Examples of the the word, ow , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ow ), is the 12717 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Though found in predominantly German names, it is pronounced like English ", ow ," not like the German" of" ) * -quest,-list (Swedish) " twig" ( archaic
  2. Pronounced with an" ah" sound instead of the more standard pronunciation of ", ow , " The language of the early Scots-Irish settlers had the greatest influence on
  3. May be pronounced as. * specifically at the ends of words, with the spelling ", ow ," (such as in thr ow and foll ow ) is pronounced as in monosyllabic words and in
  4. Arabic has no v and standard Iranian Persian has w only within the diphthong, ow , # In the Arabic alphabet () comes before (), h ow ever in the Persian alphabet
  5. Was renamed to L ow , meaning " Freet ow n" from kl oho (" freedom" ) and, ow ,(t ow n). In 1168,Musket died, and was foll ow ed by his son Musket II. Musket
  6. A phrase used in elocution teaching to demonstrate rounded v ow el sounds. Each ", ow ," sound in the phrase represents an individual diphthong. The phrase does not
  7. East-west, or 10 km². There is a coral rim along the eastern side, in the north, ow ,which is the most northerly island of the Emirate Islands, North Island. It is
  8. Á is the 2nd letter of the Icelandic alphabet and represents (as in ", ow ,"). Portuguese and Spanish In Portuguese and Spanish, the " á" isn't
  9. Simplification" bel ow ); can't rhymes with aren't, etc. * The" a" and ", ow ," sounds in raid and road (and respectively) are pronounced as monophthongize
  10. Volteryantsy i volteryanki,2004 - won the Russian Booker Prize). * Mosc ow , ow , ow (" Москва Ква-Ква" - Moseley Kafka,2006) * Rare Earths (" Редкие земли
  11. Perhaps originally had the sound /u/, but was displaced by the adoption of an, ow ,ligature Ⱆ under the influence of later Cyrillic. Other letters were late
  12. Iw - mini by - by EW - sew a - Say bay PW - KGB of - of aw - Kalb UY - may, ow ,- bel ow Nominal Morphology Where the morphology is concerned, the language is
  13. The five word symbols form nine digraphs (ch, gh, sh,TH, wh, ed,er, ou, and, ow , ) and the letter w. Letters and numbers widths" 60px" heights" 90px
  14. The closest English equivalent to the v ow el in the first syllable is the, ow ,in" b ow -and-arr ow " ). The modern English pronunciation is. Background Tacitus
  15. For long sounds. There are special v ow el markings for certain diphthongs. The, ow ,in h ow () is just an circle foll ow ed by an u hook. The Io in lion (), or
  16. Entirely. Diphthongs i.e. \; \; \; ^\or \squad oi \; \; \; ^\Mather \squad, ow ,\; \; \; _\and \squad EW \; \; \; _\cap There are four diphthongs in Pitman's
  17. Features Two noticeable features of the dialect are the v ow el sound, ow ,(as in l ow ) which is used where standard English would use of as in cold cold
  18. Village has existed since the time of the Vikings. By that time the main river, ow ,called Drammenselva, rose 4-5 meters higher than today’s level making transport
  19. As a small arch. Both" i.e." and" oi" are written in first position, while ", ow ," and" EW" are written in third position. And in the same way, the whole
  20. Yn Kernel then NI. Chorus In builder a bad ha war don n ow a for, Pan even, ow ,Chandra are Darr ow tremor In pub LE Yang, hag in deliver bro Y train
  21. That only five v ow els exist in the language: these are called? Ey, Iy, Ay, ?, ow , and yaw, and are invariably cited in precisely that order .... The discovery
  22. His ow n d ow nfall and death. Aladdin uses the lamp to return the people to their, ow ,time. He then goes back to restore the damage done by the Pasha. Jr. wishes
  23. Or water),see German words Au or AUE. This meaning of -Au (earlier spelling, ow , ow e, ouwe) describes settlements by streams and rivers. Example: Nassau, a
  24. Schneider 1966:14-17). Schneider spells the mid-v ow els as closed a and, ow ,vs. open e and o, but Todd spells them as closed e and o vs. open eh and oh.
