Examples of the the word, bookshop , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Memories ", published in November 1936,recalled aspects of his time at the, bookshop , and in Keep the Aspidistra Flying," he described it, or revenged himself upon
  2. Also accused of anti-Semitic statements and a petrol bomb attack on a Jewish, bookshop ,owner. Recent history Violent acts such as bombings and vigilantism in Cape
  3. Of short pieces for a booksellers trade journal about life in a fictitious, bookshop , and this attracted the attention of Charles Montana, an editor at the British
  4. Delayed due to the current financial climate. Blackwell's Bookshop is a large, bookshop ,which claims the largest single room devoted to book sales in the whole of
  5. A change in fortune. Johnson was born in the family home above his father's, bookshop ,in Litchfield, Staffordshire and, He did not cry and, with doubts surrounding
  6. Of the Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge, and also ran a, bookshop , She looked after the affairs of the Press very capably and occasionally sent
  7. Other shops closed more recently, Zwemmers art bookshop , Shipley the art, bookshop ,in December 2008 and Murder One in 2009. Smaller second-hand and specialist
  8. As" the first healing wind on a very parched collective mind ". Soon after the, bookshop ,reading, plans were hatched for the International Poetry Incarnation, Buddhism
  9. In a bedsit in London and earns enough to live, without luxuries, in a small, bookshop ,owned by a Scot, McKechnie. He works intermittently at a magnum opus describing
  10. Rules and Origins" was out of print. They were also advised that" your local, bookshop ,might have a copy of The Little Book of Morning ton Crescent by Tim, Graeme
  11. Covers of books. His father, Benjamin Marks, was joint owner of the Marks & Co, bookshop ,at 84 Sharing Cross Road, which achieved international fame with the 1970 book
  12. Or مكاتب" desks" or" offices ": Malabar- مَكتَبة or مكتبة" library" or ", bookshop ,": makeup- مَكتوب or مكتوب" written" ( participle) or" postal letter" (
  13. Him a job as a part-time assistant in" Book lovers' Corner ", a second-hand, bookshop ,in Hempstead run by Francis and Many West rope. The West ropes, who were
  14. This job was as a part-time assistant in" Booklover's Corner ", a second-hand, bookshop ,in Hempstead run by Francis and Many West rope who were friends of Nellie
  15. That two prominent British leftists had hoped Lennon would finance a left-wing, bookshop ,and reading room. Writing and art Lennon's biographer Bill Harry writes that
  16. Gaarder's book Vita Breves is a translation of a letter Guarder found in a, bookshop ,in Buenos Aires which is assumed to be a letter from Augustine's concubine to
  17. Working full-time in a Borders store, he wrote The Overnight (2004),about, bookshop ,staff trapped in their hellish workplace during an overnight shelf-filling
  18. The local paper. The ensuing publicity results in Gordon losing his job at the, bookshop , and, consequently,his relatively 'comfortable' lifestyle. As Gordon searches
  19. Contrast," Rosemary is a credible female portrait. " Through his work in the, bookshop ,Orwell was in a position to become acquainted with women," first as a clerk
  20. The gospel everywhere. " At Christmas, he returned home and found work in a, bookshop ,in Dordrecht for six months. He was not happy in this new position and spent
  21. Forces. Violence against Christians has been recorded. The owner of a Christian, bookshop ,was abducted and murdered, and on 15 February 2008,the Christian Youth
  22. The first meeting, of seven men, took place, on 7 March 1804 at Richards, bookshop ,in Piccadilly, London. Wedgwood was chairman; also present were William
  23. Older companions and took up drinking and smoking. After this, Hesse began a, bookshop ,apprenticeship in Solingen am Nectar, but,after three days, he left. Then, in
  24. Copy was lost for nearly two hundred years when it appeared in a Cambridge, bookshop , inscribed with the signature ‘ J. Reynolds Victor ’. From 1749 to 1752,he
  25. Including Silver Moon, apparently Europe’s largest women’s interest, bookshop , which became part of Forces. Other shops closed more recently, Zwemmers art
