Examples of the the word, roads , in a Sentence Context

The word ( roads ), is the 12700 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On the ridge tops of the canyon to the sites on the valley bottoms. The largest, roads , constructed at the same time as many of the great house sites (between 1000
  2. Enough senators to finance the building and maintenance of networks of, roads ,in Italy, he undertook direct responsibility for them in 20 BC. This was
  3. Images and ground investigations, archaeologists have detected at least 8 main, roads ,that together run for more than 180 miles (ca 300 km),and are more than 30
  4. N Production cars and more modified Group A cars. Cars compete on closed public, roads ,or off-road areas run on a point-to-point format where participants and their
  5. Retreated back to Boston, thousands of militiamen attacked them along the, roads , inflicting great damage before timely British reinforcements prevented a total
  6. Sometimes aligned along the courses of the roads . Also, some tracts of the, roads ,lead to natural features such as springs, lakes,mountain tops and pinnacles.
  7. In multiple socio-economic reconstruction efforts, including power, roads , agricultural and educational projects. There are also military ties between
  8. Because of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, large numbers of trees were felled, roads ,were built through pristine areas, and large expanses of agricultural land were
  9. About 1/3 endemic). The government sponsored the construction of aqueducts and, roads ,in addition to preexisting installations. Some of these constructions are still
  10. Government has started to implement ambitious development programs in building, roads ,and other basic infrastructure for the nation. In the last decade of the
  11. From recently conquered areas. With his finances securing the maintenance of, roads ,throughout Italy, Augustus also installed an official courier system of relay
  12. Voids or greater bitumen content than the" asphalt concrete" used to pave, roads , Another description has it that the term derives from the Arcadian term
  13. Anniston, Birmingham,and Tuscaloosa. Roads Alabama has five major interstate, roads ,that cross the state: I-65 runs north–south roughly through the middle of the
  14. Originates from different routes close to Pueblo Bonito and Hero Keel. These, roads ,converge at Pueblo Alto and from there lead north beyond the Canyon limits.
  15. US 84,US 90,US 98,US 231,US 278,US 280,and US 431. There are four toll, roads ,in the state: Alabama River Parkway in Montgomery; Black Warrior Parkway in
  16. By using suicide bombers and planting improvised explosive devices (Beds) on, roads , Every year many Afghan police officers are killed in the line of duty. The
  17. Transportation by conventional vehicles. Winds continuously blow snow on the, roads , The McCurdy – South Pole Highway is a 900-mile (1450 km) road in Antarctica
  18. Goods inside and outside the canyon. Someone also suggested that these large, roads ,were used to quickly move an army from the canyon to the outlier communities, a
  19. Automobiles have recently become more widely available after the rebuilding of, roads ,and highways. They are imported from the United Arab Emirates through Pakistan
  20. The Angolan government has contracted the restoration of many of the country's, roads , The road between Ubangi and Namib, for example, was completed recently with
  21. Sector for the country’s economy. The transport sector in the country includes, roads , railways, aviation,and maritime transport. Azerbaijan is also an important
  22. In arcades formed under these structures. This minimized the intrusion of the, roads , and Saudi designed them using local stone in a way that integrates them
  23. Ignored him. Among Speer's innovations were quick-reaction squads to construct, roads ,or clear away debris; before long, these units would be used to clear bomb
  24. S importance rested on the fact was that it was the junction point where the, roads ,in northern Anatolia running north-south and east-west intersected. The great
  25. Like berms and walls are found sometimes aligned along the courses of the, roads , Also, some tracts of the roads lead to natural features such as springs, lakes
  26. He is acclaimed for constructing hospitals for animals and renovating major, roads ,throughout India. After this transformation, Ashoka came to be known as
  27. BCE but is based probably on a much older map. These maps indicated directions, roads , towns, borders,and geological features. Anaximander's innovation was to
  28. Raised at the height of Åland, from all were those within its walls, for its, roads ,were a labyrinth, like the curls of a bride. From a learned traveler Asian
  29. And a beautiful green ring around the city center. There are two sets of ring, roads ,in Adelaide that have resulted from the original design. The inner ring route (
  30. The 18 city roads , numbered S101 through to S118. These city roads are regional, roads ,without grade separation, and sometimes without a central reservation. Most are
  31. In Adelaide's South led to the construction of the Southern Expressway. New, roads ,are not the only transport infrastructure developed to cope with the urban
  32. To 'Onto '. Sinclair Oil has a long history of being a fixture on American, roads ,(and briefly in other countries) with its green dinosaur logo and mascot, an
  33. Gatherings for seasonal ceremonies. Furthermore, considering that some of these, roads ,seem to go nowhere, experts suggest that they can be linked—especially the
  34. Features such as long linear grooves were cut into the bedrock along certain, roads ,which do not seem to point to a specific direction. It has been proposed that
  35. Puebloan infrastructure is at Chico Canyon and is the Chico Road, a system of, roads ,radiating out from many great house sites such as Pueblo Bonito, Chetro Keel
  36. 400 million to $700 million. Transportation Alberta has over of highways and, roads , of which nearly are paved. The main north-south and links Highway 4 to Highway
  37. And most other cities and large towns are now connected with asphalt-paved, roads , while smaller towns are often connected by dirt roads , which may require a
  38. Used as the binder for road aggregates. The addition of tar to macadam, roads ,led to the word tarmac, which is now used in common parlance to refer to road
  39. Crude oil, while asphalt is used for the oil refinery product used to pave, roads ,and manufacture roof shingles and various waterproofing products. Diluted
  40. On the A10 allow cars to enter the city by transferring to one of the 18 city, roads , numbered S101 through to S118. These city roads are regional roads without
  41. The Angolan government has contracted the restoration of many of the country's, roads , though. Many companies are coming into the country from China and surrounding
  42. Large parts of it. There was an increasing demand for office buildings and new, roads ,as the automobile became available to most common people. A metro started
  43. Tops and pinnacles. The Great North Road The longest and most famous of these, roads ,is the Great North Road. The Great North Road originates from different routes
  44. Other Australian cities, with a well-defined city layout and wide multiple-lane, roads ,from the beginning of its development. Historically, Adelaide was known as a "
  45. Mainly of large housing blocks situated among green spaces, connected to wide, roads , making the neighborhoods easily accessible by motor car. The western suburbs
  46. The benefits of Light's design are numerous; Adelaide has had wide multi-lane, roads ,from its beginning, an easily navigable grid layout and a beautiful green ring
  47. Regions and larger towns of the Alps are well served by motorways and main, roads , but higher passes and by- roads can be treacherous even in summer. Many passes
  48. Of Ketchikan. The road systems leading from these cities are strictly local; no, roads ,connect these communities to each other or any other communities apart from
  49. To one of the 18 city roads , numbered S101 through to S118. These city, roads ,are regional roads without grade separation, and sometimes without a central
  50. Outskirts to the city proper in roughly twenty minutes. However, these, roads , are now often considered inadequate to cope with Adelaide's growing road

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