inside the cello. These are
- That came to be known as the" Buckland Races ". The Southern press began to, mute ,its criticism of Stuart's following his successful performance during the fall
- Of rubber, paper,metal screws, or washers in between the strings. These either, mute ,the strings or alter their timbre. A harpsichord-like sound can be produced by
- Relaxed. This sound was to become so characteristic that the use of the Harmon, mute ,by any jazz trumpet player since immediately conjures up Miles Davis. The most
- Funerals with a sad, pathetic face. A symbolic protector of the deceased,the, mute ,would usually stand near the door of the home or church. In Victorian times
- Mechanisms of the camera and becoming, at the end of the novel, completely, mute , buried in an aseptic" silence of things ". In this strange geography of
- Were trumpeter swans but were too aggressive and in 1999 were replaced with two, mute ,swans. In early spring 2003,Lake Laverne welcomed its newest and most current
- Sourds et meets, considered the case of a similar deprivation in the deaf and, mute ,). What makes the Letter SUR LES avenges so remarkable, however,is its
- Katrina without changing the sound, while the proper name Aisha requires the, mute ,h to break the palatalization of the n. H is mute in most regions, but in the
- From public schools despite his longstanding opposition to Proposition 187 and, mute ,his opposition to abolishing affirmative-action programs in California. Some
- To speak first. He was familiar with a report by Rudolph Agricola about a deaf, mute ,who had learned to write. Family Cardano's eldest and favorite son was
- French properly, even though it is a silent letter either way. The h must, or ", mute ,h ", is considered as though the letter were not there at all, so for example
- The note, or make the note die away faster. The fretting hand is often used to, mute ,strings that are not being played and stop the sympathetic vibrations
- Pronounced () instead of being mute , whereas the Shiva Na in זְמַן (time) is, mute ,(). In general, in Modern Hebrew, some has are always pronounced (
- To 1914,there were two professions in Europe now almost totally forgotten. The, mute ,is depicted in art quite frequently but in literature is probably best known
- whether the diacritic is marked),whereas and are considered to be, mute , their role being purely indicative of the non-marked vowel.: Vowel points
- And will usually be interpreted as a plea of not guilty. Likewise, standing, mute , and refusing to enter any plea at all will usually be interpreted as a not
- Attributes, and an aged and lame Odysseus leaning on a staff; they are the, mute ,survivors of some rustic comedy tradition that is impenetrable to us. The vase
- For the deaf in South Kensington, London. His first two pupils were" deaf, mute ," girls who made remarkable progress under his tutelage. While his older
- Few elephants. The fired rockfall event is mentioned only by Livy; Polybius is, mute ,on the subject 74 and there is no evidence 75 of carbonized rock at the only
- Of Davis' style and sound. During this time he began using the Harmon, mute , held close to the microphone, in a way that grew to be his signature, and his
- By nature, possessed of an ocean of words, in each other's presence we became, mute , would walk in silence side by side along the road to San Giovanni. " A fan of
- With the brilliant red europium phosphor, it was no longer necessary to, mute ,the other colors, and a much brighter color TV picture was the result. He was
- Was" mentally abnormal and subject to fits ". He may also have been deaf and, mute , Early life and education Austen was born on 16 December 1775 at Stevenson
- Iowa, university officials avoided bringing breeding pairs of male and female, mute ,swans to Iowa State which means the current Sir Lancelot and Elaine are both
- Appearances. To his disappointment, however,his role in this film was of a, mute , with no dialogue. Personal life In 1917,Lugosi married Ilona Sick. The
- S volume (they are also referred to as" hotel mute s" ). The most common, mute ,is a rubber disc with two holes to fit the two middle strings. It sits just
- On this side of the grave: there are no voices, O Rhode, that are not soon, mute , however tuneful: there is no name, with whatever emphasis of passionate love
- Swans. In early spring 2003,Lake Laverne welcomed its newest and most current, mute ,swan duo. In support of Iowa Department of Natural Resources efforts to
- Electronic effects on drums. In some situations, drummers use noise gates that, mute ,microphones below a threshold volume. This allows the sound engineer to use a
- He would make a delightful mute , my love ". The main purpose of a funeral, mute ,was to stand around at funerals with a sad, pathetic face. A symbolic protector
- Of the note, and softer overtones. Con/Senna sold. This refers to using a, mute , or sorting, which is placed on the bridge to mellow or soften the tone, or to
- Middle-aged man. In the final series, the effects of a stroke rendered him, mute , and forced him to" speak" with the aid of an electronic voice generator. His
- Skit featured Minnie Pearl as a newspaper worker who often insisted that her, mute ,secretary, Miss Honeydew, take down an" important" news item which was always
- Which correspond to modern continuant consonants, not semivowels, and phone, mute ,or silent consonants (unvoiced),which correspond to modern stops or plosives
- Low string. Alternatively, the thumb can be rested loosely on the strings to, mute ,the unused strings. The string can be plucked at any point between the bridge
- The so-called French and Indian Wars between 1754 and 1763,although history is, mute ,on whether his barbaric suggestions were carried out. Many scholars have argued
- Hearing or a trial. In the past, a defendant who refused to plead (or" stood, mute ,") was subject to pane forte et due (Law French for" strong and hard
- Involving disturbances of motor behavior and other symptoms. Here the person is, mute ,and almost tumorous, and either remains immobile or exhibits purposeless or
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