  26. The war there. He made his living tutoring at local gymnasiums and working in a, bookshop , He may have attended lectures at the Jagiellonian University, but little is
  27. Of his pupils was Roderick Elsevier (1547–1617),who established the largest, bookshop ,and printing works in Leiden, a business continued by his descendants through
  28. A bookworm. A store where books are bought and sold is a bookstore or, bookshop , Books can also be borrowed from libraries. In 2010,Google estimated that
  29. States where he remained for four years before returning to Paris to open a, bookshop , Death Paine died at the age of 72,at 59 Grove Street in Greenwich Village
  30. International book signing tour; queues have been known to stretch outside the, bookshop ,and the author has continued to sign books well after the intended finishing
  31. In September 2008,he hosted" The Writer's Table" for Waterstone's, bookshop ,chain, highlighting 40 books which have influenced his career. In October 2009
  32. Years later. Upon seeing a copy of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, in a, bookshop , he allegedly muttered," Is this old turkey still floating around? " And was
  33. The 1960s,led by figures such as Pierre Guillaume (who was involved in the, bookshop ,La Viable Taupe during the 1960s). Recently, elements of the extreme far
  34. Later in 1966 the paper moved to Plum Street where they also established a, bookshop , Fifth Estate thrived in the late sixties, a period when over 500 underground
  35. Zeno was a merchant and that after surviving a shipwreck, Zeno wandered into a, bookshop ,in Athens and was attracted to some writings about Socrates. He asked the
  36. James Boswell—who would later become Johnson's first major biographer—in the, bookshop ,of Johnson's friend, Tom Davies. They quickly became friends, although Boswell
  37. Which became part of Forces. Other shops closed more recently, Zwemmers art, bookshop , Shirley the art bookshop in December 2008 and Murder One in 2009. Smaller
  38. A restaurant, cafe, shops,and two bars. The site also includes the university, bookshop , The Arts Center also houses the University of Warwick Music Center with
  39. By this time, his earnings from writing equalled the wages he got in the, bookshop , so he made the decision to become a full-time writer. He was voted the Most
  40. 1955),a novel in diary form about the life of a sales assistant in a, bookshop , In 1955,The Observer newspaper ran a competition for a short story set in the
  41. Suburb known as 'Man gold Larva '. There, Mole lives and owns a second hand, bookshop ,in the later novels, notably,Townsend's latest, Adrian Mole: The Prostrate
  42. Father, and it is possible that Johnson spent most of his time in his father's, bookshop ,reading various works and building his literary knowledge. They remained in
  43. This time, the party saw a popularity growth in east London and relocated its, bookshop ,to a heavily fortified headquarters at Welling. At the 1992 general election
  44. Of soldiers in wartime. He discovered Leo Tolstoy's The Gospel in Brief at a, bookshop ,in Galicia, and carried it everywhere, recommending it to anyone in distress
  45. Separated from his wife. *Mr. McKenzie – the lazy Scot who owns the first, bookshop , white-haired and white-bearded, a teetotaler and snuff taker. *Mr. Cheese man –
  46. But it was published in 1922 by Sylvia Beach from her well-known Rive Gauche, bookshop , Shakespeare and Company. An English edition published the same year by Joyce
  47. British newspaper The Guardian proclaimed this the world's most beautiful, bookshop , * Vrijthof - the best-known square in the city. Sights: ** Sint-Servaas
  48. The Wheel. Becoming a writer On 17 October 1895,Hesse began working in the, bookshop ,in Tübingen, which had a specialized collection in theology, philology,and law
  49. General. And French" libraries" is the cognate of" library" but refers to a, bookshop , Another Spanish/English false friend is" embarrassed/embarazado ". Where "
  50. Intelligence at U. S. 5th Army HQ, he had found a book dated 1879 in a Naples, bookshop ,giving details of the construction of the abbey. In his memorandum to Frey berg

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