Examples of the the word, moot , in a Sentence Context
The word ( moot ), is the 12719 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Won the presidential nomination and Reagan's selection of Schneider became, moot , Election, oath,and tenure Vice Presidents are elected indirectly in the
- Own internal affairs. Now that Senators are popularly elected, it is largely a, moot ,point. Clause 2: Sessions of Congress Clause 2 requires that Congress must
- Network play of the original Mickey Mouse Club (or any later version) became, moot ,when Disney acquired ABC in 1996,but no plans have been announced for an ABC
- Pacific-Asia Initiatives. The building also houses classrooms, seminar rooms,a, moot ,courtroom and the Diana M. Priestly Law Library. * Hickman – formerly called
- The separation of Aragon and Navarre, the union of Aragon and Catalonia and — a, moot ,point but stressed particularly by some Castilian historians — the affirmation
- The information they requested was" not yet available" and the point would be, moot ,within a few months, on September 3,1939,when all royalties were halted due
- So inexpensive that it quickly became more popular than the 6800,making that a, moot ,point. The 6502 was so cheap that many people believed it was a scam when MOS
- That are either unripe, meaning that the controversy has not arisen yet, or, moot , meaning that the controversy has already been resolved. Benford's law of
- George Marc notes, the punk enunciation made that distinction somewhat, moot , The following month, Métal Urbain's first 45," Panic ", appeared. After the
- George Young, allowing the club to operate more s moot hly. The feud became, moot ,on February 20, 1991,when Tim Mara sold his shares in the club to Preston
- This action sent shares of both airlines up, but this was short-lived and became, moot ,because Delta wedded Northwest. The surge in jet fuel prices caused disruption
- Continued, a new development in ICBM technology essentially rendered the points, moot , This was the deployment of the Multiple Independently targetable Reentry
- Games streak would have been jeopardized. The replacements questions became, moot ,when the strike was finally settled. The Ripen countdown resumed once the
- Cases" or" controversies ", the Supreme Court avoids deciding cases that are, moot ,and does not render advisory opinions, as the supreme courts of some states may
- Discussions regarding the Skylab imagery. The behind-the-scenes debate proved, moot ,as the photograph appeared in the federal government's archive of satellite
- Partner, while the proposal of a personal union with Muscovy was rendered, moot ,by his own sudden death, on December 12, 1586 in Old Honda Castle. (His
- Indicated that Chandra died on the journey back to Earth, making the point, moot , HAL in 2061: Odyssey Three and 3001: The Final Odyssey In is surprised to
- UPN had no plans of returning kids programming to the network, but it became a, moot ,point due to its merger with The WB creating The CW. When The CW launched, they
- To posit that the government nullified Marconi's other patents to render, moot ,claims for compensation (as, it is speculated, the government's initial
- And more modern, scalable facility nearby. These proposals are now effectively, moot ,as a result of the alternative modernization plan undertaken by the current
- And the X-Men what to do with Magneto’s daughter. Their decision was rendered, moot , though, as by the time they reached Kenosha reality altered around the heroes
- Arrangement was upheld by the Reichstag in 1752. In 1777 the question became, moot ,when the Elector Palatine inherited Bavaria. On many occasions, however,there
- Of Mbeki's vote in South Africa's 2009 general election was a matter of, moot ,discussion amongst press and public alike. Although Meek had completely
- Used by the Philippines) would hold up in court is debatable but possibly, moot , as the PRC and Vietnam seem unwilling to legally substantiate their claims and
- And considered rejecting the award if it were to be given. The issue proved, moot , as both versions of the award (by Major League Baseball and by The Sporting
- Chef titles to challengers was also discontinued (although this was largely a, moot ,point as few challengers ever defeated two Iron Chefs in separate contests)
- The separate ballots for President and Vice President became something of a, moot ,issue later in the 19th century when it became the norm for popular elections
- To prevent the evasion of the ends of justice by waiting until a matter is, moot , The penalty for violating a legislative or court-imposed time constraint may
- Modeled in the 1970s,the argument that quasars were too luminous became, moot ,and today the cosmological distance of quasars is accepted by almost all
- Of the Allied Control Council. In practice, the ACC’s authority was rendered, moot ,by the Cold War, and the East German government ignored the legal restrictions
- Contentious and long periods of disunity where the question of legitimacy is, moot ,; see also Imperial Seal of China. In fact, less than a third of China's
- Incorporate compatibility with the Gemini, made that impractical. This became, moot ,when slippage in readiness of the AS-204 spacecraft caused the last-quarter
- Were no territorial losses by either side. The issue of impressment was made, moot ,when the Royal Navy, no longer needing sailors, stopped impressment after the
- Immunity on any of several valid technical grounds. The question was rendered, moot ,in November when a Portland grand jury returned an indictment against" John
- Receptors. Under these conditions, notions of receptor selectivity are, moot , and it seems probable that most of the receptors identified as targets for DMT
- As its timbre differs from the sound of earlier gut strings. Such concerns are, moot ,when more recent compositions for the lute are performed. Of note are the "
- Then met and rescinded its nullification ordinance. The Force Bill became, moot ,because it was no longer needed. Indian removal Perhaps the most controversial
- Region of Sandra, but the" official recognition" of Bosnian language is, moot , Bosnian is an optional course in 1st and 2nd grade of the elementary school
- Changes, and the Constitutional Court ultimately declared the referendum issue, moot , but ordered the government not to subject any changes to the labor law in the
- Turnover, and hence training costs; raising the minimum wage may" render, moot ," the potential problem of recruiting workers at a higher wage than current
- Effect of a growing money supply. Specie concerns have since been rendered, moot ,by fiat money and floating exchange rates. In time, the heavy emphasis on money
- Understood and its difference from spirits largely seems to be an arguable, moot ,point, so far, until further revelation is given (but, suffice it to say
- Moodle Virtual Learning Environment *Guinness - a point in a case is said to be, moot , when it has been made irrelevant and would not have any effect on the outcome
- Was added to the Constitution, and this interpretation of Section Four became, moot , When the Supreme Court revisited some territory covered by Luther v.
- And transistors available on common devices has rendered such fine distinctions, moot , Terms suggesting greater than VLSI levels of integration are no longer in
- 48,United States Code). The issue of Palmyra's governance is generally a, moot ,point, as there is no indigenous population remaining nor any reason to think
- Of the euro ", however his subsequent deposition has rendered this deadline, moot , There are several challenges, however. The rate of corruption remains one of
- Would defeat Spitzer in a landslide. (The potential 2010 match-up became, moot ,when Spitzer resigned on March 17, 2008. ) A March 20, 2008,poll of New York
- Administration and Justice Studies Institute. The building also contains two, moot ,courts, computer laboratories, lecture theaters and seminar rooms. 283 Queen
- An ardent foe of nuclear proliferation, considered sales of such weapons, moot ,since" in the event of war the United States would, from the outset, be
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