  25. Church of Canada. Asked h ow to say his name, he told The Literary Digest it had, ow ,as in n ow : r ow -ELL. (Charles Earle Funk,What's the Name, Please?, Funk &
  26. Are also the foll ow ing diphthongs: ow , ɔw, ej,æj PW in/YW, ew/PW and æw/PW., ow ,and PW are both present in Vends, NVJy and Many, but only one occurs in Stays
  27. The government is made up of a Mayor and a five-member T ow nship Council, all, ow , whom are elected at-large in partisan elections to serve four-year concurrent
  28. Volteryantsy i volteryanki,2004 - won the Russian Booker Prize). * Mosc ow ow , ow ,(" Москва Ква-Ква" - Moseley Kafka,2006) * Rare Earths (" Редкие земли "
  29. Occurs in Stays, SønJy and Sydney. There is a tendency t ow ards PW, but in Many, ow ,can be found instead. The same sort of alternation is also seen with ex and æj.
  30. Out for this one. * km represents the hard ch sound as in Scottish lock. *, ow ,rhymes with English c ow , and likewise or rhymes with English hour. *When
  31. And claims" everyone's my cousin, except Winston Peters he's a 'dick ', ow ,", he is kn ow n to be cousins with famous actress Keisha Castle Hughes and
  32. Such as SIL. Ly. Popular URL shortening services bit. Ly, nm. Ly (namely) and, ow , Ly use this hack. The link shortening service GARAF. Fi was created as a
  33. Specifically to gr ow its upstream asset cover to 35-40 %; it also plans to gr, ow ,It's d ow nstream businesses in its core markets of Texas, US North East and
  34. The v ow el transcribed u is spelled using the Armenian letters for, ow ,(ու),but is not actually a diphthong. There are also traditionally six
  35. Long-tailed Duck. The males are vocal and have a musical yodeling call Ow, ow , swall ow . The Long-tailed Duck is one of the species to which the Agreement on
  36. Today. Under French influence, the letter u was replaced with of (or final, ow ,), so it is no longer considered a long v ow el either. Thus, the so-called" long
  37. Hence" Rangoon ". For the Chinese, the road is called you gang LU (後港路) or, ow ,King, meaning " back of the port road ", signifying that one could go to the
  38. Dipthongs, subsequently pronounced by a deistic voice (e.g. " Oo "," EE ",", ow ,"," all "," ALK ", et. Al. ). Imran Far hat (, born 20 May 1982 in Lahore) is
  39. Comprise two v ow els which, together,make a single sound,e.g. ai, oo, ow ,*direct Instruction: A teaching style that"emphasizes the use of carefully
  40. Sad breath his spongy lungs best ow 'd, : O all that borr ow ed motion seemingly, ow ,'d, : :Would yet again betray the fore-betray'd, : :And new pervert a reconciled
  41. A group of small, round,furry pink and orange Muppets that emit a tonal ", ow ," when Marvin strikes them on the head with his mallet. Although Marvin is not
  42. I hate it when he's right! " * Part 11,page 4,panel 5: Mario:" Ow, ow , ow , " →" Look out! " * Mario Vs. Mario, page 5,panel 3: Mario:" Phew! That
  43. The Grandmothers: A Mother of an Anthology (1993,CD, USA,One Way Records, ow ,28880) = compilation + extra tracks *Fraternity of Man:" X" ( 3) (1995,CD
  44. Ly domain: bit. Ly, a service that was formerly the default choice for Twitter;, ow , Ly, a service used by default by the Hootsuite, a Twitter client web service;
  45. But by different etymology),of ɔ: in, uy in, ūy u: in, ʏy y: in, iy in;, ow ,ɔ: up, aw aux Notes: 1) Please note that
  46. I hate it when he's right! " * Part 11,page 4,panel 5: Mario:" Ow, ow , ow ! " →" Look out! " * Mario Vs. Mario, page 5,panel 3: Mario:" Phew! That
  47. Has Wen dish etymology:" Barn" for ram," EK" for diminutive form, and ", ow ," referring to a place. The whole family-line features an extensive number of
  48. Of strong gentlemen wished to become the better-half of Mega. In order to kn, ow ,who among the suitors truly deserved the lady's heart, Ungaho called for a
  49. Elaborate high top fade haircut and a codpiece over his pants. His signature ", ow , " Was used as the intro for some of the band's songs and was sampled in Black
  50. From standard Danish long v ow els, there are also the foll ow ing diphthongs:, ow , PW, ej,æj PW in/YW, ew/PW and æw/PW. Ow and PW are both present in Vends

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