Examples of the the word, leftover , in a Sentence Context
The word ( leftover ), is the 12714 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Essentially, this film is a 27-minute postscript to Le Jodi Mai assembled from, leftover ,footage and organized around a new commentary (Film Comment). **Note: This
- b)=0 then a | b else b does not divide an" evenly ": # Remainder (a, b ): the, leftover ,if b does not divide an" evenly ". Also called MOD (a, b ): # a = b: SG | a -
- Chart covers a single hour between one high water and another (they ignore the, leftover ,24 minutes) and show the average tidal flow for that hour. An arrow on the
- January 9,1981). The series was canceled after the following season, but, leftover , episodes aired as late as the next June. Bixby was disappointed that his
- By the European Space Agency discovers an ancient cache of advanced technology, leftover ,from an alien race known as the Proteins (The capitol of Mars is called "
- Who follow the Theravada way feed themselves by alms, they must eat whatever, leftover ,foods which are given to them, including meat. (The Pale/Sanskrit term for
- The rate of some populated high natural background areas on Earth. This can be, leftover ,material (slag) from processing lunar soil and asteroids into oxygen, metals
- Vice, and Max Headroom was canceled part-way into its first broadcast season;, leftover ,episodes aired in spring 1988. Plans for a cinema version titled Max Headroom
- Cycle. Organisms may be consumed by a predator or a scavenger and, leftover ,organic material may then be further decomposed by detritivores, organisms
- Sandwich filler * Stench alley Genovese - wooden skewers alternating morsels of, leftover ,chicken meats (crests, testicles,livers ...) and mushrooms, dipped in white
- As absorbing sunlight to power his optic blasts. *The Power Primordial is a, leftover ,force from Big Bang and is controlled by the Elders of the Universe. *Psionic
- Bubble and squeak is a traditional English dish made with the shallow-fried, leftover ,vegetables from a roast dinner. The main ingredients are potato and cabbage
- Some designs were based on existing chassis (such as the Drummer), leftover , chassis from cancelled programs (Elephant and Surer Emil); others were
- In his quest to create a new kryptonite landmass. In addition, he uses a shard, leftover ,from processing it to create a kryptonite shiv, which he uses to stab Superman
- Some cornmeal in it) * Test in cassette - a salami made from all kind of, leftover ,meats from pork butchering (especially from the head) * Galatia - similar
- The mightiest men in New York City, took over what was essentially, a relic,a, leftover ,from a bygone era. According to historian Robert Car in his 1974 book The
- Available to form the diatomic carbon molecules) in carbon stars, and ", leftover ,nothing" in the S stars. The relation between these stars and the ordinary M
- As a possible carcinogen. Coir Coco Peat, also known as coir or coco, is the, leftover ,material after the fibers have been removed from the outermost shell (bolster
- As both members had left the band by this point, the track was presumably a, leftover ,from the Behind the Mask sessions. There were also two new Christine Movie
- With the publishers claiming the book's manuscript was found among Bachman's, leftover ,papers by his widow. Still, it was obvious from the book's packaging and
- Duck Trentino-Alto Adige/Suction *Candela or Model – dumplings made with, leftover ,bread and cold cuts *Carnsalada e fast – aromatized salt beef with beans
- Becomes available to form titanium oxide) in stars of normal composition,", leftover ,carbon" ( which becomes available to form the diatomic carbon molecules) in
- Of hazardous waste. Examples of listed wastes include: * many sludge, leftover ,from electroplating processes. * wastes from certain cleaning and/or degreasing
- Glad products to suburban housewives and saving the day. (Not to mention, leftover ,food. ) Leo G. Carroll had a cameo on the first episode of Laugh-In broadcast
- By extracting the soluble chemicals in the tobacco by-products, processing the, leftover ,tobacco fibers from the extraction into a paper, and then reapplying the
- Trace amounts of lithium. This process peaked after about five minutes. Any, leftover ,neutrons underwent negative beta decay with a half-life of about a thousand
- Tends to" eat up" all of whichever element is less abundant, resulting in ", leftover ,oxygen" ( which becomes available to form titanium oxide) in stars of normal
- Make something else for me. Just give me a print. ' End of story. " Using this, leftover ,money, Lynch decided to experiment on making a work that was a mix of animation
- Duck Trentino-Alto Adige/Suction *Candela or Model – dumplings made with, leftover ,bread and cold cuts *Carnsalada e fast – aromatized salt beef with beans
- Sandwich filler * Stench alley Genovese - wooden skewers alternating morsels of, leftover ,chicken meats (crests, testicles,livers ...) and mushrooms, dipped in white
- Of academic department teams, a feast contributed to by student-donated, leftover ,board points, a cooking contest, and a general sense of mayhem. Serious
- Employers gave each servant a box containing gifts and bonuses (and sometimes, leftover ,food). Date Boxing Day is a secular holiday that is traditionally celebrated
- Land grant challenge Sutter's El Sobrante (Spanish for, leftover ,) land grant was challenged by the Squatter's Association, and in 1858 the U.
- Water reactors, the fuel is typical enriched to between 2 % and 5 % 235U (the, leftover ,fraction with less 235U is called depleted uranium). Enrichment facilities are
- Desire—whenever discourse attempts to articulate desire, there is always a, leftover ,or surplus. For Lacey," desire is neither the appetite for satisfaction nor
- During World War II, Lamborghini went into business building tractors out of, leftover ,military hardware from the war effort. By the mid-1950s,Lamborghini's tractor
- The triangleand it would eventually form the Sierpinski Gasket with a few, leftover ,points. It is interesting to do this with pencil and paper. A brief outline is
- Clues" and production was resumed. Production of the episode" Split! ",a, leftover ,script from the Emma Peel color series, proceeded. Two completely new episodes
- Score two points, they will often attempt to" blank an end" by removing any, leftover ,opposition rocks and rolling out; or, if there are no opposition rocks, just
- At standard temperature and pressure. It can be converted to graphite (plus, leftover ,kinetic energy),but only after overcoming an activation energy - an
- Supernatural concepts to explain the events. One explanation pins the blame on, leftover ,technology from the mythical lost continent of Atlantis. Sometimes connected to
- Laser-based SDI systems. *Homer Hickey Jr's novel Back to the Moon used, leftover ,SDI weapons, including the Homing Overlay Experiment, in an attempt to kill the
- Nuuttipukkis dressed in goat hides circulated in homes after Joule, eating, leftover , food. Joulupukki visits people's homes and rides a sleigh pulled by a number
- Prepared with rice cooled overnight, allowing restaurants to put unnerved, leftover ,rice to good use. It typically uses more soy sauce than the mainland version. *
- Represents the alveolar lateral click. *An illustrating example of x as a ", leftover ," letter is differing usage in three different East Cushitic languages: In
- Is commemorated. He wrote the poem, as it was very cheap, being made from, leftover , otherwise thrown away, parts of a sheep (the most common livestock in
- Passes through an internal recirculation (or" record" ) filter to remove any, leftover ,contaminants from manufacture, any particles or chemicals that may have somehow
- Eventually accreted enough matter for their gravity to hold onto the nebula's, leftover ,gas. Recent simulations of planetary migration have suggested that both ice
- Chain Alcoa dehydrogenase deficiency (MAD) **Ethanol (mouthwash,", leftover ,morning-after-the-party drinks" ) Young adults By far, the most common cause
- Some cornmeal in it) * Test in cassette - a salami made from all kind of, leftover ,meats from pork butchering (especially from the head) * Galatia - similar
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